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Everything posted by 61MACKBR1

  1. I quess the bottom line question is whether "Louder Is Better?"
  2. Doesn't every Property Owner in Westchester County pay taxes both the the local municipality that they reside in as well as a County Tax? If part of the Property Taxes paid goes to the County, then the way it could be explained would be now the portion of your taxes that you currently pay for Fire Service will now be paid to the County. I believe that the proper way to "Communicate" this to ALL citizens of Westchester County would be for those Fire Service Professionals (Bnechis, Fitzpatrick, Flynn, etc, etc, etc) to "Collectively" put this "MASTER PLAN" (for both the Southern Westchester Fire District AND the Northern Westchester Fire District) and have town/city/village FORUMS and invite citizens to sit in on the presentation and have these Professional Senior Fire Officials explain in "Common Man/Women Language" (so that everyone can understand) why this is being proposed, the impact (Positively) it will have on their Fire Service/Emergency Response as well as the relief that they could see from a Tax Payers prospective. I'd bet that if they were to see/hear this with their own eyes and ears, AND if they had the SOLID backing of all City/Town/and Village Officials as well as the New County Executive, that it would be POSITIVELY RECEIVED BY ALL. I totally agree with Chris' statement that by leaving this in the HANDS of the Senior Level Fire Management Professionals in Westchester County to work on "PRO-ACTIVELY" rather than wait for the "Hammer to Come Down" and be forced to make decisions "On the Fly" with input coming from those "Not In The Know" in a "RE-ACTIVE" manner, is the "WAY TO GO" - Let's get it done NOW rather than waiting for LATER!
  3. Captain Barry Bnechis, Chief Flynn, Chief Fitzpatrick and others: - Would it then make sense, in order to have a really efficient plan in place to present to the County, to include White Plains and Yonkers (as well as say, Hastings, Dobbs Ferry, and Ardsley) in order to have a all incorporated Southern Westchester Fire Region, as part of the over all "Master Plan"? Not to take anything away from the Current Capabilities of the Special Operations Divisions within New Rochelle, Eastchester, Greenville, Fairview and White Plains, but understanding the capabilities, equipment and knowledge (Chief Fitzpatrick) that the Yonkers Fire Department Special Operations Division has, would it also make sense, if Yonkers were to be included in such a Southern Westchester Fire District Regionalization Plan, that they (Yonkers) head up the Special Operations Division for this New District? Your thoughts and comments?
  4. Here is a very important question for Captain Bnechis, Chief Flynn, Chief Fitzpatrick and NOW Commissioner Chong of White Plains. If a Consolidation/Regionalization of Fire Services in Westchester County, into, lets say a Northern Westchester County Fire District and a Southern Westchester County Fire District, the question I have to those above (and all others) is WOULD and/or SHOULD the City of White Plains AND the City of Yonkers be included in such a Regionalizaiton/Consolidation plan, PROVIDED that both cities would ONLY benefit by the increased service provided WITHOUT any reductions in Manpower and Equipment? (Yonkers FD is the CENTERPIECE for Special Operations in Westchester County and with such, in my opinion, no compromise should be made to existing services within YFD, especially given the fact that with BOTH the Ridge Hill Project currently underway and the Proposed Yonkers Downtown Development seriously being considered as a reality, YFD would be undermanned by say 2 to 3 engine companies and 2 ladder companies (ie: 301, 302, 305, Ladder 76, and Ladder 77). Again, I defer to the Professionals (Bnechis, Fitzpatrick, Flynn and Chung) and any other Fire Management Professionals in Westchester County, could and better SHOULD White Plains and Yonkers be included in the end result of such a Regionalization Plan within Westchester County?
  5. Chief Flynn - What you and the Yonkers Fire Department did to save lives at the Caryl Avenue fire was nothing more than "THE BEST BEING THE BEST" From the first arriving Battalion Chief, to the Department Chiefs and Commissioner, every member of the Yonkers Fire Department who worked that job should be commended. "YOU SAVED LIVES THAT DAY." Like you said, during a job of this magnitude, it is very difficult for the First Arriving Battiion Chief to determine what outside Fire Department need to be assigned. All they are concerned about is the amount of additional Engine Companies and Ladder Companies needed for the job, not where they are coming from. As you also mentioned, this needs to be the PRIMARY JOB of the "60 Control County Dispatcher". Could a Regionalized Fire District (ie: Southern Westchester County Fire District) with proper coverage plans in place, have helped in handling such an incident as the Caryl Avenue job, better? Is this the answer? (I believe it to be, but I will leave that up to the Professionals!!) OR is it that the current Mutual Aid Program in Westchester County Flawed? OR is it a combination? Maybe Chief Flynn, Captain Bnechis, and others here on EMTBravo.net can answer this from their Professional Firefighting Management Experience, for us to all learn and grow from?
  6. Capt Bnechis and Chris have summed this all up in a very precise and professional manner. Consolidation is the only way "Proper and Adequate" Manpower will be available, based upon Government Fire Studies, within Westchester County. The concept of a Southern and Northern Westchester Fire District have been discussed for a very long time, with Capt. Bnechis, Chief Fitzpatrick and others within both the Paid and Volunteer Fire Services in Westchester County, help. Unfortunately, as has been said above, EGO's, Political Pull, Unions, Volunteer vs. Paid Turf Wars/Battles, etc, have come in the way of making this plan work for the betterment of both the FIRE SERVICE and the PUBLIC. "The Maddness Has To Stop and Stop NOW !!!" Great Post Chris and Great Work Capt. Bnechis.
  7. Could not agree with you more. The Members of FDMV are one the best around and deserve more from the Government Officials in Mount Vernon than they get. Politics - YUK !
  8. Seth- I am sure that Chief Campbell could answer your questions the best. Back in the 1950's and into the 1960's and the early 1970's, Mount Vernon Fire Department was considered to be one of the most well equiped, well manned, dedicated departments in Westchester County. Today, the members of FDMV are as dedicated as those that manned the department as either paid or volunteers back years ago. However, from once there was a department that had Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 3, Engine 4, Engine 5, Engine 6, and Reserve/Spare Engine 7, Snorkel 1, Truck 2, Truck 3, and Reserve Truck 4, along with the Classic 1960's Mack C Rescue and FOAM 1, FDMV was once a very well deployed department. Unfortunately, during the rough economic times of the Late 1970's and Early 1980's, the Mount Vernon Fire Department was hit with Major Department Cuts that really ate away from the department, from both a staffing and equipment basis. Money was never put back into the department to upgrade the buildings, apparatus and to bring the Company Levels back to the way it was prior to the Major Budgetary Cuts of the Late 70's/Early 80's. Yonkers FD went thru some similiar cust in their department in the late 70's/early 80's (Engine 301, 302, 305, Truck 76, Rescue 1), but with some "Smart" allocation of funds and excellent management from within their department, YFD was able to improve its departmeent greatly (but I would bet that some within YFD would like to see Engine 301, 302, 305, and Ladder 76 be returned to front line service and maybe with the New Downtown Development and Ridge Hill Projects, we just might see it). Mount Vernon still to this day, has some very affulent areas. Section of Fleetwood and Down Along California Road have some very expensive houses and property. Mix that in with the Urban Areas that make up the Center of Mount Vernon and you have a need for a top notch fire department, with manpower and apparatus levels that would meet the needs of this city. I cannot say that when Mount Vernon had both a Paid and Volunteer Department serving the city, that anything was better. I personally think that POLITICS has played a HUGE role into what FDMV has become. I feel for the members of this department, who so want to have the best for the citizens they serve. But to have their buildings that they live in and work out of, falling apart to a point of disgust, appartus breaking down and becoming unrepairabile and them needing neighboring departments to help assist on jobs that normally they could handle on their own, well that is sad. Just my opinion.
  9. Great Looking Rig. It appears as if this rig was "designed" with THE VILLAGE OF BRONXVILLE in mind. Question for memebers of EFD? Was the designed to go with a KME strictly on lowest bid or was this the rig that made the most sense for this application, since this, I believe, is the very first KME Rig in the history of EFD? (were Pierce, Smeal, ALF, and others considered as well?)
  10. Capt Phil was one tough "stubborn" son of a gun. Didn't he go down a few seasons back with a serious illness that put him in the hospital, because he fell ill while on his ship (coughing up blood, etc). Maybe that was a warning from God that he should have listen to, but given his tough/stubborn attitude, he could not live life without being on "his ship". Well, I guess all of those countless nights without sleep, the Thousands of Cartons of Cigaretts Smoked and the Gallons of Coffee drank just caught up with him. I have a relative who is a Captain in the Coast Guard, based out of Kodiak, Alaska, who tells me that it is truly amazing what these Crab Fisherman go thru each and every Crab Season and the conditions to which they face, allot of which is NEVER shown on TV (too graphic). The life of the Crab Fisherman is EVERYTHING to those who work on these ships.
  12. Thanks Cheif Dunn for the great photos of the New Safety Truck. Can you elloborate on the minor changes will be made to both the New B1 and B2 in comparison to the New Safety Truck? (Outside Comesmetic Changes or Inside Changes?) - PS - Any updates on the New 306, 308, 309, Sq11, and L72? Thanks in advance
  13. Thanks Joe - So FDMV has a New (used) Engine 5, Engine 6, and Ladder 2. Are they all from Sayville, NY?
  14. SAYVILLE, NEW YORK FD - I heard or read that FDMV was getting a Used Ladder Truck either from Sayville or from some FD in New Jersey and the last time I heard about it was that the FDMV was doing a Ladder Test on it, but nothing since. Does anyone within FDMV know about the status of this?
  15. What happened to the New "Used" Ladder Truck that they were supposed to be getting?
  16. Glad to see that FDMV has a effective working piece of apparatus. Engine 6 (I believe that it is Engine 6, although it could be Engine 5. I can't really tell from the photo) is a nice looking rig in action. I thought that FDMV was also supposed to get a Used Ladder Truck as well? Does anyone know anything about that? (Plus, I see that the Old Engine 5 is now the Spare Engine 1. What did FDMV do with the Mack CF?)
  17. Oh those were the good old days - 1980. Could only wish that we could return to those simplier days
  18. Does anyone within YFD have an update as it relates to the deliveries of the 2 New ALF Eagle Pumpers (1 to replace the current E308 and the other to replace the current E306)? As well as an update as it relates to the deliveries of the 2 New Smeal/Spartan Pumpers (1 to replace the current E309 and I believe the other will be going to replace the current E313)-and the delivery of the New Smeal/Spartan Rescue/Pumper to replace the current Squad 11 and finally the delivery of the New Smeal Rearmount Ladder Truck to replace the current L72? I believe that the Smeal/Spartan Bid Award for the 2 New Pumpers, the New Rescue/Pumper and the New Ladder Truck was approved and awarded back in November 2008, not sure when the ALF Award was approved [PS - Does anyone also have an update as to the repairs on the Old Rescue 1 (now Spare Rescue 2)? Has it come back and is it in Spare/Reserve Fleet Status yet] Much thanks for any and all informaton that someone within YFD might have on this and Happy New Year to everyone. Please make it a safe one for all.
  19. I haven't heard if Larchmont FD has received delivery of their ALF Eagle Pumper yet. What I understand is that the 2 New Yonkers FD ALF Eagle Pumpers (New 308 and 306) were right behind Larchmont's on the assembly line at ALF. It should be anyday now, but again, with ALF you never know. I am somewhat surprised that the 3 New Smeal Spartan Rigs from New England Fire Apparatus coming to Yonkers (New E-309, Squad 11, and L-72) haven't come ahead of the ALF's knowing how efficient and effective Smeal and NEFA are about meeting or exceeding delivery requirements. I am sure that Chief Fitzpatrick, Chief Flynn, or maybe R1Smokeeater or Seth might have updates that they can provide everyone on this, plus the New Batt 1, Batt 2, and Safety Trucks going into service, the latest on the New Foam Truck out of Station 13, and if the body repairs on Rescue 2 (the 2000 ALF Rescue Truck) have been completed [latest was that the Body Repair facility in Yonkers doing the work on R2 was waiting on Spare Parts from ALF). If those in YFD could provide us with an update that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and Stay Safe
  20. Barry - Good Luck to you and the NRFD on your New Rescue 4. Very well laid out and planned. How do the personnel who are assigned to it (Members of Ladder 11) like the new rig? How do they like the Spartan Cab?
  21. Don't know, but what I have heard was that the 2 New Yonkers FD ALF Eagle Pumpers (308 & 306) are directly behind the Larchmont ALF, so I would say that all 3 should be coming up the Interstate to Westchester County shortly (but with ALF anything can happen). For Yonkers, if I was a betting man (and I'm not) I would "Bet The Bank" that the 1 New YFD Smeal/Spartan Pumper (New 309), the 1 New YFD Smeal/Spartan Rescue Pumper (New Squad 11) and the New YFD Smeal/Spartan Rearmount Ladder (New 72), coming from NEFA, arrives in Yonkers "BEFORE" the 2 New ALF Pumper (New 306 & 308) and the New Larchmont ALF Pumper
  22. Chief Flynn - As they say "You have hit the nail right on the head" and to some it "Hurts" - REGIONALIZATION and CONSOLIDATION is, indeed, the way Westchester County and other areas, throughout New York State and the Country, need to go, not only as it relatest to saving money, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, improving response times, providing the right set of manpower and equipment to an incident, and to ensure that lives and property are saved. Having a Northern Westchester County Department of Emergency Services Division (Fire and EMS) and a Southern Westchester County Department of Emergency Services Division (Fire and EMS) with the consolidation of these Paid and Volunteer Departments, all pulling their respective resources into one (or in this case 2) SOLID TEAM, is a "no brainer" NOW THE BIG ISSUE !! - Allot of Egos and "Home Turf" attitudes will need to broken down. It should not be and never be about who is the "Biggest Chief" or the "Best Department", it should all be about saving lives and property, and these political attitudes and egos need to be placed in the trash can where they belong, whether or not you are a Career Department, a Split Department (Paid and Volley), or strictly a Volunteer Department. I don't believe Chief Flynn's position is one of a personal nature or personal gains. As you all know, he is busy enough handling the management (along with Chief Fitzpatrick, Commissioner Pagano, and Chief Cuculo) of the Yonkers Fire Departmenet. You may not have to agree with everything that is posted on EMTBravo.net and even with some of Chief Flynn's comments and his perceived "so called attitude", related to other topics (I being one, "on occassion") BUT, I know and well as the majority of everyone here on EMTBravo.net, that Chief Flynn's heart is and has truly been in the right place here on EMTBravo.net and he does indeed care about FIRE PROTECTION (not only in Yonkers, but throughout Westchester County). Believe it or not, but I suspect with the New County Executive Rob Asterino, the concept of REGIONALIZATION of EMS and Fire Protection in Westchester County will eventually become a reality. The way it can work out BEST for EVERYONE, is for everyone, Fire and EMS Exeuctives (like Chief Flynn, Captain Barry Benchis from New Rochelle FD and others), Paid Departments (EMS and Fire), and Voluntter Departments (EMS and Fire) to all get together and recommend to County Exeuctive Asterino exactly how it NEEDS TO BE DONE, rather than having some outside agency or firm telling the county how it should be. TOGETHER WE CAN SUCCEED! SEPARATED WE ARE DOOMED TO FAIL
  23. Has NRFD taken delivery yet of its brand new SVI/Spartan Rescue 4 coming from NEFA? Is it in service yet? Any photos that anyone within NRFD might be able to post here on EMTBravo.net? And what plans does NRFD have with the OLD Rescue 4? PS - Also, does anyone within YFD have an update on the deliveries also coming from NEFA for their New Engine 309, Ladder 72, and Squad 11 (Smeal/Spartans) Thanks !!
  24. Thanks Barry - We all look forward to seeing some of the traning photos of the New Rescue 4 sometimes next week, once you have them available. Good luck wih the new rig !