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Highly addictive wildland firefighting game

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Wildland Firefighting

In this game, you have to fly the water tanker plane over the lake, pickup the water, and drop it over the fire.

The instructions are in another language, so here's what i've learned about it.

Left arrow - slow down

Right arrow - accelerate

up arrow - decrease altitude

down arrow - increase altitude

space - drop water

Some tips - do not fly into the birds, you will crash

You will have to slow down before attempting to pick up water - use the speed gauge (one on the left) but don't drop into the red area or you will crash. The gauge on the right is your water. The meter up top in orange is the amount of fire left. You will keep "looping" over the lake and the fire until either you crash or extingush the fire.

And when you go to make your drop, you do have to be close to the fire, you can't drop from the top of the screen and be effective. Also, it takes some finesse to maseter picking up the water, approach to fast, and you'll crash.

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wow thats is a addicting game, i gave up on it though.

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It is frustrating, but when u get close to the water, gently ease your way down, glide along it for a sec, and go back up a little. If you keep doing that, you should be ok. And remember to slow down before you go to the water.

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Wow this is hard. Picking up water and dodgeing birds needs to be mastered before the second level, with higher terrain. The instructions are in French so its like English to me. Good game find 648eng119.

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Yeah, the second level is even trickier - i almost had it, but those damn birds got in the way during the final drop.

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how do you pick up the wather what button do you press?

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You just glide along the top of the water. Once the bottom of the plane hits it, you'll pick up water, but if you go down too far, you will crash

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