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New Rochelle- 2nd Alarm 3-19-06

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Date: 3/19/06

Time: 04:25

Location: 15 Park Place (X of North Avenue)

Frequency: 46.06

Units Operating: 2301, 2302, 2303, E21, E22, E23, E24, E25, TL11, L12, L13, 30A1, 30A2

Description Of Incident: Heavily involved 2 1/2 story frame, reports of people trapped and/or jumping from the fire building.

Writer: 1075thebox

Relocated FDNR Station 1: FDMV E5, TL3 (County E205, TL63)

Relocated FDNR Station 3: Pelham E5, PMFD TL3, MEMS 68A1

04:37 - 2302 reports fully involved, 4 L/S/O, All-Hands

04:39 - 1 & 1 from FDMV relocating to FDNR Station #1.

04:41 - 2301 reports fire on all floors, blowing out. Units have to darken down some fire before they can complete a search of top floor. Also have an exposure problem on the #2 side. 30A1 transported 1 to SSMC, unknown further.

04:43 - 30A2 to SSMC, nothing further.

04:52 - Engine from Pelham / Truck from Pelham Manor requested to FDNR Station 3.

04:55 - 2301 reports crews removing victim from roof of exposure #4.

05:01 - 2301 requests E25 to scene.

05:15 - 30A1 to SSMC, nothing further.

05:23 - 2301 reports fire on 1st & 2nd floors has darkened down considerably. Fire still going on top floor and roof. 1 jumper removed from the #4 exposure. 2301 also reports most parties have been accounted for, units make their way up to top floor.

05:36 - 30A2 to SSMC, nothing further.

05:56 - 30A1 to SSMC, nothing further.

05:58 - 2301 reports no fire extension into exposures, Secondary Search underway.

Edited by Truck4

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