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Sirens In Parades?

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After today in the parade, when I was yelled at by a member who was marching for hitting the siren / air horn while in the apparatus, I began thinking, what's the big deal about hitting the siren in the parade?

I know you're not suppoused to hit it b/c you have to go on a call but than again why would a first due rig be in a parade empty anyways, technically isn't the truck out of service?

Secondly don't the little kids want to hear the sirens when they pull their arms down, not see the lights flash?

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Its not uncommonfor depts to leave a parade for an alarm. While you may have your first due rigs in district available, whats wrong with starting your other rigs back just in case. But as for why you shouldn't be using the siren and air horn...its f-ing brutal marching infront of those f-ing trucks with some sound happy jerkoff cranking away for half the parade(i'm not implying this is you, I'm just having a flashback).

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I think "No Siren" rules often have to do with pleasing the taxpayers who live along the parade route...

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Kids jerking their arm up and down are looking for air horns, not sirens. Gets kind of frustrating watching their reactions after being denied for about the eighth rig in a row. They're too young and immature to understand the concept of points and being judged.

Around here, usually the only company(ies) that make noise are the hosts. Everybody else is "supposed" to behave, but sometimes somebody will let it slip a little here and there. Not like "certain" places in NJ where you see every truck going "Code 3", Chief's cars weaving back and forth, tillers coming down the street sideways, etc. What a zoo!

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In certain municipalities Memorial Day parades are a no noise event. Rightfully so.

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In White Plains they don't care. We use the airhorn and siren and nobody says anything to us. the only time we don't use a siren is when we are being judged.

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A lot of the big parades like the convention do not want us to use them cause of the marching bands. Me personally, a quick blast of the siren or air horns are ok, but not to crank them. We can get out of hand sometimes (trust me I'm a big kid when doing that and have to watch myself if I'm drving a truck in a parade.) Also if there is an alarm, law says you have to have all you warning devices activated. Nuff said on that point.

As long as you don't overdo it in a parade it should be allowed. People along the parade route know better.

My 2 Lincolns.

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  242steve said:
I think "No Siren" rules often have to do with pleasing the taxpayers who live along the parade route...

I Agree!

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it appears that towns and villages with volunteer departments are less likely than cities with career departments to use horns and/or sirens. the fact that even during a parade an apparatus would be pulled from a parade to respond to a call may influence the use or non use of sirens and horns seems reasonable. if in this event, wouldn't it be sensible for the mc or grand marshall of the parade to make an announcement or have police direct or halt the parade briefly for an apparatus to exit in the event of a call? there are always police blocking off road ways or participating in parades to assist in this. the convenience of career departments is that they can have off-duty members and apparatus participate in parades while all other stations are adequately manned and still has enough apparatus for any response.

parades are supposed to be fun and entertaining for children of all ages. i highly doubt that anyone who hears a siren or horn in a parade would automatically think they are responding to a call. even with sirens and horns, it's not like they are on throughout the entire duration of the parade. every few minutes, a rig would beep out a little siren wail or horn. never constantly.

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Personally I Like The Sirens and Air Horns, I Have Liked Them Every Since I Saw My First Fire Truck When I Was Younger. I Think They Don't Do The Horns and Sirens Because, Of One People's Hearing, Two Because It Might Scare People, and Three People Can't Talk About Things In The Parade Or Hear The Public Speaker Talking About The Truck, Plus When Your Getting Judged Thouse Guys Are So Close. But Personally I Think They Are Great For All People Of All Ages. Everyone Has A Child Inside Of Them. I Know I Do. That Is My Opinion. Hope It Is A Good One.


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Using sirens and airhorns during parades is stupid. Think of the marchers in front of the rig? i know i hate having the horn/siren hit when I'm standing 20 ft in front of it. Think of the people watching the parade. If you look at them closely, most are holding their hands over their ears due to the noise. People respect us for what we do, but do you want then to start thinking we're a bunch of jack@##*&?

Edited by ltjay157

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I was told that when you march in a parade - under judging conditions - any sounding of audible devices is a DQ. that is why only the host company does this - they are not being judged.

We use the "Westchester Judges" up in Dutchess for the most part.

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The membership needs to agree ahead of time what the siren/air horn usage will be during the parade.

I am a member in Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol and we frequently respond down Greenwich Avenue (one of the parade routes mentioned here). When we respond down The Ave. I only use the siren intermittently because there are Greenwich Police officers at every major intersection (Lewis Street, Elm Street, and Havemeyer Place/Arch Street) so we don't really need to move much traffic, it is gone before we arrive. I know there are some people who love to hear themselves echoing off the buildings, but I have done that route over 100 times.

I did hear that they told all the drivers ahead of time to keep it quiet at the reviewing stand and that order was followed by all.

I also know that many of the FD supporters hang out at the bottom of Greenwich Avenue and siren usage gets pretty crazy down there, but not as crazy this year because Patrol - 2 (my company) was babysitting a downed power line for the entire event.

Christian Andersen

Acting Captain

Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol, Inc.

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Cos Cob, are you talking about just parades or both responding to calls and parades?

I just want to clarify before I make a comment on what you posted. Just an FYI thing.

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about 10 years ago at a parade i realized how ridiculous the fd looked in the parade,between the old ladys and the kids crying the fire departments involved looked like a bunch of hoople heads. are you impressing someone with the sirens? no you are not, its bad enough that 1/2 of us in the fire service suffer from hearing loss due to machinery,sirens etc , just think about the elderly or the infants how they must feel? i saw it again this weekend and i'm still not impressed with the sirens/air horns that heard.

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I was mentioning a little bit from both.

When responding to a call down the avenue we usually don't have to ask much for the right of way. Most of the time we go thru the Greenwich Avenue traffic jam at 20 - 25 mph and vehicles clear a path for us. Sometimes a good blast of the air horns do the trick. Having the cops down on the avenue is a big help, much better than the opticom!

For parades, people mentioned the younger kids and older folks that problbly don't like the constantly "blaring" sirens. I know my grandmother and younger cousins sit across from St. Mary's Church about half way thru the parade route and they would probably be satisfied with "just a few toots".

Hope that clarifies things a little bit.

Again I think it is important for the department to discuss these things ahead of time, and we can give the crowd what they came to see, whatever that is.

Christian Andersen

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OK I just wanted to make sure beore I made a wrong assumption, since this was mostly about parades but it is a good thing about responses too.

I know it is very helpful with PD at the crossings since they are there a great deal of the time. (I'm familiar with the area also) The only problem with the statement "use the siren intermittently" because you can be place in a predicament in case you are accused of cutting off someone or even in an accident. CT State Laws does state that all warning devices, visual and audible, shall be in operation while responding to an emergency in emergency mode (not the exact quote). Have to be careful with some of these people now a day.

At the same token, during a parade I say don't be a @##$@*&! with the sirens, a little toot if a the crowd wants to hear it OK. If it is during the judging part, then no, they have a zone set up for that.

Sorry if I got too far off the Subject. And COS, if you want yuo can PM me to continue the discussion or if your not sure what I mean OK.

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sirens should be used to a certain extent, just be responsible about it, dont wail on them, but tap them for the kids now and again. its fun for everyone!!! People who say that they shouldnt be used need to lightnen up!!

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muellerk-there is no eason to "lighten up" if guys want to act like jack***** with the sirens and look like idiots and then want to say that they want to be called professionals then they should "smarten up"!!! YES MAYBE A LITTLE TOOT HERE N THERE BUT DON'T BE GETTING YOUR ROCKS OFF BECAUSE OF A SIREN.

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how about pulling in to a wetdown All quiet J/K I have been in a parade (NYNJ)and we were passed over in thropy so that is when we Made our noise and waved (with certain finger's to a few of the judge's) :angry: I like making the noise after the parade and partying are done (my Opinion)

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I know as one of those "Band Marchers for 23 years" and an Ex firefighter of 18 years that when those sirens or airhorn goes off I quickly look behind me to see if there is a truck responding to a call. I have seen people run over, Hit and knocked down and people rushing to get out of the way because when you are in a parade with Trucks Tooting at there sirens and airhorns you tend to block it out until all the sudden theres one right behind you. I believe the No Siren rule was put into effect after a truck was in a parade tooting on his horn and siren then was called to respond to a working fire. But now no ones pauing attention to his Horns and he strikes one of my members and throws her about 75 feet(Yes she lived, But can never march again). After that happened I believed thats when they stopped it all. From my point of view, Yes I think that it should be done for the kids but then again I want to be safe on the parade route and not have to turn around 1001 times to make sure you guys aren't doing your job by responding so quickly.

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What is unfortunate is those who feel the need to "lean" on a siren or horn makes it harder for everyone else. I too will tap the horn or tap the siren button when a kid waves but that's it.

What really bothers me is when the parade is over and some rigs leave with the sirens and wail them all the way back to thier firehouse. Some departments now tell you no sirens when you leave and I have seen the police pull drivers from the vehicle if they did not honor the request.

Let's remember what these half to a million dollar rigs are really for.

Andy Mancusi


Hawthorne FD

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This topic is an interesting one. I have been to many parades where not one of trucks being driven blast the horn or the siren, that makes most parades boring. I dont have a problem if the driver of a rig wants to hit the siren or blast the air horns, however you dont want to get Dq and that is an important point.

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Im a jersey fireman.. No disrespect to any westchester fire department,Ive never been to any events in westchester whether a parade,wetdown,dedication etc.. One thing id have to say is the majority of the rigs out in westchester look great!!.. Yorktowns new ladder,Tarrytowns new ladder,bedford-hills seagraves,elmsfords pierces,etc..

I agree when a department is being judged in a parade that there should be limited sirens to none. Some parades obviously u need sirens, like what jersey has SOMETIMES not always i wish alot more departments did this but very rare does this happen they have whats called a "rolling response" parade. Garfield co 3 for there anniversary had it where all of there companies and a number of another apparartus from numerous departments would line up and just parade through the streets of garfield lights and sirens..

When i have time i like to attend as many "wetdowns" as i can..Showing support to other departments is a good thing.. I would have to say Bergen county,nj throws the best wetdowns in NEW JERSEY :angry: .. Ive never been to a wetdown in westchester,ny so i really cant say nothing...


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Great post asstchief!!

I also do not understand why some need to wail on a Q during a parade even if its authorized or when you win a trophy. Those little tots, yes they want a toot on the airhorn, however, you have kids of all ages that can be startled and cause fear of the fire service. Not to mention many of their ears are still delicate. I have been to one non-formal parade and its like some departments have never touched a siren before and get their rocks off that people are covering their ears. I don't touch it once if I'm on duty for that particular parade. Its nuts. I have had people come up to me when stopped and say why does everyone but your department have to do their sirens like that its riduculous?

What I am no sirens during a parade. In the event you do need to respond if your close or in your district it allows all to know you have a response. Leave the sirens and horns out....

AND ALLOW MEMBERS IN LINE TO WAIVE TO THE CROWD. I march when I march to support my department or company and to take pride in what I chose to do. I do not need a trophy to show anything, nor does my company need another article around to collect dust that you don't even remember in a year or two anyway.

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Totally disagree with the use of sirens in parades- a 120 decibel q-siren blowing withing feet of any young child or adult is not "fun"- . Yeah I know how you see a lot of the older kids egging you on, but have you seen the 2 year old crying after you've hit it? When I was Chief, one year for our St Patricks day parade I gave the order for "no sirens", it went well and I didn't hear any compaints.

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  hudson144 said:
about 10 years ago at a parade i realized how ridiculous the fd looked in the parade,between the old ladys and the kids crying the fire departments involved looked like a bunch of hoople heads. are you impressing someone with the sirens? no you are not,  its bad enough that 1/2 of us in the fire service suffer from hearing loss due to machinery,sirens etc , just think about the elderly or the infants how they must feel? i saw it again this weekend and i'm still not impressed with the sirens/air horns that  heard.

good point, just like in that movie, MR. Hollands Opus!

(cant remember if that was a true story)

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