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World Trade Center The Movie

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I have to agree with you too Wolf. I had planned not to see it because of Oliver Stone. Who can forget his spin on the JFK assassination. But last night on WCBS-TV news they had the PA cops as well as FDNY members at the premier. Now I'm undecided if I should see it or not. Tough call.

For some reason I feel this movie is too soon, especially for families who lost people.

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i heard over the radio that 30% of americans forgot which year 9/11 happened...

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I saw it today..

Im not going to make any comments about it, because I know that 9/11 is a very touchy subject for most. Especially for a lot of the guys who go on this website.

What I will say is this-

Even though September 11, 2001 brought pain and suffering to many many families, it brought together New York and the rest of the UNITED States. This brotherhood is well shown through out the movie.

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Well, I must say that I was one that was against the movie, my thinking is it's too soon. However, I gave in and went to see it today. I was curious to see how that day would be depicted.

Personally, it was a tough movie to watch. Seeing the depiction of the towers collapsing and seeing everyone one run for their lives, brought back some unwanted memories of that day.

But I must say, I thought the cimematography was excellent, it was a story of two survivors but in the end, I felt it told the story of all of us who helped that day.

The only thing that I disliked about the movie had to do with the fact that they made no reference to the EMT's/Paramedics who lost their lives that day...I can name at least 5.

It's a tough movie to digest, but it was worth it.

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How does everyone feel about this movie comming out? Me personally I think enough is enough already. Who wants to relive this again? Hasn't everyone gone through enough? I have no plans on seeing this "based on a true story" movie. If you want to see a movie about the trade center I would say buy the 9/11 video by those two brothers from france. Thats real... Not this B.S. they put in the movies...Also where doe's all the money from the movie go to? The familys of victims?

Just thought this was something interesting to share with everyone!

USS USS New York

With a year to go before it even touches the water, the Navy's amphibious assault ship USS New York has already made history. It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center.USS New York is about 45 percent complete and should be ready for launch in mid-2007. Katrina disrupted construction when it pounded the Gulf Coast last summer, but the 684-foot vessel escaped serious damage, and workers were back at the yard near New Orleans two weeks after the storm.

It is the fifth in a new class of warship - designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft.

"It would be fitting if the first mission this ship would go on is to make sure that bin Laden is taken out, his terrorist organization is taken out," said Glenn Clement, a paint foreman. "He came in through the back door and knocked our towers down and (the New York</ ns0:place> ) is coming right through the front door, and we want them to know that."

Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite, La., to cast the ship's bow section. When it was poured into the molds on Sept. 9, 2003, "those big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence," recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there. "It was a spiritual moment for everybody there."

Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the "hair on my neck stood up." "It had a big meaning to it for all of us," he said. "They knocked us down. They can't keep us down. We're going to be back."

The ship's motto? - 'Never Forget'

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I saw the movie today. I thought that it was all right. I never knew out of the twenty people that were pulled out alive that those two PAPD officers were numbers 18 and 19.

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I don't need to see a movie to remember 9/11!!! It's just another hollywood ploy to make money. That's all there worried about how they did the first week of it being open. You think they really did it so people remember?

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