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Everything posted by 61MACKBR1

  1. I understand from reading on the Yonkers Tribune web site, that the planned New Yonkers Fire Headquarters on Neprahan Avenue and New Main Street will be a 6 Bay Building (vs. the 4 Bay Building that they have now). One can only guess that Yonkers will be housing more rigs (Reserves/Spares?) out of this new headquarters, now having 6 bays.
  2. Excellent Information Dr. Zuki - Very Informative
  3. YonksFF - I can attest that Dr. Zuki is "Very Well Connected" to Yonkers City Government, actually has an Executive Position in one of the City's Groups. So, please don't brush off his statements as being just rumors, without knowing more about the individual. In these cases, the best would be not to pass judgement concerning anything about the person or the statements. Again, I personally know that Dr. Zuki has his hand on the pulse of the operations of the City of Yonkers.
  4. So this is YFD Spare Ladder # 78 (Former Ladder 70 [1991 Seagrave Rear Mount), which is on loan to NRFD?
  5. What is a "Sally Wagon" ? (What is it used for, if at all)
  6. Do you know if there has been any architectural drawings/renditions done yet of the Proposed New YFD Headquarters and Training Facility, as proposed as part of this 40,000 Square Foot Section of the New River Park Center, on the Corner of Nepperhan Avenue and New Main Street? I, too agree, that it would be sad to see "The Big House" come down. Maybe they can incorporate that building as part of the New Minor League Ballpark, kind of like what they did down in Baltimore at Camden Yards, with the Huge Warehouse out beyond Right Field. Maybe they could use the old building as a Museum?
  7. Definition of A Squad Company (As per NFPA Guidelines) A Squad is a vehicle(s) consisting of at least an Engine with or without other support vehicles (ie: Rescue, Ladder, or Utility Type), equipped with additional and specific equipment to handle hazardous materials / WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) and/or technical rescue, that will respond with a minimum of six (6) trained and certified members, included a company officer. For haz-mat and WMD the minimum training level shall be Haz-Mat Technician (as identified under OSHA 1910.120) and the squad shall have the equipment necessary to perform air monitoring, level “A” suit and decontamination. For technical rescue the minimum training level shall be based on NFPA 1670. All members shall be at the technician level for structural collapse, trench rescue and confined space rescue and at the operations level for rope rescue. The squad shall have the equipment necessary to initiate a response, safely size up and identify additional resources required to safely mitigate these incidents.
  8. According to the Host of the site, they are limiting the amount of "Listeners" due to the limitations that he was regardng BANDWIDTH. Hopefully, with some contributions, he can obtain some additional resources to increase the amount of bandwidth and thus more people can listen in. He is just starting this site up and it appears to be a really good one. Lets all do what we can to help contribute to the success of this site. It appears to be a really great "Complimentary Sister Site" to EMTBRAVO, that will allow people to have access "On Line" to the Emergency Activity in Westchester County
  9. I think that their server might have been down this afternoon. Try it again tomorrow. It is a REALLY GREAT SITE (For those who are intereseted in Monitoring 60 Control, White Plains and Yonkers)
  10. Yonkers FD can now be heard on scan60.com Along with Yonkers, White Plains FD and 60 Control can also be heard. Great Site !
  11. I believe that the Old Mack (last produced - 314, 303) is now Reserve Engine 317
  12. Thanks Batt 2 for the great update to which I know that many EMTBravo Members appreciate your professional and courteous update to the status, one that the citizens of our great city, Yonkers, are very proud of.
  13. Interesting Question that, I too, would be interested in knowing. Given the fact that Yonkers has been ordering ALF Eagles since they brought in 308 & 309 a few years back, and then adding 313 and then 306 slightly thereafter, this newest batch of ALF Eagles (303, 304, 314), I would presume, would be similiar in nature. Obviously, Squad 311 is much different in its spec, than the others. Also interested to read about the comment/post about the deck guns possibly not being ready on some of the new ALF Eagles (However, I saw the photo of the delivered 314 ALF Eagle, and it appeared as if the Deck Gun was on that one). Can anyone else ellaborate on this?
  14. The Paint Scheme on Squad 11 is much more ellaborate than what Campbell Supply did on 303, 304, and 314. I would presume, but don't know for sure, that Yonkers might have spec'd out Squad 11 similiar to what New York City has for its Squad Units rather than what New Rochelle did on E22, but I may be wrong. Are all 4 New Rigs in Service yet in Yonkers, and what do the men of YFD think of their New Rigs?
  15. On EMTBRAVO.COM, one of our members has provided Seth with some recent photos of the Newest Yonkers Fire Department Apparatus, slated for delivery sometime in the near future. Engines 303, 304, 314 and Squad 11 are featured. I really like the Quasi Gold Leaf Lettering for Squad 11. That is one of the sharpest looking rigs in the County. Great Job "EAGLE" !!!!
  16. Has the Pump Tests been compled by YFD and Campbell Supply yet? Have they arrived in Yonkers yet? Any Photos of the 4 New Rigs with all of the Lettering yet?
  17. Does anyone remember what municipalities had in service the Mack B-85 Thermodyne Rig, either as a Pumper, Ladder, or Rescue Apparatus, and what they were?
  18. I would presume, based upon some of the dates posted, that Yonkers New Fleet of ALF Eagles (3 Pumpers, 1 Rescue/Pumper) should be in the City, possibly week after next. It will be interesting to see how the Final Lettering and Finishing Touches will look, especially on the New Squad 311 (Rescue/Pumper). Will the Front Grill have SQ (then the American Eagle Embellium) 311 ??? Also curious if the Upper Sides (both Right and Left) between the two Red Strobes have some sort of Lettering (similiar to Yonkers Mask Services Unit and the Current Rescue 1)? Maybe something like "YONKERS FIRE DEPARTMENT" or "YONKERS FIRE RESCUE SQUAD" ? Does anyone have any updates from Campbell Supply on this (Does Campbell Supply do the Lettering/Finishing Touches?)
  19. My understanding is that their SCBA's were manufactured by INTERSPIRO FIREFIGHTING SCBA's and that the City is considering legal action against this manufacturer.
  20. Didn't notice the lack of a Pipe Gun on 1 of the 3 ALF Eagle Pumpers. That would be odd? Does anyone else know about this?
  21. Does anyone have any news pertaining to the arrivals of YFD's New Engine's 303, 304, 314 and Squad 311? The latest was that they were to arrive in March 2006. Have they arrived? Are they still at ALF in South Carolina or are they at Campbell Supply in New Jersey? Does anyone know?
  22. With news today concerning the "Ballpark" in Yonkers (New Plans-New Additions to the Development Team), I am curious to know if anyone knows if they still plan on knocking down "The Big House" and building a New Yonkers FD Headquarters and Training Facility, somewhere else in Yonkers, or are they going to keep "The Big House" right where it is, but with a New Face-Lift?
  23. Bottom Line is that I believe that the City Officials need to make sure that Senior Level Managemetn within YFD are involved totally with the plans and development of this New Proposed YFD Headquaters and Training Facility. It should be the developer and the developer ONLY who foots the bill for this new faciility and not the tax payers of Yonkers. Finally, it should be the Senior Management within YFD, total responsibility to inform the residents of the city of their plans going forward in regards to this new facility and who is responsibile for paying it, any (if applicable) disruption that this may cause to the fire service within the city and just plain good open government communication. Finally, it should also be the responsibility of the Senior Management within YFD's responsibility to inform the residents (be it either in the NY Journal News and/or within a site as this one) of ANY and ALL updates pertaining to the Proposed Ridge Hill Fire Station, a New Ladder Company potentially being added, and the city's plans for the New 3rd Aerial Ladder Truck to which they just purchased with the help of the taxpayers of the city.
  24. This is an piece of the Yonkers Industrial Development Proposal for Southwest Yonkers, that specifically references the "Demolition" of YFD's New School Street Headquarters, to make way for the New Ballpark. However, there is NO REFERENCE made to where the developer plans on building a New YFD Headquarters and Training Facility (See Below for the Excerpt): "The parties agree that each applicable Municipal Entity shall convey the parcels that such Municipal Entity owns in the Chicken Island Project area to the Company for the amount of one dollar ($1.00), subject to the agreement of the Company to, as part of the Chicken Island Project, construct the same number of replacement public parking spaces at no cost to the Municipal Entities on the Chicken Island site or adjacent thereto as currently exists in the public parking lot on the Chicken Island site (to the extent required by existing YPA agreements or applicable YPA legislation, such replacement spaces to be operated by YPA and constructed in accordance with YPA regulations and standards). In addition, the City agrees to: (1) cause the School Street firehouse to be vacated as soon as is practicable after the full execution of this Agreement, but in no event later than the date on which ownership of that parcel is to be transferred to the Company pursuant to the applicable Land Disposition Agreement; and (2) “de-map” and discontinue School Street as a public street of the City (by such date as is provided in the applicable Land Disposition Agreement(s) for the Chicken Island Project). "
  25. Exactly the kind of attitude that Seth is looking to elliminate on this site. Let's allow everyone to ask the questions that they have, without the retorical journalistic attitude. Even if you, as you say, don't like repeatition, it is within everyone's rights to ask the questions, just as long as they stay within the respected rules of this site. If you don't like something that is asked, there is always the PM option that you can use.