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Everything posted by 61MACKBR1

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/slideshow/ph...ca7bac51441451/
  2. Back in the 60's and 70's, Pete's was "The Place" to go and have a beer and hang out with your friends without getting into trouble (I think that the drinking age was 18 back then). I guess with more of the "Fancy" bars now populated throughout Westchester, those old fashioned bars and grills (like Pete's in Bronxville and say the Old Candlelight in Greenville) are now just past fare for everyone and thus the regulars grow old and no new people are coming in to take on the tradition. Sad !
  3. Agreed. If there is any way that FDMV can upgrade its fleet of apparatus "effectively" (and if it is primarily from Volunteer Departments in more affulent districts who can afford to purchase new apparatus regularly), then such cities as the "Finanically Strapped" City of Mount Vernon, can provide its citizens and the men/women of FDMV with "Up To Standards" Apparatus, then why not purchase "used trucks" As soon as someone from FDMV can provide everyone on EMTBRAVO.net with the specifics on each of these 3 pieces of Apparatus (2 Engines, 1 Ladder), where they will be stationed and marked as, along with maybe some PHOTOS, that would be great and much appreciated. Good Luck with the newly aquired trucks FDMV
  4. I guess FDMV needs to replace Engine 5 & 6 (Former Engines 3 & 4) and maybe its time to give back the Loaner Ladder from Yonkers (Ladder 78). Is the FDMV Mack Baker down and out for the count? If anyone within FDMV knows what is coming from Sayerville and what rigs they are indicated to replace, that would be appreciated
  5. It would be interesting if FDNY, especially for some of their Bronx Ladder Companies, might consider the Smeal UT-100 Rearmount Ladder, spec'd exactly like the Yonkers FD Rigs (with a Spartan Cab)? It just might be that Fererra came in as the lowest bid and met the spec's that FDNY had. However, Yonkers has done a terrific job getting those UT-100 Smeals when they switched over from the Seagraves.
  6. Thats an interesting point that FDNY went with a Spartan Chassis on thier Ferrera Collapse Rig. The Spartan Chassis appears to be a very favorable Chassis these days. The Yonkers Fire Departments latest order with Smeal (2 Pumpers (New 309 & 313) , 1 Rescue/Pumper (New Squad 11), and 1 Rearmount Ladder (New Ladder 72) will all be mounted on Spartan Chassis (rather than HME's, to which all of the previously ordered Smeal Rigs by the Yonkers Fire Department were mounted on).
  7. CPage - Do you know what year that FDMV's Old Mack C Rescue Rig was taken out of service? What did FDMV do with it (Sell it to another department) and if that Ford Rescue that was recently sold last year was indeed its replacement? Thanks!
  8. I believe that Westchester Collectibles in White Plains has it for sale
  9. Chief Fitz - You have hit the "Nail Perfectly On The Head" !! - Great Idea. Regionalization of Special Operations within the County is the way to go. With Yonkers having the "Premier" Special Operations Department in the state (with the possible exception of FDNY), it would make sense for Yonkers to managed the "Westchester County Southern District" as it relates to "Special Operations. Chief Fitz, would you think that having some of Yonkers SOD equipment "spread out" around the Southern Tier of the county would make sense (like maybe having a Southern Region Foam Rig say housed at the Fulton Avenue Fire House in Mount Vernon, near "Oil City" ???)
  10. Yep, that Mack C Box Rescue Truck, running as R1 in FDMV was a beauty. I believe that this rig was a Walk In Rescue Truck with plenty of room inside. West Hempstead Long Island ran a similiar Mack C Rescue Rig, to which I understand that there is a collectible on. I especially like the blue circular strobes along side the front of the "Box" I would be interested in hearing from some of those FDMV men, who remember this rig or possibly worked on that specific rig, on what they thought about it (say vs. the Ford Rescue that came after it). PS - Always loved SNORKEL 1 (although I hear it was sometimes cumbersome to drive to incidents, that rig certainly pounded allot of water on a fire during its time)
  11. I believe that the Dodge Van Rescue 1 was a "Spare" rescue used by FDMV, backing up the 68 Mack Rescue. FDMV "Rescue 2" was acutally a front line AMBULANCE that ran out of FDMV before Mount Vernon went to a contracted service (Then early on during that period, "Rescue 2" was used as a back up/secondary Ambulance within the City of Mount Vernon for a period of time). Interesting to see the 2 FDMV "Foam Units" pictured. With the other post being discussed concerning the Foam Trailer being given to WPFD, it is very interesting to note that Mount Vernon was "the first" major city in Westchester County that had a "Front Line" Foam Company in service 24/7 (Given that "Oil City" is located just down the road from the Fulton Avenue Station where Foam 1 was housed. Sad that budget cuts forced Foam 1 to be disbanded).
  12. I would guess that unless the City of Yonkers receives some additional Federal Grant Monies coming their way, as it relates to assist with the reported $3 million dollars that the developer has committed to the project) for a New Fire House for the New Ridge Hill Site, and funding for a "possible" New Ladder Company (L77?), it will be a long long time before we see anything happen, anytime soon. Same goes for the reported New Fire Headquarters along New Main Street and Neprahan Avenue, as part of the proposed Downtown Development (with the "rumors" of 2 new additional companies being added for that project (E301 and E302?). I certainly feel that both the planned New Fire House/Ladder Company for Ridge Hill and the New Fire Headquaters (and possibly 2 additional Engine Companies) becomes a reality, because if Yonkers is going to grow, its Public Safety needs to grow with it. But, unless the Federal Government is willing to provide Yonkers with the dollars needed, I don't see it happening, but this is just my opinion.
  13. I am sure that someone within the YFD is more qualified to answer these questions than anyone else. I, too, had originally read that when the Ridge Hill Development was being planned, that the developer agreed to build a New Fire House somewhere near the development, as part of adding to the fire protection needed for this new venture. There have been many who have posted on EMTBravo in the past, that it would be a New Ladder Company (possibly Ladder 77, since Ladder 76, 78 and 79 are currently either spares or reserves). What others have also posted is whether or not a New Fire Station for Ridge Hill would be for a Single Company (ie: A New Ladder Company) or for a Multi-Unit Station. Thus the "Rumors" (and I can only state that these are RUMORS) that "possibly" a New Station 10 would be constructed somewhere along Tuckahoe Road near the base of the Ridge Hill Complex (maybe near the current Water Works Building), which would then house Engine 310 and "Ladder 77?" (Then another rumor was mentioned that the current Station 10 would be the ideal place for the YFD Museum (rather than the Old Station 8 Carrage House, which appears to be beyond repair/renovation). But, with the Economic Crisis in hand, I am not sure if the City of Yonkers is in a position to add the Manpower and Equipment needed to have a New Ladder Company for Ridge Hill (Remember, just a few short months ago, there was talks of layoffs, cutbacks in hours and demotions in rank that either happened or were talked about). Let's hope that maybe Chief Fitzpatrick, Chief Flynn or maybe Commissioner Pagano can come on here and shed some light, given this updated information that you had found on the Westchester Business Journal relating to the "Update" on the Ridge Hill Project.
  14. Yonkers FD continues to keep its fleet of Fire Apparatus current and modern, as per and according to the transcripts made as part of public record based on the CITY OF YONKERS BOARD OF CONTRACT AND SUPPLY MEETING OF NOVEMBER 26, 2008 – 10:30 AM (see: http://docs.google.com/gview?a=v&q=cac...=en&gl=us)C Chief Fitzpatrick and the members of the YFD who spec out these new rigs should be commended on keeping their fleet fresh and managed by the very best modern firefighting apparatus out in the marketplace today. The City of Yonkers has approved and awarded (upon contingent of IG review, to which I understand was done back in late 2008) the purchase of 2 Smeal with Spartan Cabs (different from the Old 1998 Smeal Pumpers which had HME Cabs) as per Item # 7 - Bid 5421 below. I understand that 1 will be assigned to Engine Company 309 upon delivery. I do not know where the other unit will be assigned to (Probably Engine Company 313, as it is the next in line to be replaced, with the expected November 2009 delivery of 2 New American LaFrance Eagle Pumpers, previously awarded, being assigned to Engine Company 308 and Engine Company 306). Maybe a member of the YFD can clarify where the 2nd Smeal/Spartan Apparatus is scheduled to be assigned to? As per Item 8, Bid # 5422, Yonkers has approved and awared (again upon continent of IG review, which I understand was done back in later 2008) the purchase of 1 Smeal, with Spartan Cab Rear Mounted Aerial Ladder (different from the last set of Smeal Rearmounts received that had HME Chassis). I understand that this new piece of aerial will arrive in early 2010 and will be assiged to Ladder Company 72. As per Item 9, Bid # 5423, Yonkers has approved and awared (again upon continent of IG review, which I understand was done back in later 2008) the purchase of 1 Smeal, with Spartan Cab "Rescue Pumper" to which I understand will be assigned to Squad 11. The current ALF Eagle Rescue Pumper in use by Squad 11 will go into the Spare Pool, as Squad 11 currently does not have an adequate spare rig to use when Squad 11 goes into repair for service. Here is the transcript from that November 2008 Meeting awarding the contracts: 7. Bid 5421 – Purchase of two pumper apparatus per Yonkers Fire Department specifications. FUNDING 060-007-0491-0200 BID OPENING 11/24/2008 Three bids received. Award to low bidder: Award Amount Smeal Fire Apparatus $447,000 Award contingent upon IG review of Vendor Background Questionnaire. 8. Bid 5422 – Purchase of one tandem axel rear mount 100’ aerial ladder apparatus per Yonkers Fire Department specifications. FUNDING 060-007-0491-0200 BID OPENING 11/24/2008 Three bids received. Award to low bidder: Award Amount Smeal Fire Apparatus $699,900 Award contingent upon IG review of Vendor Background Questionnaire. 9. Bid 5423 – Purchase of one rescue pumper apparatus per Yonkers Fire Department specifications. FUNDING 060-007-0491-0200 BID OPENING 11/24/2008 Three bids received. Award to low bidder: Award Amount Smeal Fire Apparatus $518,000 Award contingent upon IG review of Vendor Background Questionnaire. Items 7-9 Approved 4 - 0
  15. Great News for the FDMV Staff who work out of Station 1. In that photo, was Engine 6 using the Spare Rig (or was that Ladder 2 using the Old Mack Baker T/L 1?). Is FDMV still using Yonkers Ladder 79 as a spare (Ladder 2)?
  16. I don't have the specifics, but I just heard a Signal 10-30 announced for an Incident in SW Yonkers somewhere near the Park Hill Area. E304, 303, 306, 308, 312 (Fast), Ladder 71, 74, B2, B1 (As acting Safety Officer), Rescue 1, Car 2A, and Car 6. - Squad 11 and Ladder 75 Relocating to Station 4.
  17. 10-29 Structure Fire 10-30 Using Full Assignment
  18. Outside of the Gernades/Bullets found in SW Yonkers, what is going on at 25 Saw Mill River Road. I am hearing that Car 2 is there along with Battalion 1 and other units. Is is a Working 10-29? (Also heard Squad 11, E313, Ladder 70 and E-308 being dispatched to an alarm in Southwest Yonkers - Were these rigs relocated?) Thanks
  19. Working this 10-29 B2 Safety Squad 11 Rescue 1 Engine 314 Engine 312 Engine 310 Ladder 70 Ladder 75 Rush placed on Con-Ed - Transformer apparently blew
  20. Does anyone know if the plans drafted for the New Fire/Police Headquarters calls out for the "Bays" that house the Fire Apparatus to be facing Post Road, rather than how it has been in the past, with the Fire Apparatus Bay facing outward from the rear of the building. I would think it would make more sense to have the Apparatus Bays face Post Road, for faster response times (yes it would mean possibly only say 10 seconds or so, but in a life situation, 10 seconds is allot of time). Again, can anyone, who might have seen the blueprints for the new facility, can tell everyone if the plans call out for the bays to face Post Road? Thanks
  21. Yes, I understand that the 2 ALF Eagle Pumper Engines are scheduled to arrive in Yonkers in December 2009 (1 will go to replace E308 and the other "now" being assigned to E306 [originally the 2nd was going to be assigned to E309]). I also believe that a 2008 bid was award for the replacement of Ladder 72 with a Smeal/HME Rearmount, that is due in 2009. HOWEVER, it is interesting to note that in late 2008, YFD also went out to bid for 2 additional pieces of fire apparatus. Although I understand that ALF did bid last year on these 2 additional contracts, based on reviewing the 2008 Bid Requests that were awarded, YFD has decided to go with purchasing Smeals with a Spartan Cab for the recent contract for a New Pumper/Engine (New Engine 309) and a New Rescue/Pumper/Engine (New Squad 11). The Smeal Dealer came in as the lowest bidder, with ALF in second and Pierce being the highest. Since Yonkers already has Smeal Rigs (Their Rearmount are Smeal/HME's and their Spare Engines are Smeal/HME's), it appears to make sense that if Yonkers is going to go away from ALF (not only the price issue but given the recent economic condition of ALF), they would go back to a Smeal Rig (interestin though that Yonkers chose to have these 2 New Smeal Rigs (new E309 and new Squad 11) mounted on Spartan Chassis rather than HME's?) Doe anyone within YFD know why they went with Spartan? Thanks
  22. Now I think that Andy Spano is on the right track. "Regionalizing" Special Operations Services" within the county into Districts makes absolute sense. Obviously, with the Spec Ops Equipment, Apparatus, and Tools that the Yonkers Fire Department currently has, using all of this, say under the authority of the Southern Westchester County Emergency Response Team, makes sense. You could have specific members of say, YFD, MVFD, NRFD, Eastchester, Pelham, Hastings, Dobbs Ferry, etc, ALL trained in Spec Ops (Haz Mat, Collapse, etc) and would jointly man and operated the resources needed, rather than having duplicate sets of equipment around the southern end of the county. One could even expand on this, as it relates to Mutual Aid responses, as it relates to Major Muliple Alarm Fires, falling under the domain of the Southern Westchester Emergency Response Team. This would solve some of the issues that Mount Vernon has been having. Just a thought.
  23. Just curious. Does Yonkers FD take their restored ALF Mid-Mount Aerial Ladder over to Mamaroneck for the Annual Parade?
  24. My prayers and best wishes go out to YFD Firefighter Ronan for a quick and speedy recovery. According to reports from the JN (below) FF Ronan was removing tools from one of the fire trucks (unknown which truck) when he was hit by a fire rescue truck (unknown if it was R1 or Squad 11). Firefighting is such a dangerous profession and incidents can happen anytime and anyplace. Great job by the YFD in getting this job under control so quickly. From the LoHud JN Web Site This Morning: Original EMTBravo Post by Oswegowind