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Help Contribute To EMTBravo's Operating Expenses

2 posts in this topic & are operated by EMTBravo in his spare time, and out of his own pocket. An enormous amount of personal time and money is spent providing this website for your use and enjoyment. As many of you are aware, it costs money to operate this site. From webhosting space, software, bandwith,computer and photographic equipment, and other related time and costs etc it can and has been getting quite expensive.

By contributing to EMTBravo, you are helping to contribute to the large operating expenses of this site. We enjoy being able to keep this site not-for-profit, non commerical and free for everyone.

PLEASE don't feel obligated to contribute at all. We hope that you enjoy this site, and that a couple bucks a year is worth it to you if you can afford it to help us keep EMTBravo online. We have funded this site completly independently, except with only a short period of limited donations about 2 years ago. Since starting this current donation drive, the members who have contributed so far have covered the complete operating expenses of the site for May and June, and we really appreciate that and those members generosity.

Click Here To Donate

All Donation Transactions Are Processed Through PayPal, a secure established online payment transaction site owned by Ebay. Paypal, Visa, and Mastercard are accepted.

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My services are still available from a redesign perspective. I'd love to get you fitted for a nice CMS (Content Management System) to make it a lot easier to update the pictures/etc. :D

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