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Everything posted by 61MACKBR1

  1. All that Moped needs now is a ROTORAY. Then it will be truly complete LOL
  2. Barry - It appears as other departments feel the same way about NEFEA. With the success that you and the New Rochelle Fire Department have had with them, as it relates to the New Rescue 4 and with the Yonkers Fire Department going back to NEFEA for their upcoming deliveries of their New Smeal/Spartan Engine 309 (1500 GPM - LDH), New Ladder 72, and New Squad 11, it appears as YFD (like NRFD) are very happy with the quality of service and support they are getting from NEFEA. Its all about the quality of build, service and support (both from the Manufacturer and Dealer) that makes it all happen. Isn't it kind of ironic, if you look back to say 1999, when ALF was just starting to become a major player in several Westchester County Fire Departments (New Rochelle and Yonkers) and now with ALF having financial difficulties and Campbell Supply in New Jersey dropping ALF as their main line of apparatus, the pendulum has swung in another direction. I still only wish that Mack was still in the Fire Apparatus Game (which I have always thought made the best apparatus that held up the best). The worst ever? My opinion, Continential/Compac !!
  3. Here is the article from today's Journal News Yonkers Kimball Theatre in flames again By Ernie Garcia • elgarcia@lohud.com • January 9, 2010 Comments (0) Recommend Print this page E-mail this article Share Del.icio.us Facebook Digg Reddit Newsvine Buzz up! Twitter Text Size: Normal | Large | Larger YONKERS — A derelict east side movie palace destroyed by fire in 2004 is in flames again. http://www.lohud.com/article/20100109/NEWS02/1090371/Yonkers-Kimball-Theatre-in-flames-again
  4. Date: 1/9/2010 Time: 16:25 Location: 1219-1223 Yonkers Avenue (Old Kimball Movie Theatre) Frequency: 46.50 Units Operating: Engine 313, 312, 307, Squad 11, Ladder 73, 75, B2, Rescue 1, Safety - Engine 314 Fast Weather Conditions: Description Of Incident: Fire in Old Kimball Writer: 61MACKBR1 Progress Report from B2, 3 lines streched, all companies working. Fire may be in the basement area 16:37 - Batt 2 requesting a 2nd Alarm - Second Alarm Companies - 306, 304, Ladder 70, Battalion 1 Battlion 2 indicating fire contained, companies picking up. Requesting Yonkers DPW to provide a Salter/Sander for several blocks surrounding the fire scene for severe icing on roads from water used at the fire scene 16:45 - Car 77 Responding - Mask Service Unit Responding Engine 310 relocating to Station 11, Ladder 72 relocating to Station 12
  5. Thanks JAD622 - Like I said in my earlier post, if there is any person in Westchester County, who has the capability of putting together a comprehensive and excellent procedure on how companies/towns/cities need to respond to a disaster (drill or real) it would be Chief William Fitzpatrick out of YFD. Look at what he has done with the YFD SOD Department in Yonkers alone. If County Head Asterino was smart, he would definately get in touch with Chief Fitz and ask for him to direct a team of people to come up with one, if one has not already been established.
  6. Chief Fitz - Excellent Points raised, but here is a BIGGER question that I will raise, and I will present it to you, as I feel that you are probably the most knowledgeable and educated Fire Operations Official in Southern New York State. Post 911, if (and I and all certainly pray to God that we never ever have to go through something like 911 again) another disaster strikes NYC, are there NOW in place, certain protocol and guidelines on how departments are to respond and be assigned to specific areas of New York City. Finally, are there similiar plans in place on how Multiple Departments, say within the Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess/Rockland/and Orange County Areas are to respond and located, say if a disaster would happen (again, God Forbid) in Westchester County. Is Yonkers Raceway the offical staging area for NYC Disasters? Where would the staging area be should something happen in Westchester County? Are there SOP's in place (NOW) for 60 Control to follow. What part of the Management Process does the County DES have NOW? I am sure that everyone would like to hear what your thoughts on this would be Chief Fitz. Maybe (or maybe not) lessons have been learned from 911 and Westchester County is now properly prepared to "Properly" respond to such. Thank you in advance and have a Safe and Happy New Year
  8. Truck 4 - Will today's 2009 Incidents be broken down by County or will it be based from a total combination of all of the areas to which EMTBravo.net covers?
  9. Thanks Truck 4 for all of your help in assembling the 2009 Listing. Let's hope tonight is a Safe & Peaceful Evening for all
  10. Will the 2009 Ranked Top Incidents - Year in Review be posted on EMTBravo.net right after midnight tonight or will it be on here tomorrow morning. I thought that I had read that Truck4 was in charge of this and had everything all ready to go. 2009 has been a really sad year in the Tri-State Area, especially in Westchester County, with the horrible Taconic Parkway Crash to the worst tragedy of them all, the loss of FF Joyce in that Arson Fire in Yonkers. May 2010 be a safe one for all and may god look down upon us all so that the 2010 Incidents Year in Review are just very minor ones to report. Stay Safe Everyone and Happy New Year To ALL !!!
  11. Chief Fitz - I guess that the basement at Station 8 is the "Basement of YFD Classics"? (Isn't the 1950's ALF Mid-Mount Truck 5 Stored Down There along with Engine 298 (The Old Engine 306 - "The Last of the Mack's"
  12. Oops - Sorry Chief Flynn - Thought it was your office. Nice office however! I would then assume that it must be Commissioner Pagano's office? If so, then I guess that he is a Code 3 Collector
  13. R1 - I believe that Chief Flynn makes sure that he does not "break it" when he sorts out reports on his desk each day. (Refer to the Model of TL 71 on his desk in his office. Maybe he has one of the Mack CF 306 as well in his office - See Photo below of TL 71 on his desk). Hey, I didn't know that Chief Flynn was a "Collector" as well ******* LOL
  14. Here you go (plus a few others). Yes, I know that they are the "MODELS" but its nice to have the YFD Code 3 Fleet to look at (Would love to see some of the OLD TIME YFD Rigs, like the 61 Mack B Rescue, ALF Century Tiller 73 "Supertrain", and maybe the Old Mack C Engine 1). But take a look at these:
  15. Thanks Seth for the update. Do you (or your contact within YFD) know the latest on the body work and repairs being made on Rescue 2, so that it can be used as the primary spare for Rescue 1?
  16. Seth - Could not have said it any better. If one would look into the number of runs each of these rigs make each year, within the rough terrain of the City of Yonkers (Hills, Tight Roads, etc), you would see the beating that they take, but to look at them up close, you would not know that they are as old or have the wear and tear on them, that they do. Your point on Squad 11 is right on. They don't have an adequate spare to hold all of the equipment that they carry on their regular front line rig, thus the need for a new one (just like YFD is anxiously awaiting the return of Rescue 2 [The 2000 ALF Eagle Heavy Rescue that is in for Body Work] so that they can have an adequate spare for Rescue 1. Also, Engine 306 is the busiest Engine Company in Westchester County, thus the crticial need for a replacement rig. Yes, ALF is behind in their delieveries, but I suspect that they will honor all of their orders and make delieveries on them as quickly as ALF can deliver them to Yonkers. Hopefully the replacements for E308 and E306 will get to Yonkers within the next couple of weeks. As for the Smeal Spartans, knowing how prompt Smeal has been in the past, via NEFA, I would suspect that the new E309, Squad 11, E313?, and Ladder 72 will be arriving as originally scheduled, sometime in late January. It will be very interesting to see what these 2 Smeal/Spartans Engines and the New Squad 11 will look like when they are delivered in Yonkers. I am sure that Chief Fitzpatrick and others within YFD are on top of each of these 6 delieveries and will report on the progress, here on EMTBravo.net, as soon as they have updates.
  17. Thanks WhoisDan. Yonkers FD, for being one of the largeset cities in NYS (outside of NYC) continues to be the best equiped Fire Department in the State. Interesting to see that YFD has gone back to Smeal for their Pumper Apparatus (this time apparently with a Spartan Chassis rather than a HME Chassis). The lowest bid has allot to do with it also probably given that Campbell out of New Jersey is no longer hanlding ALF as their Front Line Apparatus and maybe the new dealer didn't have the relationship and reputation with YFD that Campball had and the success and service that YFD has has with New England Fire Apparatus.
  18. I believe the way that the City of Yonkers does its award bidding, the quote of Item # 7 for the '2 Pumpers' of $447,000 is the price per rig, not total price for both.
  19. I had read on EMTBravo awhile ago that Yonkers was due to get 2 New ALF Eagles that they had ordered early in 2008 and were originally due in September 2009 and that delivery date was pushed back to December 2009. I also read on the Fotki.com Westchester Fire Apparatus Site that "originally" the 2 ALF Eagles were planned for Engine 309 and 308, but that it had been changed to 308 and 306 (since apparantly 306 needs to be replaced quicker than 309 does). Then, I read the public notices from the November 28, 2008 Yonkers Board of Contract and Supply awarding Smeal the bid for 2 Pumper Apparatus (309 and I would presume the other going to 313 as it is the next oldest front line pumper in service), 1 Rescue/Pumper Apparatus (to replace Squad 11) and 1 Tandem Axel Rear Mount 100' Aerial Ladder (to replace Ladder 72). Here is a copy of the minutes of that November 28, 2008 Yonkers Contract and Supply Meeting, referring to Page # 5 for the information that outlines the award of bid on the Smeal/Spartan Apparatus CITY OF YONKERS BOARD OF CONTRACT AND SUPPLY MEETING OF NOVEMBER 26, 2008 – 10:30 AM CITY HALL - MAYOR’S RECEPTION ROOM - 2ND FLOOR MEMBERS PHILIP A. AMICONE, MAYOR Chuck Lesnick, City Council President James LaPerche, Commissioner of Finance & Management Services Joseph Moran, City Engineer Sandy Annabi, City Council Majority Leader (Absent) OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Tom Collich, Purchasing Director William T. Regan, Deputy Mayor Frank J. Rubino, Corporation Counsel David Medranda, Aide, City Council ANNOTATED AGENDA - PART 1 PROCUREMENTS SUBJECT TO GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW 103 VOTING MEMBERS Mayor Philip A. Amicone Joseph Moran James LaPerche Chuck Lesnick Page 5 Fire 7. Bid 5421 – Purchase of two pumper apparatus per Yonkers Fire Department specifications. FUNDING 060-007-0491-0200 BID OPENING 11/24/2008 Three bids received. Award to low bidder: Award Amount Smeal Fire Apparatus $447,000 Award contingent upon IG review of Vendor Background Questionnaire. 8. Bid 5422 – Purchase of one tandem axel rear mount 100’ aerial ladder apparatus per Yonkers Fire Department specifications. FUNDING 060-007-0491-0200 BID OPENING 11/24/2008 Three bids received. Award to low bidder: Award Amount Smeal Fire Apparatus $699,900 Award contingent upon IG review of Vendor Background Questionnaire. 9. Bid 5423 – Purchase of one rescue pumper apparatus per Yonkers Fire Department specifications. FUNDING 060-007-0491-0200 BID OPENING 11/24/2008 Three bids received. Award to low bidder: Award Amount Smeal Fire Apparatus $518,000 I had read on the Fotki.com site that the Smeal/Spartan Rigs were due in Early January 2010. However, I wasn't sure if anyone within YFD had an update. Any and all information on this would be appreciated - THANKS !!!
  20. As bad of an accident that was (The Tragic Taconic Crash), I would say (and with much remorse and sadness) that the Tragic Death of FF Joyce at the Yonkers Arson Fire would be # 1 for 2009 (Although placing a ranking on FF Joyce's death just doesn't seem right). When a fire causes the life of anyone, especially a firefighter, that is truly tragic, especially when it was totally unnecessary. Everyone's prayers for the Joyce family should go out to them this holiday season.
  21. Hopefully, the Politians and Citizens of the City of Yonkers are watching this one "very closely" With the impending "Downtown Development" project apparently a "Go" the Citizens and City Council Members will "Put In Writing" that the DEVELOPER pays for the additional fire protection needed for the additional buildings that will go into this massive project in Downtown Yonkers. The New YFD Fire Headquarters is nice, but each of those "6 Bays" at this new facility needs to have "full time" manned apparatus to provide the proper fire protection needed. (Just having TL71, R1, and the Safety Officer running out of the YFD Headquarters may just not cut it, with all of this new development (Ballpark, High Rise Buildings, New Retail Space, etc, etc). Could Yonkers see the recommissioning of Engine 301 and 302? What about the Additional Ladder Company and Fire House that was allegedly promissed for the Ridge Hill Development by the Developer? Maybe, just maybe, those who involved with all of the " i's " and " t's " on the agreements will make sure that the developer pays for what is needed, and doesn't allow what appears New Rochelle is now going thru, given all of the Development completed in Downtown New Rochelle (New Roc City, etc) and now they cut 6 firefighters, looking at the possiblity of cutting either E24 or L12? Again, hopefully the politicians and citizens of Yonkers are seeing this as an opportunity to tell the Yonkers Downtown Developer to put it in writing and pay for what is needed and not leave it totally up to the tax payers.
  22. I think I heard a story from someone within YFD a long time ago, relating that they could actually cook food inside the cab of those old Continential/Compac, as the surfaces within the cabs would get "that hot" (It must have been during those hard ecomonic times in Yonkers, back in the Mid 1980's when they went with the Continential/Compacs vs. the Mack CF's - As the previous poster had mentioned, the Yonkers FD Apparatus Fleet today is 2nd to None [Although it was really good back in the 1960's and early 1970's)
  23. Second Alarm Called at 10:54 AM by Car 2 - Requesting Engine 306, Ladder 73 and Battaion 1 (in addition to Squad 11, Engines 310, 312 (Fast), 314, 313 (With Collapse Rig), 307, Ladder 70, 72, Batt 2. Car 2 Setting up Command Post on West Side of Building. Companies curently searching thru debris for possible victims.
  24. Per Batt 2 - All Units 10-8 - Yonkers Police to remain at scene Great Job by YFD, YPD and Empress EMS for their quick response and handling of this incident. Special thanks to ems-buff for working with me on this incident.
  25. Car 2 is 10-8 at 12:57 PM. Battalion 2 assuming command at Fire Scene