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Damaged SCBA Bottles, Anyone have any

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Hey everyone, I was just wondering if any departments in the tri-state area have any damaged composite SCBA bottles. I am looking for bottles that are beyond repair, Since there is no longer a use for the damaged bottles, I was wondering if you would be willing to donate them to me, I am starting a large research project on them and I need some to cut apart and analyze. Once again I am looking for the Newer COMPOSITE 4.5 style Bottles, the size or brand does not matter.

If anyone knows of any bottles or has any bottles, let me know by posting, PMing or emailing me (



Edited by Porsha911gt3

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Contact AAA in North White Plains they are a SCOTT distributor. They are very receptive and will also take the time to explain any operational or construction questions you have. Their number is 914-949-0512.

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