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Everything posted by fireman2138

  1. Folks, Looking to do some different fund raisers for our company. One of the ideas that has been brought up is a casino night. Have any of you been involved in one for your departments? If so what was the outcome and the overall experience? Also if you have contact information for the company that came out and set it up for you that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mike Gallo Jr.
  2. Thanks guys, I have looked into a few of those, we do an annual pancake breakfast as well as a Ham dinner. But as far as boot drives/coin drops, we are not permitted to do them by state law and town ordinance against it, and the town police and board are very against it unfortunately. I understand that there area certain laws for gambling events. Just looking for information on it at this time. Thanks again and any input helps. Mike
  3. I believe that area of the parkway is Hilltop Towing not Lake service, Lake runs down to 301, and Hyatts did handle the recovery quite well... As for the state workers standing around in the picture in LOHUD they can't do much to repair the guide rail and roadway with a tractor trailer across it... they had to wait for the truck to be cleared from the highway... then they made pretty quick work of putting the rails back up....
  4. Just a thought guys but Ive noticed way to often that when a possible violent or hostile situation is dispatched with ems, Even stated at dispatch that it is recommended you "Stage Away" People still get to close. Sometimes right around the corner from the incident or right at the end of the street. The problem I see with this is the possibility of someone attempting to flee the scene running into you and thinking well I can slow them down or worse yet being so crazed and seeing our flashing lights and coming after us thinking we are PD. I guess my question is When staging away What amount of Away Is sufficient? and is enough thought being given to apparatus and manpower placement in these situations? Mike
  5. Guys all great ideas but sometimes things just don't work out... My town is rather large and sometimes you can be responding a distance greater then 20 minutes normal travel time..sometimes 20 minutes is just to much, we would be driving to the scene in a "non emergency" mode when the scene is still an emergency and here we are 15 minutes from the scene when pd clears it and tells us its a critical incident then we have to step it up. we could have been a lot closer .. (I know lights and sirens do not make the roads any shorter but the traffic is more of a killer then the distance sometimes.) also... we have roads where there is no where to turn off and hide. sometimes your staging is on the side of the road awaiting pd to clear the scene. Unfortunately most of the time in a Volli. setting there is no officer there to tell you where to stage and you cant really preplan that type of thing.. just use some common practices like stage in a large well lit and well traveled commercial establishments parking lot if possible and such.. and without being in direct communication with PD also doesn't help the police have to contact there dispatcher who contacts the 911 center who contacts us to tell us its clear. Maybe in a critical incident cut out the pd dispatcher and they still have to go through the 911 center which yes I know only takes a few seconds but still if they could tell you stage at such and such location before you get there that would be best.. And I know they have more important things on there mind so thats never going to happen Mike.
  6. good point... but how many people think to do that. I mean in the moment at the scene are they going to think of turning the lights off . plus a fly car or chiefs car will resemble very closely a police car.. and some more rural areas dont have "blocks" and may not have somewhere convenient to pull off and wait . Just some stuff to keep in mind and think about to stay safe.. Also HAPPY HOLIDAYS.
  7. Ha !!! I see my grandmother in those pictures... And its real nice seeing the HYATT'S wrecker seeing as I work for them and we still cover 84
  8. you can make the radio the equivalent of a 32 channel radio by using a direct/indirect switch which would make one channel a repeater/talkaround depending on if you have it set to direct or indirect.
  9. I have a 1550 uhf radio its all programmed, But I need to know how to make it sound a tone when PTT for three seconds or so just on the radio side not transmit the tone. Basically so you cant talk till the count to three rule passes.
  10. Yes unleashed I am using a CDM-1550 and I'm looking for a key up tone if I enable MDC signaling would this cause the radio to send out an Identifier such as my ID # or another option? You can email me if you like Thanks all.
  11. I heard some complaints about the chargers having problems with braking from higher speeds. Which is why the NYSP apparently havent gotten any yet.
  12. Any of these departments consider getting into reloading spent casings?
  13. Ive only really experienced Hurst and I am satisfied with them as such.. I know they are planning to release or have released a new core system on the tools with one twist lock adapter which can retrofit to the old tools with two hoses as well as the newer single hose system.
  14. OO ok I didn't know if it was of all the scenarios or not. O well worth a shot I suppose
  15. Right now the largest problem with these type competitions aside from liability issues is the availability of the vehicles, with scrap prices going up and up people are just junking there cars instead of donating them to the cause of training, for one of these competitions your looking at one car getting cut in each evolution and at least 2 cars involved sometimes 3, so figure lets say 10 teams thats a minimum of 11 cars if only doing one basic scenario per team, And who wants basic you want more advanced challenging evolutions ,I know somewhere out there is a video of the competition at Dover JH Ketcham Hose. I believe you might have a link to that one Xfirefighter484X ?
  16. I was at the incident on the parkway with the large wrecker, I am also a driver for Hyatt's garage, As a tow truck driver/operator I can vouch for this; the most important thing a wrecker operator can have is a good knowledge of his wrecker and equipment and a good "feel" or control for how the truck will respond as he operates it. Also its limitations beyond that they need to be able to communicate with the rescuers. You should definitely have a good knowledge of the various tow agencies in your area as well as there equipments abilities and maintenance (you don't want to rely on a broken down old truck that has problems winching a Honda out of a snow bank to lift weight off of a vehicle or worse yet a patient) then you want to have an idea of there drivers ability. And make sure they know why there coming out. If they think there getting called to recover the vehicle they might send an under qualified or newer operator when you want the most experienced guy there. As for cross training, its a good idea but good luck getting the wrecker operators to come out and train with you and retrain with you as time goes on, most important is that they are trained on there equipment.