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Howells (Orange)-Deck Collapse 7-12-06

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Date: 7-12-06

Time: 00:01

Location: 121 Whitlock Rd. X Sagamore Dr. & Robbins Rd. (Town of Mt. Hope)

Frequency: 154.205, 157.450, 153.860, 46.16, 46.22, 46.30

Units Operating: Howells FD, Otisville TA-145, Mecanicstown R-119, Collapse Team, Goshen R-934, R-941, & collapse team, Otisville VAC(BLS), Regional EMS(ALS), Town of Wallkill VAC(BLS), NYSP, Town of Mt. Hope PD, & Town of Wallkill Building Inspector.

Description Of Incident: Deck collapse with injuries

Writer: 201/65

00:01 Howells FD Disp. for deck collapse w/ injuries

00:02 Otisville VAC Disp. for deck collapse w/ injuries

00:02 Otisville FD Disp. 1 TA for automatic response to Howells

00:02 Regional EMS Disp.

00:03 Otis. VAC assembling, Req. medevac on s/b

00:04 How. Car 2 Resp., units assem.

00:05 Otis. FD Car 1 Resp.

00:05 How. Car 1 Resp.

00:07 How. E-111 Resp.

00:07 Otis. TA-145 Resp.

00:08 How. E-113 Resp.

00:09 Reg. EMS 822 Resp. Mt. Hope

00:09 How. 2 o/s Req. addn'l Amb. 2 the scene for multiple injuries

00:10 As per Otis. VAC 1 rig from Town of Wallkill to the scene

00:11 Otis. 1 o/s

00:11 How. 1 o/s assuming Cmd.

00:12 How. 1 Req. Goshen and Mecanicstown structural collapse teams to the scene ASAP

00:12 How. 1 Req. Mt. Hope PD 2 scene

00:13 Goshen FD Structural Collapse Team Disp.

00:13 Mecanicstown FD Structural Collapse Team Disp.

00:14 Orange Car 11 Disp.

00:15 How. Cmd. Req. Medevac launch

00:15 Go. 3 Resp., units assem.

00:17 No medevac avail.

00:17 Mec. 3 Resp., units assem.

00:18 As per Mec. 3, will hold off on Haz-Mat team automatic response, only notify HM 1

00:18 HM 1 paged

00:18 OC 11 Resp.

00:20 Unk. if anyone is trapped under rubble, continue collapse teams, Cmd. post is on B side.

00:21 Wallkill VAC 195 Resp.

00:22 Regional 822 o/s

00:23 As per HM 1, Haz-Mat Team activated to s/b i/q

00:24 OC 19 Resp. w/ collapse teams

00:25 How. Cmd. advising all ops. are switching to OCFG Ch. 3(46.30)

00:26 Go. R-934, R-941, and collapse team Resp.

00:26 Mec. 3 o/s

00:27 Mec. R-119 Resp. w/ collapse team

00:27 How. Cmd. Req. City of Middletown 1 Eng s/b in Howells, & Pocatello 1 TA s/b i/q

00:28 HM 2 in service Resp.

00:28 City of Middletown Disp.

00:29 Pocatello Disp.

00:30 Pocatello Assem.

00:30 OC EMS 3 Resp.

00:31 How. Cmd. Req. 36 Control to advise local hospitals that multivle pts. have left scene via POV

00:32 HM 1 o/s

00:34 OC 11 o/s

00:35 Reg. EMS 829 o/s

00:39 C of M E-6 (E-130) enroute s/b

00:40 Mec. collapse team o/s

00:41 Cmd. Req. Mt. Hope Building Inspector to the scene

00:41 HM 6 advising HM Team is on s/b

00:42 Go. collapse team o/s

00:48 C of M E-6 on s/b

01:02 How. Cmd. Req. a SP helicoptor w/ thermal imaging camera to scene

01:32 HM Team released

01:44 as per EMS 3 all EMS units released & returning

01:46 EMS 3 clear in service

01:47 Otis. FD released from Howells

01:48 How. Cmd. Req. Town of Wallkill building inspector, Mt. Hope not avail.

01:51 Earliest SP will fly is 05:00 hrs, cancelled

01:51 Cmd. Req. Orange and Rockland supervisor to scene

01:55 Wallkill Build. Insp. 15 min ETA, O&R notified, no ETA provided

01:58 All Otis. FD units BIQ/BIS

02:04 Go. units released & returning

02:04 Mec. units released & returning

02:15 OC 19 clear in service

02:37 C of M E-6 released from Howells returning

02:37 Pocatello units released from s/b, inservice

02:38 All Howells units clear the scene, returning

*note* all pts. were transported to Orange Regional Medical Center, Horton Campus in Middletown, NY

Edited by 201/65

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