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Interspiro problems in San Antonio

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San Antonio Firefighter Jumped Out Of Window After Breathing Mask Failed

A San Antonio firefighter jumped out of a window while battling a house fire Monday after his breathing apparatus failed, fire officials said.

Firefighter Mike Hernandez was among a team of firefighters who were battling flames and thick smoke in the attic of a home at 602 Burnet when his lifeline malfunctioned.

"It just stopped working on him and he couldn't get any more air," said Capt. Stephen Ersch, of the San Antonio Fire Department. "And he tried making it out, but the house had quite a bit of furniture in it and he couldn't make his way out, so he ended up diving out the window."

Hernandez was not seriously injured and was treated at the scene.

Hernandez's breathing apparatus was not the only one to malfunction at the fire. Ersch's lifeline fell apart as he was about to enter the burning home.

The pair of mechanical failures are the latest to plague the department in nearly a year.

Due to several malfunctions, the City of San Antonio decided to replace the current apparatuses made by Interspiro with those made by Scott.

"We've got our new BA's on the way," Ersch said. "And hopefully things will turn out a lot better for us. So, we make do with what we got."

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