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How Would You Handle Westchester's Empire Games?

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With Westchester chosen as host of the 2007 Empire State Games, Plan logistis for the opening ceremony at the damm plaza on 07/24/07 . Expected are 6000 athletes, families, dignitaries.

Expect a olympic style grand opening ceremony

consider EMS demands

Fire concerns and Public Safety

also transportation

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traffic will be a nightmare. With the daytona 500, we have around 500,000 individuals come to the arena. We staff approximatly 13 ambulances, 10 golf carts, 5 "tower / grandstands' crews.

My suggestion would be about 1-2 ambulance crews, and 3-4 walk around crews to deal with band-aid brigade

Edited by EMSJunkie712

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I think I know what week I will be on vacation in '07....

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As an ice hockey official that has worked the empire state games several times, I can honestly say that the State takes care of the logistical stuff. Most of the staff for the games is Volunteer and I believe this includes most, if not all, of the doctors, nurses, emts, paramedics, etc.

They do one hell of a job organizing everything and even having several back up plans. The Games are a really great event and i encourage many of you, if you are around that week, to get involved in some fashion.

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does anybody know if there is a formula for events like this ?

how many cops, ems, fire persons per 1000 people

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does anybody know if there is a formula for events like this ?

how many cops, ems, fire persons per 1000 people

1000 drunk college students is alot different then 1000 athetes compeating...took a conference on this a few weeks back and I asked the same question, and thats the answer I was given. So unfortunatly, there really isnt a formula you can use acording to my instructor

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Working EMS for a very large emusment park (over 100.000 visitors per day) I understand the envolvment. Majority of the calls will be for band-aid hand outs, the others (with the warmer temperatures) being for syncopy, or heat related. All of these easily triaged. Yes, some will be for fractures and the occassional medicals but other than that these calls can be handled on an "as dispatched" occasion. Most heat related illness' we deal with can be fixed by some ice cold water and ice pops along with some rest and relaxation while others require some serious treatment by ALS and ED care. Take caution while treating heat related illnesses and use regard while ruling out other serious illnesses such as MI and CVA. We staff a bike team for quick response along with a BLS staff on a transport cart for the more serious persons. It is trial an error, but dealing with this type of crowd everyday, all day, it becomes very common place for us.

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Up in Fairfield, annually in june/july we have a half marathon, although a bit different there are well over 5000 + participants, volunteers, and spectators. Allthough this still may be less that what Westchester Cty will expect, we do set up triage tents as well as plenty of rehydration stations and extra police are added. Along with the Triage tent there are ambulances standing by. On a normal year avg temps we can see anywhere from 10-30 people. This past summer with temps in the upper 90's we saw close to 60 people in that 5 or 6 hour time span wiht a total of 16 serious who got transported to area hospitals. Planning and logistics will def. help out, and even from a fire standpoint maybe roatating companies from around the county to cover could be an idea as to not over burden the area depts.

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