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County Police Dodge Charger

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Was watching a couple different news stations that were covering Westchester County PD's crackdown on speeding and drag racing.

I noticed that the County PD was using, what I assume to be, a loaner/demo Dodge Charger. It was a black and white scheme, with the County Police patch and grey lettering, with "Special Enforcment" on the front fenders. Looked hot! A couple different reporters reffered to it as County PD's special weapon to catch up with the speeders.....I guess that's a reference to the Hemi, lol.

Hope to get photos soon.

Edited by x635

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they are county owned charger's there is 2 of them purchased for DWI units with money from the stop DWI program as of right now they are not done the one is floating around for that press conference. the other is still in the shop being finished. They are black and white and the graphics are alittle bit different than the usual graphics I will try and get you some pictures.

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