Just a guy

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Everything posted by Just a guy

  1. I completely agree with the death penalty... you're one of those people who hide behind religion to cover up for your raging liberalism, my friend it's people like YOU that are the problem in society. As I said prior, this will be hard enough for these officers without keyboard commandos like yourself spewing liberal nonsense and making a bad situation worse. I don't know what your real job is but i can assure you that being a volunteer emt does not make you an authority on law enforcement and by your posting I can say i am thankful that you aren't a cop or even close to being a cop. You and the other anti death penalty supporters fail to address one important thing in your arguments, THE VICTIM !!!! The law allows that this man be put to death for his crimes and now his death warrant has been signed, finally justice for the victim !!!! If you have such a problem with the justice system using the death penalty then there are always other places to live, I hear france is nice this time of year !
  2. Let me address a few things that I saw in the comments above. The Utah statue that defines their Death Penalty says the method of death will be lethal injection. There are two ways for this to change, if lethal injection is ruled unconstitutional then the firing squad is the default method... the second is if the prisoner was convicted prior to 2004 which is what happened here... this guy was convicted for a murder 25 years ago so he gets the option of lethal injection or the firing squad. The statute states the firing squad shall be made up of 5 peace officers but makes no mention of how they are chosen. I would imagine that it is done on a volunteer basis and if no volunteers are present then the shooters will be chosen by the commisioner of corrections but i doubt this would be necessary. In the case of lethal injection the statute states that a physican will administer the drugs and will make the final pronouncement of death, not a paramedic. I also did a little more research into the subject and there are no states that allow a paramedic to administer lethal injection. As far as the shooters missing the target, it is my understanding that the execution is carried out at a close range so that factor is taken out of the equation. Finally I want to touch on emser's statement about how he finds it contradictory and immoral to the profession ... I'm not sure completely what you mean but as a volunteer ems worker i wouldn't think that you would be passing judgement on the men and women who will be taking part in this execution. We all take an oath of office and part of that oath is to support and uphold the state constitution... The death penalty is a part of the Utah State Constitution so these officers however they are chosen will be upholding the state constitution and fulfilling their oath of office. The men and women will have enough of a hard time dealing with this part of the job and that will only be made worse by nay sayers like you who will have to put their two cents in because you feel that it's "immoral"...
  3. It has become a very reassuring feeling to hear the noise of the helo coming towards a scene that you are at beside the fact that it is an incredibly valuable resource for the cop on the ground. I have had many jobs with them from foot pursuits to gun runs and it's always good having those guys over head wheather they are looking for a perp or just circling the scene to keep the crowd wondering. It never gets old when you have a crowd yelling and screaming at the cops and then all of a sudden the helo comes in low, fast and loud and they all look up at the same time and say "oh sh*t" Thanks again guys and keep up the great work
  4. me thinks there is a WHOLE LOT more to this story ..... I'm not saying you weren't assaulted but if you were a completely innocent victim then you would have called the police and pressed charges. From reading your post it almost seemed like you are trying to get out ahead of something before more of the story comes out... any way just my 2 cents
  5. Date: 6/14/09 Time: 0120 Location: 77 locust hill avenue Frequency: 453.4750 Units Operating: YPD 4th PCT, DD, Empress Weather Conditions: overcast/rain Description Of Incident: Shooting Reporters: Crime Cop Writer: Crime Cop YPD 4th Precinct Units reporting a male shot in the building
  6. May God Bless our fallen Brothers, Thank you for your service and sacrafice, you will never be forgotten. With any luck we will see this murderer with a needle in his arm in the next few years.
  7. Guy, COME ON !!!!!! Who cares if they were previously sick, sick now, sick later, diagnosed, misdiagnosed, not hugged enough as a kid, was a loser in school, was picked on, whatever the reason that they committed the atrocious acts that they did the bottom line is that these are not the actions of normal people so in my book it classifies as SICK !!!! The animal in Massachusets got what he deserved and the police made sure of that and the other animal in North Carolina will undoubtedly meet his maker in the execution chamber which is exactly what he deserves..... May God Bless the victims and their families.....
  8. the PD boat and the FD boat do different tasks.... The PD boat should be manned all year round and hopefully this money allows that to happen. The PD boat concentrates on boater safety and life saving which are essential in the ever popular waters of the hudson
  9. I kind of think this is getting out of hand.. yes i'm sure it was a slow news day... watching the video, you can't see all the road and traffic conditions like the drive could so if he felt he was driving safe then so be it. The interview was most assuredly set up before hand and wasn't "on the spot." The driver was professional in his responses and in my opinion shut down any potential criticism of the video. He admitted to smoking and said he wouldn't do it again... so be it. I really don't see this video as being a problem for anyone.. the only person that should have a problem is the person that took the video who i'm sure was a kid who still gets a rush out of a lights and siren response...
  10. I think it will be a great tool for us to use.. anything that will allow us to respond faster is better !!!
  11. great pics, what a long day for all of us... Our roll call was at 7am and the busses got us to the seminary by 0745... we stood all day and then my unit got tasked with driving the borrowed golf carts back to dunwoodie which just made a long day even longer, but it was fun racing each other up Yonkers Avenue in the dark in golf carts !!!!!
  12. Rest in Peace Brother .... Your service and sacrafice for the people of Suffolk County will never be forgotten. May your family and your Co-workers be comforted by their memories of you and the work that did throughout your career. To address what Chris said before about DWI, I agree Chris the DWI problem is out of control and it seems that our best efforts aren't even making a dent in the problem. Truth be told, it is the "slap on the wrist" penalties that are the problem, but that is the problem with all aspects of law enforcement, we put them in jail and the courts let them out.... The guy that killed this officer should swing for this....
  13. this is just more stupidity from the left... as we all know all jurisdictions have residency requirements... my advice is if you really want the job then move into the district or else STOP CRYING !!!!!!
  14. you can't assume people are good, that equals complacency in Law Enforcement ... ( I don't know if i spelled complacency right) People lie, thats the way it is... I just think this story isn't as bad as the liberal media make it out to be
  15. a true travesty of justice... these animals should have been found guilty it's unreal .. I'm so angry about this !!!!!!!!
  16. this is another example of how our jobs are TOTALLY different. People don't tend to lie to firemen and EMT's but EVERYONE lies to us..... you guys have to realize that not all is as it seems... trust the cops at the scene and let it be...
  17. AS was evident in the plate reader topic there seems to be some of us who are completly naive about the ways of the world and how crime works. Letting criminals out of jail WILL increase crime and cause a public safety emergency.. it happens all the time except here we call it parole. Those of you who want to be so concerned about the rights and comforts of prisioners should invite these newly released criminals to stay with you in your houses, in your neighborhoods, but my guess is that you wouldn't, "NIMBY" is what most of you would say. The eighth ammendment has NOTHING to do with this, excessive bail ? These people are in state prision and are therefore past being elegible for bail. If these people are upset with their prision living conditions, here's a clue - STOP BREAKING THE LAW MORON - and you won't have to be in prision. Unfortunatly there are those people in society who hide behind the bill of rights, these people are called liberals. There is a saying in Law Enforcement, " a liberal is only a liberal until they or someone they love is the victim of a crime, then they become a conservative." Let's remember these people are CONVICTED CRIMINALS and are in state prision for a reason, for all of you that are concerned about the bill of rights and prisioners rights, the reason is that they were found guilty by a jury of their peers as is prescribed by the constitution. Just my 2 cents ......
  18. not to get off topic here but i have seen a few posts that disturb me. to the posters here that are volunteer firemen and are not cops, you are entitled to your opinion but you sound pretty stupid commenting on police procedure and how we do our jobs when you now NOTHING about it. From you locations on your profiles you guys live where crime really isn't a problem but here in the real world cops have to use every tool in our arsenal to get the job done which most times isn't the easiest task because liberal morons who worry about civil rights and the 4th amendment make our job more difficult than it already is. I'm sure this will be deleted by the admin or i will catch hell from the other posters for this but I think it had to be said.
  19. the reader does scan every plate it sees and it does record them... like one of the posters said, you have NO expectation of privacy in public and your plates are New York State Property. Let's remember driving is a priviledge not a RIGHT .... I also agree with the above posters who said if you have nothing to hide then don't worry about it.... and if you have a real problem with it then either walk or buy a bicycle. Maybe in New Windsor crime isn't that much of a problem but down here it is but i bet if you ask the cops in newburgh or middletown they would welcome a tool like this....
  20. Date: 2/8/09 Time: 0005 Location: Palisade Avenue @ Elm Street Frequency: 453.4750 Units Operating: 4th Pct Units / ESU / Detectives / Westchester County PD Aviation Description Of Incident: Call for shots fired, confirmed by unit in area, with an older model white vehicle leaving the scene. Detective unit recovered a handgun at the scene. No victims at this time. Called in by YFD at HQ on New School Street and shots heard by detective unit. Writer: crime cop et al
  21. the plate reader is a great tool. The speed is amazing and in yonkers we have a new data base that can store location of contact, with time of day, etc...
  22. stay strong brothers, NO GIVE BACKS..... let them work it out and if they lay off cops then let nassau descend into the 10th level of hell as far as crime is concerned... make them realize that they need cops more than any other employees
  23. Unreal... God Bless You Brother.... Thank God the animal that did this is in custody......
  24. I shaved my head for 5 years until recently. I think it does make people think twice ( at times) before challenging you but i also agree with the fact that its the whole package... you can have a shaved head and still not command respect, it's how you are as a professional
  25. bottom line, this guy was drunk, he drove, he got into an accident, he got locked up... i'm sure he is already out of the VAC and thats about it. Does it make certain sections of the emergency services look bad ? of course it does but it is what it is.... this too shall pass