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About PEMO3

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    Forum Veteran
  • Birthday 04/17/1962

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  • Name: Joe
  • Location Peekskill, NY
  • Agency FDNY- EMS Div. Bronx

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  1. Just a point of information. Peekskill OEM has a mobile command vehicle equipped with not only Westchester DES and PD but Rockland, Dutchess, Putnam, Orange and Marine channels along with a PC with ICS software. It is not trunking capable but that is another thread. The unit is only a simple phone call away through the PPD desk.
  2. Start billing for the cost of mutual aid coverage and watch how fast they find their own in house solution. Of course aside from not possible this could be a double edged sword when the powers that be just take the stance of not calling in M/A and in turn put lives of the firefighters and citizens in jeopardy while the bean counters pay close attention to costs.
  3. The problem boils down to one simple issue: my toys, my sandbox. While the trunk concept is great issues such as end user cost for equipment and county restrictions as to who gets access and who doesn't makes it difficult (important to avoid system overload). Alot of agencies opt for their own frequencies because then they uultimately have control. Again, my toys, my sandbox. Occasionally I had actually wondered if the system would have been better served had it not gone trunked but if each battalion was issued a UHF pair if that would have worked better. I also don't knowif the trunking system could do department pagingand if it could with the cost of individual receivers for each member be out of reach of most department budgets.
  4. Is the main problem a repeater or dispatch center issue? For a center to be down this long it would appear to be an extensive issue. Maybe someone with better insight on YFD could shead some light. On a separate note I know that YFD has a pretty state of the art fieldcom, could that double as a dispatch center albeit not ideal?
  5. I actually see that as a valid question and not a statement that 60 is in someway incapable of doing the job. A YFD dispatch would probably be better familiar with streets, locations, unit assignment and problems that crop up in certain areas with calls. Based on this valuable added resource a YFD would be a great asset.
  6. My deepest sympathy goes out to Chris' family in this difficult and trying time. May he rest in peace.
  7. Not going to question your opinion but would you please elaborate with some details for everyone why you feel that the information is not accurate. Do you have any addition incident details, observations or information that you can share?
  8. You are correct but as my father would have said "Don't let the door hit you in the a-- on the way out". While a parent's legal responsibility may have expired there is still a moral obligation to that child that you invested 18 plus years of your life in. That is the problem with this world, too many people looking for the extent of their legal obligations and the loss of moral vision (and no SageVigilies that is not directed at you)
  9. I think another issue here is how many vessels does it take to transfer 1 patient. FDNY, NYPD, Coast Guard, etc. Simply put, too many cooks in the kitchen. If FDNY with the EMS crew onboard was dispatched for the medical call then why was NYPD jockeying for position. Seems like the same old turf wars just this time in boats.
  10. The more important issue that needs to be focused on is if these young adults want go on to a career in emergency services they are going to need a HS diploma with a decent GPA because most promotions now look for college credits. If they are looking in other directions and being a volunteer is just for the "volunteer" section of the college app then they still need to focus on that GPA. A side from that if they are content on practicing the line "do you want fries with that?" then by all mean stay out all night seven nights a week. What needs to be understood is these "unfair" rules are being "imposed" by a group of well seasoned adults that "have been there, done that" and trying to provide guidance that to a young mind can appear to be restriction.
  11. Mac8146 you are on the money. We are quick to throw the first responders under the bus but not hold the rest accountable for their own level of responsibility in these tragedies. Who allowed the lighter/matches to be readily available to small children/where were the smoke detectors/who was watching the kids. I realize lives were lost and hearts are aching but to relieve their pain but placing it on those who were there to help is cruel. Why should a firefighter/EMT/Medic/PO/dispatcher go through life carrying the burden of the question of "if I was only a few minutes faster" for the sake of someone else lessening their pain.
  12. Problem is most reporters subscribe to the rule of writing what sells not what is morally correct or in the best judgement. If they feel the majority of the public wants to see it, even it is morally wrong or not in good judgement you will see it "leaked by a source on condition not being revealed", you know those shadowed figures with their backs to the camera and the scrambled voices.
  13. Today the City of New York went to social media to notify residents of a measles outbreak in upper Manhattan, the South Bronx and the Lower East Side and reminded residents to vaccinate their children starting at 12 months. Unfortunately in 1998, the Lancet, a British medical journal, published an article that claimed that the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine caused autism in children. The article has since been retracted, but the worry has remained. Today a large movement remains with non-vaccination of children coupled with a large undocumented, unvaccinated populations and these once nearly eradicated diseases are back on the rise. Are our EMS providers finding this spike only in larger urban areas or also in rural areas?
  14. Before I start I need to say I do not condone, agree with or accept what the Chief did as acceptable or appropriate. With that said reading the article it appears that these comments occurred sometime in the past and were brought up as a part of some line of questioning by an attorney for a plaintiff against the district for not being hired. They were actually solicited from a party who had a conversation with the chief. It appears the Chief appologized both personally and publicly when he realized that these conversations caused personal harm. This should be left between the Chief and Finer. As far as the salary Fairview made it's own bed there. Nuff said. Again only my opinion based solely on the information in the article.
  15. I have to agree. There is low profile then there is " am I being pulled over or held up?" One has to question the thought process behind the design of this car.