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Everything posted by 27east
Another bad idea gone, along with Cathie Black.
Nice shots. What type of heavy industry is down there?
Why is it that marked police units and some fire vehicles don't have official license plates, just the unit number?
You cleaned the sewer in front of your house? Climbed into the manhole? But you have septic? Took it upon yourself to maintain the public rights-of-way? Suprise, suprise, but not every sewer backup is a result of one of your favorite fat slobs falling asleep on the job. NYS DOT is union too, and they get a pension. OH MY GOSH! When did you gather all this knowledge? You sound like someone who, mabye, possibly, just once, inquired about a DPW job and you didn't get it. Must be real nice in your world. Let me know when there's a job opening.
I'm glad you think so highly of "the fat slobs" at DPW. Do you like garbage/recycling pickup? Street and traffic lights that work? Snow removal, road repair, park maintenance? Free flowing sewers and clean water supply? You must be kidding with that. Its ignorant. You want to work on the back of a garbage truck for 30 years and not have anything? What happens when sewage backs up into your home on a holiday weekend? Must be real nice in your world.
Hello all- I happened to be down in Pelham Manor today and saw E1, E2, and TL3 responding. TL3 looks great. Question is: does Pelham run E4, E5, L2 to all calls or is E4 a reserve/spare? Thanks, be safe.
Does anyone have a list of apparatus assigned? And what burned?
Scarsdale PO, Town of Eastchester. Station 5 on Wilmont is undergoing repairs to the floor, so EFD leased a vacant warehouse on Summerfield.
With Station 6 now active up on Summerfield, R-5 should be re-established and moved there when Station 5 work is completed. Yes, I know 6 is leased. I'm kidding. Has/was any thought given to bringing it back ever?
DCAS has a computerized testing center, I think its on Layfaette Street. Right down near City Hall.
Was the mutual aid covering and operating at the fire?
Make sure he gets down there very early. I tried to take it and got shut out because the room was full, and I thought I was early. I believe the testing centers support a number of different exams.
Question- When I visit the site, I usually go to emtbravo.net and click "view new content." That shows, and will show, all new posts since my last vist right?
Everyone needs to calm down. Its winter, and it snows. You have to deal with it. Short of major flooding and erosion from coastal storms, do we really need FEMA aid for every storm?
looks like an heating oil tank in there
Please tell me you took a picture of this. Send it to Astorino!
Seth is right on the money about this. A central PSAP is a great idea, but fire/EMS (other than GPD*EMS) should be done by 60. Using the town garage is a good idea also. No layoffs, just attrition.
It snows in New York in the winter. People need to deal with it or move to Florida. Plowing streets that have a dusting will simply cost more money when it comes time for pothole repair and truck/plow repair.
Good for Yonkers. Nice to see a city proactive instead of reactive. What is EMS-1? A rapid response type vehicle?
I believe you can FOIL an incident report/blotter entry. However, it can be denied for privacy reasons.
Anyone know what departments are putting people in for January 2011?
Very sharp. TCD does good work. Now the question is, is there staff for them?
If you fail the agility, you are off the list.
Can anyone confirm that Dennis Winter was reelected in Eastchester?
I believe FDNY is going with 4dr Rams on their next order.