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Mt Vernon- 2nd Alarm 3-28-06

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Location: 12 Harrison St X Union Ave


Units Operating: E3, E4, E5, E6, TL1, L3, R1, Batt3, Car 8

Mutual Aid: NRFD E22 and L12 at Station 3

Description Of Incident: Brush Fire with extension to structure.

Writer: ??

1325- Box 1245 transmitted for a structure fire.

1326- Batt3 10-84, Smoke showing 10-26(All hands)

1328- Batt3 reports a 2 story frame duplex with fire in the walls. Looks like it started as brush.

1331- Batt3 reports 10-36 (2nd alarm) E6 is FAST

1335- 3 lines in operation, trucks opening, searches in progress. Doubtful.

1357- Under Control with prolonged overhaul.

1530- All Co's 10-8

Edited by Truck4

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