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Manhattan- E.S.U. Officer Down 3-16-06

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Date: 3-16-06

Time: 1956hrs

Location: 203 94th St.

Units Operating:

Description Of Incident: ESU Officer fell from fire escape while operating at an EDP jumper up on the fire escape.

Writer: Truck4

1956hrs- P.O. fell from 2nd floor fire escape, approx. 15 feet. EMS on scene treating. Unknown condition at this time.

2002hrs- ESU Truck 2 advising P.O. in ambulance with escort, PCT units setting up road closures. Truck 2 units and Supervisor enroute to Hospital. ESU Truck 1 remaining to secure.

2005hrs- EMS reporting P.O. is stable ATT. Trauma Center notified. EDP is in custody.

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