Just a guy

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Everything posted by Just a guy

  1. I will be there with a bunch of Yonkers Cops ! Let's all make the effort to attend !
  2. I'm glad to see that our laid off brother and sister have found new homes, Congrats !! Good for the cops and good for the villages. The article in the journal fish wrap was a little weird, listing their hobbies and likes, it seemed a little like a personals ad !!! It seems very elitist that Bronxville wouldn't let any recruitment take place there, kinda sad really I guess it's beneath them to help their fellow neighbors, unreal..
  3. Chris, I'm pretty sure we still have them in our new radio cars. In my opinion they are still a valuable asset. I remember years ago tracking a lojack hit fron north broadway and Roberts Avenue in Yonkers to Troy Lane in Yonkers and when we found it there was a County PD radio car that was doing an imound because he has recovered it a few minutes before... yes the vehicle was unoccupied.
  4. Chris, I'm still out but i will call the guys in my unit so i can get some fliers that guys can put up in their commands which would be greatly appreciated !
  5. Dunwoodie is a county run golf course that has a great restaurant called Social, this is where the benefit will be held. The address of the golf course is 1 Wasylenko Lane which is off Yonkers Avenue right across from the Yonkers Gateway Motel which is 300 Yonkers Avenue. If anyone needs any directions or other info please feel free to PM me. MAP Thanks guys !!
  6. Thank you Brother, I'll see you there !
  7. Rest In Peace Brother you and all the members of the Chicago Fire Department are in our thoughts, our prayers and our hearts.
  8. Thank You for the info guys... I know nothing about the fire service but the concept of a tele - squrt seems like a good idea. How is this regarded in the fire service, is it accepted as a good piece of equipment to have ?
  9. Those are great pictures ! I liked the Mesa Engine, I've never seen a truck like that and the Philly Tiller was awesome. I have a stupid question , what does SQURT stand for ?
  10. The bottom line is that the poor me mentality has to stop !! All school cirriculum around the state is the same, children in every classroom around the state take the same tests at the same time at the same age. So how is it that if a minority candidate gets a question wrong on the FDNY exam it's descriminitory but if a white candidate gets a question wrong it's because he just doesn't know the question ? These tests are fair, this is the way civil service has been done forever, thats it. The excuse of socio - economic conditions is just that - AN EXCUSE !!! If you want the job that bad, take the test like everyone else and you pass the test on your merit and on your merit alone, not on some sliding scale that allows you to bypass questions you may have got wrong.
  11. Congrats Brother , it's well deserved !
  12. This really shows how pathetic the federal government is. This is the whole liberal ideology of " it's ok just let them have that part of arizona, we have the rest of the country, hopefully they will just go away." We are Americans, we don't lay down and take it , WE FIGHT !!!!! This is our country that these drug runners are coming into, and now the federal government says " we aren't going to put a stop to it we are just going to tell our citizens that they can't go there ? ARE YOU KIDDING ME ?? This is what we have become. Arizona finally gets fed up with the federal government not dealing with the border and what is the governments answer - TO SUE ARIZONA ??? Again I say, ARE YOU KIDDING ME ? We all know that there is no quick and easy solution to the immigration situation but one thing is for sure, you have to put a moratorium on legal immigration for at least five years and seal the borders so you can deal with the situation we have before letting more people in the country. It's just like the oil spill in the gulf, you can try to clean up while the oil is still flowing but it's like trying to bail out the ocean with a dixie cup, you will only be working against yourself. You have to wait until the flow has stopped, now you can clean up and have it make a difference. If you keep the borders open and free flowing but you try to do ICE round ups, it's useless because you arrest 300 people one day in california but 1000 people just crossed the border in arizona. God Help Us !!
  13. That's one of the things I miss about driving the Chevy Caprice radio cars, besides the amazing acceleration, incredible handling and the great amount of room inside them, you could leave them running and take the key out and lock the doors. If i remember correctly if the ignition wasn't locked you could start them without a key also.. God I miss those cars.
  14. I say good for the medics for getting their bus back !! I wonder if the perp fell as he was pulled from the ambulance !!!!!
  15. What a bunch of nonsense. I known I'm not a fire fighter but stuff like this affects us all. This poor me stuff has to stop, enough already ... it should be the same test for EVERYONE !!!! The same written, the same physical, the same EVERYTHING !!!! Take the test, get your results and if you get hired then good for you, if you don't get hired, better luck next time. There is no reason why a judge needs to be involved with this.. and for him to base his ruling in part on budgetary issues in NYC , talk about overstepping your bounds ... Sorry about the rant guys some things just strike a nerve..
  16. Joe Girardi is a class act ! He has proven himself time and time again to be a gentlemen. I can only imagine the amazing boost this visit gave to Detective Checchi. Thank You Joe and Thank you to the New York Yankees for making this happen. To Det. Checchi, get well soon brother and enjoy the game !
  17. I couldn't have said it better myself brother !
  18. This reminds me of when the White Powder letter craze was around. We were responding to 20-30 of these calls a night but there were the people who would walk the letters to the precinct and bring them inside and proceed to dump the powder on the desk so the officer can see it !! This caused us to put a sign outside the precinct asking people to leave their letters outside and for them to come inside which only lead to more confusion. Sometimes you just have to laugh...
  19. This is a very interesting question, it's one that I never thought of because we never have access issues with homeowners here but it would seem that the emergency services do have the right to enter the property. I posted the NYS penal law for arson, it seems that if you wanted to burn a building on your own property you could technically... but there are other questions that come up, can you really take the homeowners word that the house is empty ? Did he set the fire to cover up another crime ? Or maybe he's just a nut that wanted to burn his house down and live in the woods .... S 150.00 Arson; definitions. As used in this article, 1. "Building", in addition to its ordinary meaning, includes any structure, vehicle or watercraft used for overnight lodging of persons, or used by persons for carrying on business therein. Where a building consists of two or more units separately secured or occupied, each unit shall not be deemed a separate building. 2. "Motor vehicle", includes every vehicle operated or driven upon a public highway which is propelled by any power other than muscular power, except (a) electrically-driven invalid chairs being operated or driven by an invalid, vehicles which run only upon rails or tracks, and © snowmobiles as defined in article forty-seven of the vehicle and traffic law. S 150.01 Arson in the fifth degree. A person is guilty of arson in the fifth degree when he or she intentionally damages property of another without consent of the owner by intentionally starting a fire or causing an explosion. Arson in the fifth degree is a class A misdemeanor. S 150.05 Arson in the fourth degree. 1. A person is guilty of arson in the fourth degree when he recklessly damages a building or motor vehicle by intentionally starting a fire or causing an explosion. 2. In any prosecution under this section, it is an affirmative defense that no person other than the defendant had a possessory or proprietary interest in the building or motor vehicle. Arson in the fourth degree is a class E felony. S 150.10 Arson in the third degree. 1. A person is guilty of arson in the third degree when he intentionally damages a building or motor vehicle by starting a fire or causing an explosion. 2. In any prosecution under this section, it is an affirmative defense that (a) no person other than the defendant had a possessory or proprietary interest in the building or motor vehicle, or if other persons had such interests, all of them consented to the defendant`s conduct, and the defendant`s sole intent was to destroy or damage the building or motor vehicle for a lawful and proper purpose, and © the defendant had no reasonable ground to believe that his conduct might endanger the life or safety of another person or damage another building or motor vehicle. Arson in the third degree is a class C felony. S 150.15 Arson in the second degree. A person is guilty of arson in the second degree when he intentionally damages a building or motor vehicle by starting a fire, and when (a) another person who is not a participant in the crime is present in such building or motor vehicle at the time, and the defendant knows that fact or the circumstances are such as to render the presence of such a person therein a reasonable possibility. Arson in the second degree is a class B felony. S 150.20 Arson in the first degree. 1. A person is guilty of arson in the first degree when he intentionally damages a building or motor vehicle by causing an explosion or a fire and when (a) such explosion or fire is caused by an incendiary device propelled, thrown or placed inside or near such building or motor vehicle; or when such explosion or fire is caused by an explosive; or when such explosion or fire either (i) causes serious physical injury to another person other than a participant, or (ii) the explosion or fire was caused with the expectation or receipt of financial advantage or pecuniary profit by the actor; and when another person who is not a participant in the crime is present in such building or motor vehicle at the time; and © the defendant knows that fact or the circumstances are such as to render the presence of such person therein a reasonable possibility. 2. As used in this section, "incendiary device" means a breakable container designed to explode or produce uncontained combustion upon impact, containing flammable liquid and having a wick or a similar device capable of being ignited. Arson in the first degree is a class A-I felony.
  20. In reply to EMSer... Do you have a clue cops are trained ? How dare you monday morning quaterback what those cops did that night ... you weren't there and ONLY if you were there and faced with what they were faced with can you properly comment. These guys did exactly what their training told them to do. There was a very real threat that needed to be neutalized and thats what they did. 50 shots were fired, and in your infinite knowledge of the police service that's alot ? Then you say that we should all be trained like the state troopers are. You do realize that the basic course for police officers in NYS is seet by the DCJS and is that same for all academies around the state. The troopers may follow the paramilitary model a little more than other places but it has nothing to do with making a more well rounded cop.
  21. The decision by NYC to pay this much money in this case is sickening but not suprising. Unfortunately that is the culture lately, just pay to get rid of it no matter how right or wrong the cops were. These men were criminals, and tried to run over a police officer and now their families are 7 million dollars richer It's unreal !! The NYC Corporation Counsel said some nice words supporting the cops but thats all it was - WORDS ... governments should try supporting Law Enforcement in more positive ways instead of just a few words to the news.
  22. Its great to see how this thread has taken on a life of it's own and continues to strike nerves. One of the above posters said the cops approached without knowning what the truck was hauling... I know we aren't regarded as the smartest people but i'm pretty sure one of the first questions with a truck fire is " What are you hauling ?" And incidentally it was paper that the truck was hauling. I still can't help but think that most of the resistance to this idea is because it's not done up here and may be more common down south. One of the more amusing comments was about the firemen shooting up the street and shooting bystanders ---- What are you talking about bro ? That was just a silly comparison to draw. These guys are cross trained and are cops and firemen, not just firemen with guns...
  23. Rest In Peace