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Guest TOYBUFF911

Yonkers- MVA W/ Amputation - 08-11-06

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Location:S/B NYST N/O Hall Place

Frequency:NYSP/ YPD / YFD / NYPD / Empress

Units Operating: NYSP / YPD ESU-3, T-2, 850 (ESU LT.), 851 (ESU Sgt.), 2ndPct units, YFD E-313, L-73, R-1, B-2, Empress paramedic unit and medic supervisor, NYPD ESU A-4, FDNY Medic ambulance

Description Of Incident: Reported as a serious unknown MVA with an amputation. Upon arrival units found a civilian nurse and doctor holding pressure on a motorcyclists femoral artery to control bleeding, on a severed leg. It is believed that the motorcyclist was traveling south towards NYC and hit the back of a truck causing the devistating injury. Victim rushed to Jacobi Medical center in very serious condition by Empress paramedics. NYSP on scene conducting accident investigation.

Writer: Toybuff911

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