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Blue lights approved for law enforcement vehicles

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This issue has been argued by many states but many local communities police departments do not want us using blue-red lights but the bottom line is we have the final say, (ie ny,nj and vt are not  fans of LE using the blue-red combo) Vermont (and NH too I think) the cops use blue and combo blue/red facing in all directions.

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The federal Law Enforcement are not required to follow state laws since we have juridiction and authority over all the states, so basically we can run blue-red where-ever and when-ever we justify... This issue has been argued by many states but many local communities police departments do not want us using blue-red lights but the bottom line is we have the final say

Well...aren't you guys just so special! :rolleyes:

I personally feel that one or two blue lights for volunteers is plenty, and they should be happy that ny allows that, many states do not let the volunteers have any lights at all! which is a way is good beacase there are alot of idiots out there that drive like maniacs to fire scenes with there light on and should not have a blue light at all.

Who cares what other states allow or don't allow? We should be happy to even have them when we've been able to use them by law for many decades? Sure, if that's your opinion. As far as your ridiculous overgeneralized stereotype about blue's a newsflash: there are plenty of cops (including feds) that drive like complete idiots also. Do you honestly think it matters whether you're a volunteer firefighter or a fed? It does not. It's all in the individual driver. And to be frank, if I needed someone to drive my rigs and had to choose between a volunteer firefighter who responds all the time to emergencies, or a fed that might respond lights and sirens once in a blue moon...guess who I'd choose? ;)

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A little off topic, but who governs what kind of lights emergency boats use, Ive seen PD with just blue lights here in CT and Even some Fire boats with blue lights as well; and some with red ones too, any input ?

well at Noroton Our Marine Unit 34 Run's Red Lights. But 17 Years Ago We Had Blue's Right Up To The Refurb

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