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Guest 1191stdue

Croton-Large Brush Fire 3-23-06

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Location: Wooded area in rear of Elementary School

Frequency: 46.26,

Units Operating: e118, e119, e120, t10, R18, 2081, 2083, 2084, 2086, 2087, 2089

Description Of Incident: Large Brush fire in rear of CET Elemantary School

Writer: 1191stdue

At approx the Croton FD was dispatched on a report of a brush fire along the Croton Gorge Trails. First arriving units located the fire in the rear of the Elementary School in a wooded area. On the initial assignment e118, T10, and R18 were dispatched, upon assessing the scene, 2081 requested E119 and manpower to fill out the assignment. While our brothers from E118 were stretching into the woods, they were being supplied by T10. E119 arrived and sent personnel to work with additional forestry hose, tools, and took position at a hydrant to fill the units operating. At this time 2081 requested the 3rd engine company, E120 to respond with manpower, once on scene the 3rd Engine stood by to handle all additional alarms, while the other units were handling fire suppresion efforts.

At approx. 1800hrs the fire was deemed out, and all units were packing up. After effort by the two Engine companies, and Tanker 10, the fire was contained to approx 150'x150' without any additional spread and harm to any homes or structures.

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