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Everything posted by 61MACKBR1

  1. I think I remember when Yonkers finally painted over that 74 Mack Baker TL and made it TL75 for about 2 years. I might have been at that time that someone was finally able to get all of the "Bugs" out of it. (Again, it spent more time in the Shop than on the Front Lines during its tenure in Yonkers). Were there any other Rigs from the 60's, 70's, 80's or 90's that anyone can remember, that didn't do well in Yonkers (Besides those Continential Compac's)
  2. Terrific Photos - Bring on more, especially from the 1960's and Early 70's. Chief Fitzpatrick, you are indeed correct as it relates to TL70. The Rig, originally purchased in 1974, was designated at Tower Ladder 1 (Single Axel Mack Baker TL), and it original home was intended to be YFD HQ. But, as you said, the Yonkers Building Engineers said that the existing floors at Headquarters would never support the weight of this new Rig. Therefore, this truck would find its way to Station 3, again as Tower Ladder 1 (Original Lettering before the Reflective Plaqards). It was at this time, that this specific rig would be "Out of Service" more than "In Service" There was a period of time that the rig was not even in Yonkers, as it was sent out of town for repairs. Eventually, Truck 1 (then Ladder 71) would end up getting 1 of those ALF Century Tillers, which was housed at YFD Hqs. Once the repairs were finally made to the satisfaction of all, this rig was then stationed at Station 14, as TL70. It would then end up as TL76, before being put out to pasture. As the chief said, this single axel rig could never hold up having to ciimb the hills of Yonkers. Chief, wasn't that also the case of the Old Mack 62 Box Rescuem, that R1 had problems going up the various hills in Yonkers? (although this rig held up well from 1962 thru 1976, given that the YFD Rescue responded to most emergency based calls with Local Hospital Owned Ambulances [No Empress, AA, or Yonkers Volunterer at the time] with the YPD E-Rigs not really prominent until the early 1970's with those old blue and white Station Wagens). Does anyone else have any memories from the Old Days of both Tower Ladder 1 and the Old Rescue 1?
  3. More Current and Vintage Updated Photos from within the Various Cities in Westchester County FD's, EMT Agencies, and PD's.
  4. Gotta love those Roto Rays as well.
  5. Great Question From Dr. Zuki - Does anyone within the County PD System or within Yonkers PD know the answers?
  6. I agree with Seth about 95% on this one. What I would suggest that the individual, who complained to EMTBravo about the deletion of the post, would be to start a New Post regarding the same subject/topic. HOWEVER, rather than having it start off as a BASH, title it with a Topic Thread that, contructively and professionally, gets to the root of the matter, have it focus on the issues that are relevent to the topic, focused on the relationship to Emergency Response, and constructive to this site. This way, others can also respond, professionally and maturely, with their constructive opinions. However, especially in this day and age, we don't need any "I Hates" anywhere. We all need to use this site as it was originally intended. As a forum to learn from each other, inform others, and enjoy the information, whether or not it is about New Life Saving Techniques, New Equipment Available, Information about a Specific Department, or Incidents that occured around Westchester County and the surrounding areas. I don't mind discussions about Light Bars or Color Schemes of Fire Trucks or even new releases of EMERGENCY on DVD. This is the fun aspect of this forum, that should never go away. But, we all need a little professionalism when dealing with and presenting topics for discussion on this GREAT SITE.
  7. I would definately say that Yonkers FD has the best spec'd Rescue/Pumper Rig out there (YFD Squad 11). Take a look at www.yfd.org and go under apparatus and then click on Rescues. Both YFD's new '07 ALF Eagle Heavy Duty Tandem Axel Rescue Rig is pictured there as well at the above mentioned '06 ALF Eagle Rescue Pumper
  8. Great Site !!! I look forward to the new additions that will eventually be added (Are there plans to add a photo section showing some of the Vintage FDMV Rigs of the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's?
  9. Or maybe you can train your dalmation to protect your fire truck from people who might be tempted to "Borrow It" like that guy in Mount Vernon last year. Here's a photo of "Fido" in action
  10. Yes, I would think that someone within YFD could better answer these questions, but from what I have been told, the 2 New ALF Tower Ladders would be replacing TL 71 and 75 and the 2 New ALF Pumpers would be replacing Engine Co # 308 and 309. I have also heard that YFD was going to be purchasing a New Collapse Rig (To Replace the Current Mack housed at Station 11) and a New Foam Rig (to replace the Current Sutphen Rig housed at Station 13), in addition ot the New Trailer and Burn Unit that was previously mentioned. As far as Engine 299, I have been told that this is one of those Old Mack Rigs that were used as "Spare/Reserve" Rigs that will now be up for Auction. But for the mean time, I guess that YFD has them up at the WCFTC in Valhalla, as part of their training program. (The Old Mack Engine 306 (last of the production) that was then Engine 317, is, from what I have been told, being refurbished in order to be used for Parades, Special Events, etc, by YFD). Does anyone else have any additional information?
  11. Chief - Once the transfer and break in period has been completed, will the Old Rescue (will be then be called Rescue 2) be housed at Station 1 or will it be housed up at Ridge Hill as a completely stocked Spare or Reserve Rescue Rig? How do the guys like the New R1?
  12. With the New 2007 ALF Eagle HD YFD Rescue 1 now in service, and knowing that the Old Rescue 1 will now become the "Spare Rescue Unit", has YFD designated what the Old Rescue Rig will now be called? (Rescue 2) ? Also, have the Old Ladders 70, 73 and 74 (Seagrave, Smeal, and Seagrave) been redesignated yet as well? (ie: Ladder 76, 78 and 79)?
  13. Other than Engine 24, what other Front Line OR Spare Apparatus is housed at New Rochelle FD Station 4? (I see that Station 4 is a 2 bay station, but all I can find on the net is that Engine 24 is housed there).
  14. Keep Them Coming R1Smokeeater !!!
  15. If anyone has any New Photos (say as of today) of the New YFD R1, 70, 73 and 74 that they can send to Seth today for posting, say tonight, that would be great
  16. What is the GATOR? (Thanks)
  17. Here is a link to a photo of Mount Vernon FD's Old Snorkel 1 (now there was a classic piece of fire apparatus, that was well used during its time served in Mount Vernon) http://www.emtbravo.lunarpages.com/SpecFea...untVernon2.html
  18. Has Yonkers FD placed their New ALF Eagle Heavy Duty Tandem Axel Rescue Rig into service yet? If so, what have they done with their Old 2000 ALF Eagle Rescue Rig? (Is Yonkers going to redesignate it as R2?)
  19. This should be standard equipment on all Ambulances
  20. A Number of Bus' in Rhode Island have Air Horns as part of their Standard Package http://www.local3023.org/rescue_2/
  21. Correct. YPD never had their own fleet of Ambulances. Now, we are going back to the "PRE- AA" and "PRE-ABBEY RICHMOND" and "PRE-EMPRESS" era in Yonkers. (Even Pre-Yonkers Volunteer Ambulance Corp). There were 3 Ambulances that served Yonkers. One from St. Josephs, that covered Southwest Yonkers and some parts of South East Yonkers, one from St. Johns Riverside, that covered Northwest Yonkers, and parts of Central Yonkers, and one from Lawrence Hospital, that covered Northeast Yonkers and parts of South East Yonkers (as well as Bronxville). YPD used "Station Wagons" (Blue and White Color Scheme) back then, as part of their E-Rig Fleet (Before they got Trucks). Usually, one of the 2 YPD E-Rigs (or E-Wagons) would go out on the call with one of the 3 Ambulances. In certain cases, back then, the Old YFD Mack B Rescue Truck would be dispatched to help out (this up until 1976, when YFD R1 was taken out of service and decommissioned due to the Budget Crisis in Yonkers back in 1976).
  22. Back when YPD used their E-Rigs as Quasi "Fly Cars" it was during the era when each of the Hospitals in the area had their own Ambulances. Lawrence Hospital had their own (I believe it was a Cadillac Metor), St John's Riverside had their own, as well as St. Joseph's. These ambulances were manned with a Driver (probably not a certified EMS Tech) and a EMT. YPD would call the Hospital ER of the Closest Hospital to where the call would come into and then that respective hospital would dispatch out their ambulance for the call. (I remember that Lawrence Hospital would have their ambulance quartered in the Exxon Gas Station across the street on Palmer Road)
  23. Did Yonkers take out that High Water Unit during this storm or did they just leave it up at the Ridge Hill Bunker? I understand that YFD had an assignment working on Palmer Road for quite a bit of time the past couple of days, and was curious to know if this Rig was placed in service or not.
  24. Does Anyone Remember When The Some Of The Local Hospitals had their own Ambulances servicing municipalities. YONKERS had 3 Ambulances running out of St. Johns Riverside, Yonkers General, and St. Joseph's (Respectfully). I am not sure if the Old Yonkers Professional Hospital had one or not. LAWRENCE HOSPITAL had their own Cadillac Metor supporting Supporting Northeast Yonkers and Bronxville, Eastchester, and Tuckahoe (With EVAC only as a backup). Does anyone else remember this?
  25. Here are those additional pictures, thanks to YFD Web Site