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About BFD2553

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  • Location Westchester

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  1. In front of a packed meeting the City Council tonight voted in favor of a special resolution allowing Chief Malaspina to serve out his full term. Welcome back Chief!
  2. I believe the ambulance corps has their own building near the post office.
  3. Happy Birthday Seth! But look- It took me 25 minutes to respond to the first post. There have to be at least 20 departments closer than me that could have responded sooner (LOL).
  4. Congrats to my hometown FD! Good Luck with it and may it serve you and the community well. Stu Bayer-Chief Buchanan Engine Company Syosset HS Class of '79
  5. Saturday May 14th from 09:00 hrs until 16:00 hrs. at Buchanan Engine Company #1 3159 Albany Post Road Buchanan, NY 10511 Local vendors and collectors offering Patches, Clothing, Die-cast Models and other First Responder collectables. Police, Fire and EMS. Food and Drinks available.
  6. Glad to hear this is where it might end up. My 9-year-old son said I should buy it (LOL) so he'll be happy to hear it may be docked close by and he can visit it if this actually comes to fruition. Whenever the John J. Harvey comes around it's a great way to spend some time and revisit some of the history of the FDNY locally.
  7. What exactly is that 6-7-3 rig with the twin monster monitors?
  8. On a 1991 Pierce Lance. Complete overhaul including: New Tank. Completely Rebuilt Pump. All New Seats. All New LED Lighting both inside and out including all emergency lighting, compartments, crew cab, driver/officer cab. Repair of all rust/corrosion inside and out (Exterior was in exceptionally good shape) including tank area, undercarriage, hose bed and cab, etc. Rewiring of entire electrical system. New Federal Q bumper-mount siren. Installation of rear view camera system. Repairs as needed to all compartments, latches, and mounted equipment (ladder rack, scene lighting, etc.). Hose Bed Cover. Bunch of other minor items as well. No painting was needed. Hope this helps. BTW- Was not being critical- Just seemed like a very large number and was asking if it was in fact, the correct figure.
  9. Is that price correct? Seems like a lot of money for a refurb. We completely refurbished our front line Pierce pumper for less than a third of that amount.
  10. Their website shows 4 Engines (2-staffed/2-reserve) and 2 Trucks (1-staffed/1-reserve).
  11. Thanks Lt. for the numbers. I wish more members here would have the knowledge in hand before they go off. Clearly there is a staffing issue not just in Rye but throughout the County and the State. I see it in my own department as well. Part of the "problem" is the dependency on Mutual Aid meaning many local governments have come to use it to bail out their own understaffed departments as if other cities, towns and villages resources are theirs to use at will to supplement their shortcomings. In my district we utilize it frequently and it works. Most towns here are "working class" and most departments are all-volunteer though several have career staff as well and they respond to requests for mutual aid whenever called. Many say consolidation into all-career departments is the only and inevitable answer. I am on the fence and see that position as viable but not inevitable. Perhaps Rye needs more career staff BUT perhaps they need to step up their recruitment and retention efforts on the volunteer side as well. Hopefully it won't take a tragedy before both sides of the issue are explored. I'll strap my helmet on and hunker down now. Be safe everyone.
  12. Does anyone on here know FACTUALLY (not asking for opinions) how many active interior qualified volunteers are on the current roster in Rye?