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Everything posted by BIGRED1

  1. Just want to send a big thank you to the guys who were working with pelham manor on sunday the 23. you guys made training fun and we had a great time. one of the best drills we have had in a long time.
  2. BANG!!!!! Like the train derailment, totally unreal.
  3. anyone know exactly where it happened?
  4. WOW, that is all i can say.
  5. should be right around the corner. keep looking on the county website for the test postings
  6. i heard it was a cut through to show what the inside of a propane or any container really looks like inside. just what i heard but someone in the probie class might now
  7. AHAHAH what a dumb a$$. Flamable outfit + lighter Fluid + lighter = one toasted moron. hope someone brought the marshmellows. i like how the kids hair was on fire and they couldn't put it out. keeps all the emt's employed.
  8. well our issue was that it was canceled 3 days before the drill. we all know that schedules change, but not when you had it down for over a year then we call and comfirm and we get a "oh ya it is not available" thats what the issue i had was. now i love the county and we use it to get some hands on expeirience, and also to see how guys work together and think in diffrent situations. but when you lose live fire training cause Mt Vernon needs to practice for their physical, thats a little bit of a lame excuse.
  9. People worship money. plain and simple. The "let me help the community and better myself" thought proscess has be replaced with "how can i get more money so i can buy something i don't need". I do love money as we all do but i also have a scense of pride in my town and myself. alot of young people today talk about there cars (that mommy and daddy bought) and there sweet cloths( also from mommy and daddy) and thats what their proud of. i take great pride in the fact that i am a firemen and that i volunteer to help my community. some high school kids asked me why i would risk my butt for people i don't know and not get paid for it. i said i get paid in something more valuable, self worth. If people could afford to live around here we would have more candidates for the volunteer departments, more people taking the paid job tests. we wouldn't have to just take who ever shows up at the door. more members means more likely hood someone is gonna be around to make the calls. Thats my two cents.
  10. WOW!! that was close. he almost got hit by 3 cars and a truck. i don;t get why this happens soooo often. we have all seen like a million diffrent vids of cops getting hit or there cars getting nailed during stops
  11. the story FDNY Trial Suspended As Safety Rope Frays NY Post (October 12, 2005) A ballyhooed rope- and-harness safety device distributed to city firefighters just last week has already been suspended from use - after one of the lines used in the survival gear frayed during a training test, fire officials said yesterday. The "Personal Safety System" - which is supposed to allow firefighters to rappel from a building like a mountain climber - was hailed as a way to prevent any future tragedies like the Jan. 23 "Black Sunday" deaths of fire Lt. Curtis Meyran and firefighter John Bellew, who had to jump from a burning building because they had no safety ropes. The FDNY in 2000 discontinued ropes as standard equipment. The department this year had spent eight months testing and evaluating the new system. The devices had so far been distributed to 250 firefighters as the start of an $11 million project to provide ropes to all 11,000 of the Bravest. But this week, one of the ropes became jammed inside a pulley and frayed as a firefighter made a mistake while performing a slide at the department's Training Academy, officials said. The firefighter was not hurt. "This is a precautionary measure," FDNY spokesman Jim Long said. While it was the rope that frayed, the department is now looking over the entire system - which includes a Kevlar rope, a harness and hook, a descent-control device and a carrying bag. Each piece is made by different manufacturer. Long said the FDNY is now discussing the problem with Petzl, the company that makes the descent-control device and is well known to mountain climbers.
  12. Is it true that Geoff is the class president? some guys were talking about it and i just wanted to know. He is a good guy and is someone i looked up to when he was on the Voli side.
  13. Pelham manor lost 2 training days this year, one in Aug the other in Sept. we had the times and day for over a year. when called to confirm we were told that they needed it for other things. The sept date was given away cause Mt. Vernon needed it so guys could get ready for a physical test.
  14. All i am gonna say about last years red sox is, "Its about time!" how many times can they blow it in one hundred years? i am not sore about it. they rallied back and won congrads. but the sox still suck and rivalries are what make this game great.
  15. Off-Duty Massachusetts Firefighter Dropped his Beer, Saved a Life
  16. I would say that his is the stuff that should make us all smile. normally at inspection dinners theres a lot of drinking and stuff, but rarely do you hear about a well executed prank going down. hats off to whom ever pulled it off. just some good old family fun.
  17. Nighty nighty Red Sux. don't let the door hit ya on the way out.
  18. this site can kinda be helpful in finding where the houses are. you have to mapquest them yourself but it will lead you in the general direction.
  19. Very impressive. i like the interactive section so you can see what is kept where on their rigs. plus the stats section is CRAZY!
  20. OWNED man thats got to hurt. i would be amazed if he was not dead after that one.
  21. when is the next Yonkers written test? is it every 4 years like the county?
  22. so the date it Oct 15th right
  23. Pelham Manor black: Paid guys Yellow Helmet/White Shield: Officer Yellow/ Black Shield: Firefighter
  24. The Pelham Manor Volunteer Fire Department sends our condolences, our thoughts and prayers to the entire Arena family
  25. the officers are trying to put together a tools test for the guys. we have a basic form from who knows when that is just a list of stuff you would commonly be called to get. (axe's, Scott packs, etc.). i want to kinda spice it up a bit and make the guys work. we did come up with the idea of having it done in teams. or maybe give a situation and have them get the tools and tell or show us how they work. what does everyone else do in there houses? any ideas from outside the box?