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Ways NOT to get your posts deleted or locked

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Recently, I've hear some complaining from few members that their post has been deleted or locked. Well actually, some members like to just whine amongst themselves and not talk to me so I can explain or resolve the issue. Often, these select members are ignorant and continously disregard the purpose and rules of this forum, and enjoy making nonsense comments hiding behind the anonymity of a screen name. And some members just like to cause trouble.

So, I just wanted to provide a few random tips on how not to get your post deleted or locked. These facts are related to the top reason why posts get deleted.

1. Don't bash an agency or a person.

2. Don't take this down to a personal level, and attack another member. Keep the discussion limited to the topic at hand.

3. Post something factual. Don't post something that's a rumor, or something that will lead to unfounded speculation.

4. Post something constructive, not destructive.

5. Sometimes, your post didn't get deleted. It may have been moved to another forum.

6. Beating a dead horse. Sometimes, we're all just sick of a thread that just won't die, and it's time for a fresh discussion.

7. This forums an information exhange. It will be maintained as a positive, constructive, and respectful place to exchange information. This forum won't be a baseless rantfest.

8. Read the rules.

9. I didn't lock or delete the thread. The member starting it did.

There are other factors that go into moderating this board that most members don't see, such as numerous emails, PM, and Post Reports that get sent to me on a daily basis that I use in making my decisions, as well as posts that they may not see.

We are working on a new member validation system, as well as some new policies in order to better handle some "hot" discussions.

Please, cut me some slack, and if you have an issue with the way this forum is run, I'm always willing to discuss it with you. It's unfair to bash me and the way this forum is run without even giving me a chance. I'm open to all questions, comments, concerns, and ideas anytimes......just email me at This goes for positive stuff too, if you like this forum let me know as well!

To all the AWESOME members of this forum posting the great topics and posts, keep it up. There are people learning from them and talking about them...


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