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Everything posted by 61MACKBR1

  1. I have heard that Yonkers Fire Department will be taking delivery today, Monday, August 18, 2008 of 2 New ALF LTI 75" Mid Mount Tower Ladders, to replace the current TL 71 (YFD Headquarters on New School Street) and current TL 75 (at Station 12 on Fortfield Avenue). Not sure what plans YFD has for the 2 current rigs (TL 71 is a 1999 ALF LTI rig; TL 75 is a 2002 ALF LTI rig). Yonkers currently is using a 2001 Micro Rehab of a 1990 Mack CF/Baker 75' Tower Ladder (Tower Ladder 77). Maybe Yonkers will sell off the current TL 71 and current spare TL 77 at Auction and take the current TL 75 and make that the New Spare TL 77? Does anyone have any updates on this today and will anyone be posting any photos of these 2 new rigs today on EMTBravo?
  2. I have heard that Yonkers Fire Department will be taking delivery on Monday, August 18, 2008 of 2 New ALF LTI 75" Mid Mount Tower Ladders, to replace the current TL 71 (YFD Headquarters on New School Street) and current TL 75 (at Station 12 on Fortfield Avenue). Not sure what plans YFD has for the 2 current rigs (TL 71 is a 1999 ALF LTI rig; TL 75 is a 2002 ALF LTI rig). Yonkers currently is using a 2001 Micro Rehab of a 1990 Mack CF/Baker 75' Tower Ladder (Tower Ladder 77). Maybe Yonkers will sell off the current TL 71 and current spare TL 77 at Auction and take the current TL 75 and make that the New Spare TL 77?
  3. Hey, if Noah and Teddy can bring back Engine 1, Ladder 1 and Foam 1 all into full time front line service, with proper full manpower allotments per rig througout the city, then we can all call these 2 "true Heroes" as it relates to the City of Mount Vernon. I think that everyone would be interested in hearing from both the New Commissioner and the New Deputy Commissioner at a news conference talking about their new appointments and the plans that they both have for improving the City of Mount Vernon Fire Department.
  4. I believe that all we can do is to wish the new FDMV Commissioner the very best, and hope that he is able to bring the staffing and equipment levels back to where they need to be (like back in the late 60's early 70's). Hopefully within the next 2 years we can see: Station 1: Engine 6 Ladder 2 Station 2: Engine 5 Ladder 3 Rescue 1 Foam 1 Station 3: Engine 3 Ladder 1 Engine 1 Station 4: Engine 4 Engine 2 Along with this, let's hope the New Commissioner can also have: 2 Additional Working Spare Engine Trucks (maybe purchase 2 of what excess Yonkers might have when they take delivery of their 2 new ALF Engines [308 & 309] later this year) 1 Additional Working Spare Ladder Truck (already have 1) 1 Additional Working Spare Rescue Truck (look at purchasing an old reconditioned rescue truck - yes, I know, they had one and they let is get away)
  5. Before FDMV purchased this rescue truck back in 1985, how did Mount Vernon dispose of the Old Mack C Rescue Truck (See Photo)? Did they auction off that truck for money? (I'd bet that back then they did). Does anyone know?
  6. Bids now being accepted for double axle heavy rescue for Rescue 4 through 9/10. Here are the specs: http://www.newrochelleny.com/RFP-NR-4773.pdf 1) Although it is totally who is awarded "the bid" and it is up in the air on who will actually get it, it will be interesting to see if New Rochelle FD will look strongly on how well and succesful Yonkers FD has made out so far with their New ALF Tandem Heavy Duty Walk Around Rescue Truck, when they look at awarding the bid (although the financial condition of ALF may play into the bid award) or does NRFD look at either Pierce (similiar to what they currently have) OR maybe they look at possibly a E-One/Saulsbury? Would be interested in knowing what others might think? Interesting to note that within the bid spec for this New NRFD Rescue 4, it appears that under the section "PAINTING FINISHING AND STRIPING PAINT XVII PAINTING - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS" that NRFD might have made a mistake within the bid spec by simply "cut and pasting" the bid spec section that NRFD used for their bid request for a new Engine 25, as part of the bid spec for Rescue 4, rather than calling out the lettering for RESCUE 4 (see below)
  7. With the cost of steel and metal (along with Engines and Transmissions that can be refurbished) at an all time high, that old FDMV Rescue Rig was worth allot more than people realize. (The Allison Transmission and Engine alone from that rig could be easily sold off at a decent profit to the city) I'd bet if FDMV sold off that old Rescue 1 along with the Old Foam 1 that is also "rotting out" behind the Fulton Avenue Station House, the city would be able to get enough for a very good down payment for maybe a New Foam Unit that Mount Vernon needs (Look at the Oil City Area! It will only take one disaster, god forbid, to wake up City Officials in Mount Vernon to realize that it is improperly equiped). 4 Ladders in Mount Vernon and only 1 works? To the point that they have to borrow one from Yonkers (the old L78 that New Rochelle had borrowed)? I agree that an investigation needs to be made and if thru the investigation, the Captain and Chief Everett are found quity, they should both be repremanded "severely"
  8. Now here is a real classic rig from the past. Yonkers Fire Department Engine Co. # 7
  9. Does anyone know if Yonkers FD is currently working on a restoration of one of its old rigs? I understand that last year YFD had completed the restoration of that 1950's ALF MidMount Aerial Ladder that they use for Parades. I was curious to know if YFD was maybe working on a restoration of the old Engine 306 Mack CF (last of the production for the Mack's), or if it could be another rig. Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Does anyone know why Mount Vernon FD and Yonkers FD were testing this ladder truck out? Is this one of Yonkers spare ladder trucks that they could possibly be loaning to FDMV? (Maybe the old Ladder 78 that was on loan to New Rochelle?)
  11. That's Great News for FDMV. Will Mount Vernon have this truck as a spare permanently? Are they going to have the lettering and labels redone? What truck number will FDMV assign to this (Ladder 4?)
  12. This information is according to YFDFireBuff who it appears had been provided access to this test. By the looks of this photo, it appears as if this test took place outside of the YFD Special Operations Facility down on Axminster and Saw Mill River Road. Can anyone from Mount Vernon FD or Yonkers FD confirm?
  13. Interesting. Is the Developer paying for the Temporary YFD Hdqrs? Exactly how long does the developer anticipate YFD will have to use this temporary facility until their New 6 Bay Headquarters off of New Main Street and Nerpahan Avenue is completed?
  14. Will any EMTBravo member, authorized to attend today's drill, be taking photographs of today's exercise that could be published on the EMTBravo.net web site, after the drill has concluded?
  15. What Law and Order show is filming in PC? (SVU, Criminal Intent, or the Regular L & O?) I hope that it is SVU. That Mariska Haggarty is one fine looking woman. As for Bellzer, well, the face tells it all (although he does a great job on the show) Maybe someone can catch some of the actors while filming in PC and take a few photos and post them here on emtbravo.
  16. Some really good discussion on this important topic. maybe there is no real long term answer for "the vern" but one thing is clear. FDMV was (not sure if they still are) down to only 1 ladder company, and Chief Everetta and the Administration should have or needs to step it up and ask other department in the county to loan FDMV a spare ladder truck. Yonkers FD comes to mind simply because, on paper, they have the spare equipment to lend to them. PS - What happens to the men who were/are scheduled to work a Shift on Ladder 3 and only Ladder 2 is in service? Do they just sit in the station and not respond to calls? Do they not come in? Are they using Spare Engine 1 just so that manpower goes to each call (even though it is not the type of rig you want responding to a call)? How can 1 department secure the funding to keep and maintain a Standard Fleet of 10 Engine Companies, 1 Squad Company, 4 Ladder Companies, 2 Tower Ladder Companies and a Rescue Company (with 1 Collapse Unit and 1 Foam Unit in reserve) as well as having 3 Spare Ladders, 1 Spare Tower Ladder, 1 Spare Rescue, 4 Spare Engine Companies and other Special Operations Apparatus and another can't get keep 4 Engine Companies, 2 Ladder Companies and 1 Rescue Company, with 1 Spare Ladder Company, 1 Spare Tower Ladder and 1 Spare Engine? The make up of these 2 cities are not that different, with major industry located in each city, as well as maintaining old residential dwellings. 1 city can get the funding and the other cannot. As many many career and volunteer firefighters have said many times over on this site. God can only hope that it does not take a tragedy in Mount Vernon to bring attention to local, state and federal politicians that something is "wrong in the vern" I am sure that Insurance Agents are ready to pounce on the city should something horrific happen.
  17. Commissioner was fired, Deputy Commissioner? Her background is basically in the military. Has Chief Everett ever gone to bat for the men of FDMV? New Rigs, additional manpower and funding is critically needed to bring FDMV to "minimal" levals of fire protection needed for the 7th largest city in NYS. State and Federal Politicians need to step in and provide funding and support for FDMV that is critically needed. Use the money that the Feds are giving another city in westchester for extras. Its like driving a fleet of Sea Ray Cabin Cruisers alongside a "sinking" dingy and doing nothing about it. REGIONALIZATION IS THE ANSWER (INCLUDING NEW ROCHELE AND YONKERS)
  18. Yonkers has Spare Ladders 76, 78, and 79 along with Spare TL 77 (not counting the Old Spare Ladder 78 that was on loan to NRFD). I am sure that YFD can afford to lend out 1 of these to FDMV
  19. What about loaning NRFD Ex Ladder 14, the Old Ex Yonkers FD Ladder 78 to Mount Vernon?
  20. All Cities, Towns, and Villages throughout Westchester County (Including New Rochelle and Yonkers) should be HAZ-MAT Supported by a County Run Haz-Mat Operations (WCDEM), strategically set up, equipment and manpower, throughout the county, within specific ZONE or QUADRANT areas. Sounds more and more like a County Run DES operation, throughout the entire county, is making allot of sense.
  21. As Chief Dunn clearly and professionally points out, Station 2, and specifically Engine 2 and Truck 2 were one of the busiest tandem of companies around. Handling "The Hollow" during the late 60's and throughout the 70's, was no easy task. When Engine 2 was running the 1971 ALF Closed Cab Engine (With the Wide Fin Roof Extension Across The Back of the Truck) and Truck 2 was using the 1968 ALF Red Closed Cab Mid Mount, these were 2 of Yonkers all time classic rigs. Also as Cheif Dunn points out, there are many good times ahead, as it relates to new firehouses in Yonkers. With the anticipated New 6 Bay Fire Headquarters planned as part of the New Downtown Development, along with the possibility of a New Station 10 (maybe related to a New Ladder Company [76?] as part of the New Ridge Hill Development) in the works, this will certainly provide Yonkers with state of the art buildings to house existing and new fire companies throughout the city. I am sure that member of YFD have more insight into this and might be better equiped to comment on this. As far as a potential site for a Yonkers Fire Muesum, since the Old Station 8 appears not to be structurally safe, I would think that the current Station 10 would be an ideal location, but again, this is only my opinion.
  22. I had read somewhere that Yonkers FD was reconditioning the Old (and last production run) Mack CF Engine 306 (later reserve 317) for historical purposes. Can anyone confirm this as well as the latest status of this old rig?
  23. Wasn't there plans to convert the old Station 8 into the YFD Museum?
  24. Squad 11 would definately be a fine addition to the Code 3 Yonkers Fleet. What I would like to see Code 3 do, would be to "Go Way Back" and do a replica of maybe: 1) Yonkers 1961 Mack B Rescue Truck 2) Yonkers 1971 ALF Pumber (Engine 2) 3) Yonkers 1972 "White Cab" ALF Mid Mount Truck 1 4) Any of the late 1950's or 1960's Yonkers Ward LaFrance Trucks These would nice to have as well
  25. Any updates on the New Foam Unit? Also, Here is the Spec Drawing of the New YFD Command Vehicle to be delivered by mid April 08 Yonkers_New_Command_Unit.doc