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White Plains Rotary donates Fire truck to Equador

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06/04/04) WHITE PLAINS - The White Plains Rotary Club has packed up a second-hand fire truck with protective gear and is sending it to their Ecuadorian sister organization.

A member of the club is from Ecuador and used her contacts there to help facilitate the deal. Evan Delman, another club member, says they will be sending medical supplies, dental equipment and ex-ray equipment to different areas of Ecuador.

This is the second time the Rotary Club has donated a fire truck to Ecuador. Officials say members of the club and Mayor Joseph Delfino (R-White Plains) will formally dedicate the truck in Ecuador during the summer.

News 12 Video -

Video reports that WPFD donated the engine, but it appears to have the initials SHVFC on the side door. Anyone have any further information?

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Perhaps it was one of the pieces used by the White Plains volunteer companies when they went to fires. I know they each have their own names, for example; East Side Volunteer Engine and Hose, rather than White Plains Fire Dept. As we know from the Journal News article a while back, these companies havent responded to a call in quite some time, and the engine looked pretty old. No facts to base that on, Just a guess...

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That engine is a 1984 Hendrickson (Now HME) Darley Pumper from Round Hill Fire Company in Greenwich..... it was replaced in the last few years by a new KME Pumper.

Old rig -

New rig -

The old engine in White Plains were solid red Maxims from the 1960's and 1970's. (With the exception of one from the late 1970's that was red and white. It served as Engine 2 and then Engine 8)

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