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Croton Falls - Stat-Flight - 04-09-06

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Date: 04-09-06

Time: 1410hrs

Location: Deer Run Ct./Fox Den Ln.

Frequency: 46.26/46.14 (Ground contact)

Units Operating: CFFD Cars 2071, 2073, R28, E149 (LZ), North Salem VAC 72B2, Stat-Flight Air-1.

Description Of Incident: Fall victim w/severe head injury

Writer: BFD1054

1410hrs-Croton Falls FD dispatched to above location for a fall victim w/possible severe head injury.

1411hrs-Car 2071 10-17, 60-Control advising that they will place a medevac on s/b, also advising the victim is at a house under construction. Croton Falls re-dispatched, request for (1) engine for possible LZ.

1414hrs-As per Car 2071, Medevac a go, ground contact will be on 46.14.

1415hrs-R28 10-19.

1416hrs-E149 10-17 to the LZ, Car 2071 10-19 at the LZ on Grant Rd., he will be ground contact. 60-Control advising Stat-Flight has a 12 min. ETA.

1420hrs-60-Control advising Air-1 is airborne w/a 7 minute ETA.`

1421hrs-E149 10-19 the LZ.

1425hrs-North Salem VAC 72B2 advising that they are loading the patient and will be en-route to the LZ. Patient is a male in his 50's, unconscious throughout incident, Paramedic attempting to intubate.

1426hrs-60-Control updating Air-1 w/patient info. Air-1 approximately 3 1/2 minutes out.

1446hrs-As per Car 2071, patient is now being transported by ground to Danbury Hospital.

1454hrs-As per Car 2071, Stat-Flight is off the ground and all Croton Falls FD units are clearing the LZ.

Edited by BFD1054

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