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Everything posted by 61MACKBR1

  1. This Spartan/Hackney YPD ESU Rig will probably look similiar to the New YFD Smeal/Spartan Squad 11 that is also due for delivery very very soon.
  2. I am sure that Chief Fitzpatrick or someone else within YFD could answer this question better than I, but from what I understand, the reason why YFD is replacing the 2006 ALF Rescue Pumper with the New 2010 Smeal/Spartan Rescue Pumper is simply because they (YFD) do not have a suitable Spare Rescue/Pumper (aka: Squad) that can handle all of the specialized equipment that it carries on the front line unit. (I had heard that this had been a major issue when YFD's Spare Rescue [Rescue 2] was out of service for major repairs, R1 had to use one of the Spare Ladders to run as R1 when their front line rig was in for PM). Again, can anyone within YFD answer this question more clearly?
  3. This is exactly why Chief Fitzpatrick and the YFD has done a remarkable job of ensuring that they have a complete fleet of front line, spare and reserve apparatus. Once YFD completes this latest set of deliveries, they will have: Engine 303: 2006 ALF Pumper Engine 304: 2006 ALF Pumper Engine 306: 2010 ALF Pumper Engine 307: 2006 ALF Pumper Engine 308: 2010 ALF Pumper Engine 309: 2010 Smeal/Spartan Pumper Engine 310: 2007 ALF Pumper Squad 11: 2010 Smeal/Spartan Rescue Pumper Engine 312: 2006 ALF Pumper Engine 313: 2003 ALF Pumper (Oldest Pumper in Front Line Fleet) Engine 314: 2006 ALF Pumper Ladder 70: 2007 Smeal/HME RM Ladder Tower Ladder 71: 2008 ALF/LTI TL Ladder 72: 2010 Smeal/Spartan RM Ladder Ladder 73: 2007 Smeal/HME RM Ladder Ladder 74: 2007 Smeal/HME RM Ladder Tower Ladder 75: 2008 ALF/LTI TL Rescue 1: 2007 ALF Heavy Rescue SPARE/RESERVE POOL: Rescue 2: 2000 ALF Heavy Rescue Engine 300: 1998 Smeal/HME Pumper Engine 301 (?): Former Engine 306: 2004 ALF Pumper Engine 302 (?): Former Engine 308: 2002 ALF Pumper Engine 305 (?): Former Engine 309: 2002 ALF Pumper Squad 11-A: Former Squad 11: 2006 ALF Rescue Pumper Engine 315: 1998 Smeal/HME Pumper Engine 316: 1998 Smeal/HME Pumper Engine 317: 1998 Smeal/HME Pumper Ladder 76: 2002 Smeal/HME RM Ladder Ladder 77 (?): Former Ladder 72; 2002 Smeal/HME RM Ladder Ladder 78: 1998 Smeal/HME RM Ladder Ladder 79: 1995 Seagrave RM Ladder Tower Ladder 80: 2002 ALF/LTI Tower Ladder Tower Ladder 81: 1999 ALF/LTI Tower Ladder Also in current spare reserve pool is: 1990/2001 Mack/Baker Tower Ladder (Probably will be sent to Auction)
  4. Capital Expenditures are normally amoratized over a 7 to 10 period and in the case of a municipal bid, with government funding involved, their is usually minimal impact on a City's budget over the life expectancy of the piece of apparatus. As one of the posters indicated, the bids and award of contract on these rigs were approved well before the current budget crisis now being felt within the City of Yonkers.
  5. Barry - Could not have said it any better. Once a bid is accepted and is under contract it is binding. A Vehicle Manufacturer will not allow any cancellations without severe reprocussions. And as you said, with the number of runs that the rigs in the City of Yonkers go thru on a yearly basis (not counting AFI's) the mileage piles up quickly, thus resulting in maintenence issues. YFD has an outstanding program for rotating rigs out on a scheduled basis. According to some of the latest reports, the new Smeal/Spartan L72 should be going into service any day now along with the New Smeal/Spartan Squad 11 and Smeal/Spartain Engine 309 (Hey Joe Pinto - Any upcoming Spyshots on Sq11 or E309 that you can share?). Also YFD is scheduled to receive the new E306 and E308 from our friends down at American LaFrance any day now as well.
  6. Thanks Chief Flynn. With relatives and friends still living in Yonkers, their fears are that Home Owner Insurance Rates will rise because of this. Let's hope that the City does not have to go through what it did back in 1976 when Rescue 1, Engine 1, Engine 2 and Ladder 11 were all disbanded because of budget cuts. It took 25 years to get Rescue 1 back in service. Keep those letters to the City Executives coming !!!
  7. I agree. This New YFD Ladder 72 appears to have a tremendous amount of storage space and was spec'd out great (Nice Job YFD). What also stands out based on the great photos that Joe Pinto provided [with the help of Batt2 - LOL : ) ] is the increased "Cab Space". Looking at the Cab on this Smeal/Spartan RM Ladder 72 compared to Ladder 72's current rig (HME/Smeal), the cab size appears to be larger. I was interested in knowing if YFD spec'd out a larger cab space when they went out to bid on this rig (along with possibly the bid on their New Squad 11 and Engine 309, which are also Smeal/Spartan Rigs coming from New England Fire Apparatus? If so, did they also spec out the same additional cab space on their New Engine 306 and 308 coming from ALF?) Great Job YFD !!!
  8. I would suspect that the Current Ladder 72 (2002 HME/Smeal) will go into the Reserve Pool as Ladder 79. The Current Reserve/Spare Ladder 79 (1995 Seagrave 100ft.- Old Ladder 74) will probably go out for Auction. This would leave Reserve/Spare Ladder 78 (Old Ladder 72 and 70 - 1998 Seagrave 100ft) as the last Seagrave Rear Mount Rig left in the City of Yonkers. Chief Fitzpatrick would be the person who makes the decisions regarding the Apparatus Pool within YFD and would be the best person to provide the most accurate answer on this.
  9. Thanks Chief Fitz. I believe that this is the first time ever that YFD has had a Spartan Chassis for any of its rigs. In the recent past, the Smeal Rigs (both Ladder Companies and Reserve/Spare Engine Companies) have been mounted on HME Chassis. I am sure that YFD went to the Spartan Chassis over the HME's for a specific reason. Can't wait to see how the Spartan/Smeal New Squad 11 and Engine 309 turned out. Not surprised that American LaFrance is behind on the deliveries of YFD's New Engine 306 and 308, but as Chief Fitz said, these 2 should be following shortly. Nice to see YFD continuing to maintain their fleet to the highest standard. Now, lets hope the city does not cut the 2 companies that they are talking about doing.
  10. Date: 4/20/2010 Time: 12:13:00 Location: 80 School Street - 13 Story Building Frequency: 43.50 Units: Car 2, Battalion 1, Safety Battalion, Rescue 1, Squad 11, Engines 303, 304, 306, 307 (Fast), Ladder 71, 74, 75, YPD, Empress Ambulance, YFD Mask Services Unit, Engine 310 Added to assignment per Car 2 at 13:57 Weather Conditions: Fair Description Of Incident: High CO Readings in Appartment Building on School Street due to Boiler Issues. Units evacuating building and ventalating Reporters: Writer: Additional Victim being removed from top floor by YFD Personnel according to Car 2 at 13:57 Original victims arrived at St. Josephs ahead of original call
  11. I am sure that Captain Barry Bnechis of NRFD will be able to answer the question, but I would suspect that it is to replace Engine 21, as the current Engine 21 (1998 Spartan/RD Murray) that used to be the Old Engine 25 (until Engine 25 took delivery recently of their new rig). The next oldest front line Engine Company in NRFD is Engine 23, which is a 2000 Spartan/RD Murray) {NRFD replaced the Old Engine 21, which is Now Spare Engine 18 [2000 Spartan/RD Murray] probably due to the mileage on the old Engine 21} Again, this is speculation, but I may be wrong. Barry. I know that the award will eventually go to the Bidder who scores the highest on the Bid Award Requirements, but since I know that NRFD was very pleased with the Bid and Delivery of your New Pierce Arrow 1500/750 Engine 25, would the Pierce Bid be given any high consideration, given their most recent performance to NRFD Bid Requirements?
  12. Last year he talked about moving TL75 to Station 14 and disbanding Ladder 70. Now he is talking about closing 2 fire stations. Does anyone within YFD know specifically what 2 stations he is looking to close (would they close stations that just run 1 company out of it, like Engine 310 or Engine 308). This is absolutely stupid. YFD is expecting to take delivery in the next couple of weeks on the New Engine 309, Squad 11, Ladder 72, Engine 306 and Engine 308. Now the city wants to close 2 Fire Stations (Maybe they are just talking about closing the stations and moving the companies to other quarters to save money). Again, if anyone "in the know" has any information to share that would be greatly appreciated
  13. Here's a "Oldie But Goodie" (Can anyone tell us what make, year and model it is? I believe it might be a Old International Harvester or a Diamond Reo but I can't be too sure)
  14. Here are some progression photos (Courtesey of John Kenealy) of the Syracuse FD Rescue Truck (I am not sure if there are any SFD Rescue Trucks in between the SeaGrave (Yellow Version) and this other Ex Rescue 1 (Can anyone identify the make, model and year of this?) PS - How would the size of the City of Syracuse compare to the City of Yonkers? By the looks of their apparatus fleet, it appears as if they have a much larger front line appparatus pool than the City of Yonkers FD. Interesting to see that it appears that all of their Front Line Engine Companies are actually Quints. Also, what capacity does their "Mini Fleet" take on (outside of the Engine Companies)
  15. Howard - Did the City of Syracuse run its citywide Ambulance Service via the Fire Department? Is it still that way? (That ambulance looks like something out of the 1970's Emergency TV Series) - ALSO - It looks like there are two sirens on the Rescue Rig. One on the Front Grill and one around the City Round Flasher above the Front Windsheild. Does anyone know what kind of sirens would be on this rig? [PS - I kinda like the White Color vs. the Yellow Color)
  16. Hey PCFD ENG58: Who is the Smeal Rep for Port Chester? Is it New England Fire Apparatus and Equipment? If so, then this surprises me, as the information that I have on NEFA (dealing with them as it relates to SCBA Equipment) has been very positive. As I mentioned above, I believe that both Yonkers and White Plains has had a very good relationship with them as well. Is it NEFA?
  17. IzzyEng4, on 13 February 2010 - 09:00 PM, said: Why does White Plains spec out conventional cabs and chassis for thier engine companies? Is it a cost saving measure? I was also curious about this? Some places like it because the crew is not near the noise of the engine and sirens, a hearing loss thing. I believe that White Plains FD specs out the Ford Conventional Cabs, as their DPW Department does all of the work on these rigs, and these Ford Conventional Cabs are similiar in nature to those to which the DPW Garbage Trucks use, therefore, it is easier for them to work on and this provides them with "symetry" as it relates to replacement parts, etc.
  18. I guess that depends upon who you talk to. I would presume that White Plains is satisfied with them, otherwise they would not allow them to bid. Also, Yonkers is about to receive 3 New Smeal/Spartan Rigs within the next couple of weeks from NEFA (E309, SQ11, L72). These are 2 of Westchester County's Largest Fire Departments, who are both very particular on what they want.
  19. Engine 314 called to the fire scene by B2 Ladder 70 to Station 1 Hartsdale Engine 170 to Station 1 Now is a 4th Alarm Car 2 requests Ladder 70 to 4th Exposure Roof with Hook Ladder 73 relocating to Station 1 Car 2 Requests Ladder 73 to the fire scene - Also requested to Exposure 4 - Roof with hooks (along with Ladder 70) Car 2 reporting fire in Cockloft on Exposure 4 at 199 North Broadway, all companies working Car 4 10-84 on location Car 2309 to Station 12 Yonkers
  20. This is the Rig that I am referring to Chief (are there plans to send it to Eastchester?)
  21. Does anyone know if YFD is planning on sending their Water Tanker that is located at the SOD facility on Neprahan Avenue, over to Eastchester FD Headquarters to help out with their Water Main Problem, as part of a Mutual Aid request, given that this is probably the closest Tanker to Eastchester?
  22. Great Point PCFD!!! With YFD's Super Tanker close by (At the SOD on Neprahan Avenue) they could get that over to EFD's Headquarters PDQ. Does anyone know if Yonkers is going to send over their Tanker as part of a Mutual Aid request?
  23. R1Smokeater does nice work. My favorite YFD Company Logo is definately the FOAM TRUCK (Bulldog with Foam Coming out of it). THAT'S A CLASSIC !!!
  24. Thanks Chief Dunn for the Photographs of the New B1. [What - No Expresso Machine inside B1 ??? - Maybe they have something else within the New B1 for the Guys on the West Side? - LOL : ) ]
  25. I don't think that the majority of us here on EMTBravo looked at this post as being an opportunity to set up a "PIxxxxG Contest" between agencies. Like I said above, I am glad to see that within the City of Yonkers, 2 well respected agencies are able to work harmonious with each other to serve the needs of the public. I am glad that YPD was able to secure funding to obtain this needed vehicle prior to the belt tightening that is currently going on withn Public Government. As Seth pointed out above, it is likely that this truck will be well equiped with the Equipment and Tools necessary to sevice "POLICE" requirements within the City. As many have said before, the City of Yonkers is very fortunate to have individuals within both the Police and Fire Administrations to think "Ahead of the Curve" to fill the needs of their respective departments. Other cities, towns and villages have used Yonkers as the model to build their own respective departments accordingly. GOOD LUCK YPD WITH YOUR NEW TRUCK !!!!!