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Everything posted by Shantz02

  1. Some food for thought: While relocating to New Rochelle Sta. 3 this morning, both Yonkers units, Squad 311 and Ladder 70, responded WITH LIGHTS.
  2. dealing with probies or not, the seriousness is absolutely warrented in my opinion. there are reasons to have these rigs, and certain SOGs for them. im sure i speak for most when i say that a lot of info has been provided for us regrading these apparatus. Now, i think we are just trying to feel around for possible alternative solutions. Thanks to JBE and all others who have provided information on how the Sats opperate. the toy box idea fits perfect. If youve got it to use, then use it. if you dont need it, then put it away. It sure beats tring to find 2 or 3 other engines to get the LDH necessary to reach hydrants.
  3. Exactly how much hose and of what diameter does each satellite unit carry? And does anyone know why the FDNY chose that model Mack for them?
  4. I started the workshop topic while this was posted. Please see "Hudson river rescue?" and continue discussion and or info posting there.
  5. If that is the case, are we all missing something here with the Yonkers S-11 or S-311 depending on what they want to call it that day? Would they then be Squad 1 when they respond with the squad and still only E-311 if they dont? If so, then if the county needs multiple SQUAD units to respond to an incident, then the required manpower of 6 specially trained FFs would be satisfied correct?
  6. Not sure of who has which numbers, but there are several "full time" volunteers so to say that are at EVAC quite a bit. They have assigned numbers that are recognized by 60 Control. Usually you will only hear them used when they respond from their places of residence or if they are on scene at incidents such as a fire etc. pudge3311 or roeems please correct me if i am wrong. and obviously, how wrong i was (see below)
  7. Personally, i think if they send one of the trucks out for refurb, that it should be the Mack. That truck still looks and runs great and with a little work, it would probly be able to go back out as a first run unit or at least serve for many many more years to come. The E-One just got a new engine (if i remember correctly). So if you ask me, Mt Vernon shouldve refurbed it then. If they did, great. That means that they can get the old Mack fixed up really well. If the E-One didnt get refurbed back when it was out of service, then i stand by the comments i made above.
  8. Well that just shows how much i pay attention now doesnt it. Thanks RES20CUE
  9. Rescue 4 is not usually staffed by its own set of FFs. The firefighters who are on TL-11 man Rescue 4 when it goes on calls. Therefore, when Rescue 4 responds, unless New Rochelle calls back FFs to staff TL-11, the TL goes out of service until Rescue 4 returns.
  10. Anyone know if Mamaroneck Village has gone to 60 control? Ive been hearing 60 dispatch them quite often these days.
  11. Pelham will send the engine, rescue, and chief onto the Hutch along with the new 38M1. It is a dual response with Mt Vernon and they will usually send an engine and their rescue. Ive heard New Rochelle dispatch an engine in each direction along with a ladder and rescue 4 numerous times onto 95 along with the deputy chief and an ambulance if needed. More times than not, rescue 4 goes 10-8 extremely quickly because they are not needed. (Also, when Rescue 4 goes on a call, TL 11 goes out of service. Thats why they rarely hold the Rescue unless they really need it).
  12. jnb, not to be mean, but you seem to be a little behind the times. that article is the exact "training" exercise wev'e been talking about. good job looking out for us though, much appreciated. the more people that see this and realize how bad it could have been, the better off we will be in the future.
  13. Write me in for 2 large shirts. Stay safe.
  14. Wait guys, of course its a one room fire. cant you tell that there are no interior walls? theyve all been burned away creating one big open space. Masks and tanks, masks and no tanks, i dont care what they have on. They shouldnt have been there in the first place. What if they were to get into an accident on teh way there? Then what? 'Uh, we were rushing to get to a pre-planned live burn that we had no idea about. It wasnt a real emergency.' So forget just them being lucky that no one was hurt or killed, the public is lucky as well.
  15. Does anyone else notice the RING of FIRE burning in an outward circle from the house? Tells me that this thing was going for a really long time and hit extremely high temps. Were there any other houses nearby? Cause I cant for the life of me figure out why there were no calls to report this 'house on fire'.
  16. If you ask me, by looking at the pictures, the burn WAS out of control. That fire had to have been set well before any call was made. Either that or they used way too much accelerant. For the entire structure to be completely engulfed like that shows poor planning. Wouldnt you want the members to learn how the fire might move throughout the structure? Anyone can bring a bunch of guys to a fully involved structure, keep them outside, and pray that nothing bad happens. The Maiden FD made some very bad decisions and as i said earlier, they are very lucky no one got hurt.
  17. If they wanted the less experienced guys to work under stress and pressure, im sure there are plenty of other ways to achieve that. Throwing them to the wind is by far the worst idea ive ever heard of. What really scares me is that the guy who planned this seems really excited that he surprised all the members. Its like a sick joke and fortunately for those less experienced members, no one got hurt.
  18. i wonder what they wouldve said to regular citizens if they citizens complained about them being too loud.
  19. I was over at the scene this morning, and both buses that are striped/marked for New Ro EMS and Sound Shore Med Center WERE there with their usual paint scheme. Yes, there was also another TransCare bus on scene and also LVAC was leaving the scene when i got there. My guess is with the report of numerous elderly trapped, 60 must have sent both A1 and A2 along with LVAC (the usual first M/A bus into the city) and also asked for additional from TransCare just in case.
  20. I was able to snap a few quick pics of New Rochelle's new Squad rig earlier this evening. Sorry bout the blurriness of them, it was kinda cold and windy. They were on a run at Monroe College. I didnt stick around long enough to find out what happened.
  21. The new cars are like gold compared to the old ones. very spacious, seats are extremely comfortable and not torn. the cars are more than just quiet. its almost like riding on air. too bad CT is holding things up for the New haven line riders. (yes, i am on the New Haven line, but i was lucky enough to catch a new train at a stop on the harlem line while visiting some friends) 8)
  22. no, if you look closely, the closing parenthesis is part of the address and it shouldnt be. so you can click on it, and then delete the parenthesis press enter and it will take you to the correct page.
  23. Anyone else find it a little strange that some departments will do everything in their power to be able to dispatch themselves, yet once dispatched on a run, they turn over dispatching duties to 60 control for other alarms at the same time? Its almost like saying 60 isnt good enough to dispatch the first call, but they can 'pick up the slack' if something else were to come in. Im my opinion, its more difficult to 'pick up the slack'. When that occurs, 60 must now determine which units are out on the first call and which are available for other alarms. If a department wishes to be self dispatched, then they should get their own radio frequencies and should hire full time 24 hour a day dispatchers. If westchester county were to enforce some sort of guideline to that effect, i think we would see a lot more departments transferring completely to 60 control.
  24. Im not sure how they receive their 911 calls, but Fairview is paged out twice. The first time, the tones and location are transmitted over the 33.96 frequency. About 30 seconds to a minute later, the tones and information are transmitted again, this time on the 46.26 frequency. So by the time you hear it on 46.26, they have already been on the move.
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