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Guest TOYBUFF911

Yonkers- Shooting- 05-19-06

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Location: f/o 68 Warburton Avenue

Frequency: YPD / Empress

Units Operating: YPD 4th pct units, ESU-3,ESU-4, R/C300(LT),Empress paramedics

Description Of Incident: Report of multiple shots fired in the area of the 68 Warburton Ave. Upon canvass of the area 4 black males extited the rear of a closed business and 4th pct units recovered a 22calibre auto handgun from a 15 year old male. 20 minutes later, during the investigation, a radio call was recieved of a man shot on th leg at Trevor Park on Warburton Ave. Victim was treated by ESU-4 & empress and transported to Jacobi Medical Center with non life threatening injuries. ESU-3 on scene with 4th pct units assisting in rendering weapon safe and assisting with a crime scene search.

Writer: Toybuff911

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