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New 60 Control Dispatchers?

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I could have swore I heard a new voice on 60 today, and the number 650? Are we welcoming new dispatchers?

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Yeah I think so... If so I would like to welcome the dispatchers :D

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Yeah I think so... If so I would like to welcome the dispatchers :D

Four new dispatchers, 649-652, started a little over a month ago.

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Yeah and dispatcher 650 is an x-co-worker of mine and he is an awsome dispatcher, hope everything goes well for him and all the other newcomers. B)

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Congrats from the rookies over at Stamford 911

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Yeah, the new dispatchers started awhile ago, but had to go through a ton of training before they even touched the radio.

I've heard a couple of them on the air recently and so far, so good in my opinion! Its great that the County puts them through so much training first (CAD, EMD, ect.) so that by the time they hit the air they are well prepared and confident.

Our 2nd Lt. is one of the newbies at 60 and is dispatcher 649. My buddy Shawn is also in the new batch and was formally a dispatcher for Westchester EMS (Somers FD) and is dispatcher 650 i believe.

Best of luck to all the new dispatchers and may they learn from their peers (except that 642 guy ;) ) and do as good and as professional a job as them!

Edited by BFD1054

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Best of luck to all of them from the Rock and Roll Supervisor.

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good luck to all the new dispatchers up at 60 control

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