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Everything posted by 61MACKBR1

  1. Seth - Didn't Newark NJ FD recently purchase some new rigs from American LaFrance? If so, interesting to see some Municipalities who have recently purchased ALF Rigs have now switched over to other brands. Yes, a municipalities must go with the lowest bid submitted and in this case, it just may be that Ferrera came in with the lowest bid. But, reading about the finanicial difficulities that ALF has been going thru during the past 2 years or so, and with it, many loyal ALF customers switching over to other brands (ie: Newark NJ, Yonkers NY, etc) I can only wonder about the future of ALF.
  2. Did I just read that correctly? New Orleans is using Federal Grant funding to hire on additional fire fighters in order to keep and maintain proper standard fire protection for its community and its citizens? Hmmm, what a novel concept and one that maybe some people should have looked at here a long time ago?
  3. Thanks Chief for the information. I did not know that there was a Getty Square extension off of the old Putnam Line. Now that's a piece of Yonkers History!
  4. Now those were the "Good Ol' Days". Was that a Railroad Line behind them in the photo? Does anyone know what Railway ran thru the West Side of Yonkers during those days? (I know it wasn't the old Putnam line, as that ran thru the Bryn Mawr section of Yonkers)
  5. Yep, a far cry from when YFD had 13 Engine Companies (Engines 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14); 7 Truck/Ladder Companies (Truck 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7) and Rescue 1 back in 1975.
  6. It appears as the 72 year old "Landmark" business within the Village of Bronxville, Pete's Park Place Tavern and Lunceonette will be closing within the next several days. This is one of the longest standing businesses within the Village and was frequented from members of the Kennedy Family (when they lived in Bronxville) to current NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell (also from Bronxville). Very very sad to see places like this go out of business. I am sure that many of us 'over 50' may have either had a beer or two in the bar, during the 'ole days' OR had a sandwich or burger in the luncheoonette. Really sad to see such great business go out. Not many landmark busnesses left in Westchester County anymore (either can't afford the rents or the ecomony is hitting everyone)
  7. I believe that it was a week ago this past Saturday, which was the offical last day that Phil owned Pete's Park Place Tavern. (Many a 2:00 AM Burger ate there)
  8. Exactly. I am sure that many municipalities, not only in Westchester County, not only in New York State, but the entire country will look at examples, such as the City of Yonkers, where their Fire Service is looked upon in great respect, and they will say something to the affect "If Yonkers can cut 2 companies then why can't we". We all need to support our Public Services, no matter where one lives. Many of us still have families that reside in the City of Yonkers, to whom they rely greatly on the Public Services provided to them. Let your voices be heard.
  9. I just saw a banner hanging outside of Yonkers Fire Station 11 (Where Squad 11 and the Collapse Rig are housed) indicating something like "Save our Firestation from closing, contact the Mayor". I know of several residents in the area (this is area of Yonkers that I am originally from) that have also heard that this station is earmarked for closing. Now I remember reading that the Mayor and City Council were talking about drastic cuts in both Police and Fire, but that no specific Fire Companies and/or stations have been selected. Has Station 11 been pinpointed as one that would be closed if these cuts were to do through? YFD just accepted delivery of their New Squad 11 and this unit is critical for Emergency Rescue Service and Engine PPumper supression on the east side of Yonkers. I can't imagine that Station 11 and Squad 11 would be cut. Last year they were talking about elliminating Ladder 70 and mover TL 75 from Station 12 to Station 14. Are they now thinking about ellminating Ladder 70, closing Station 11 and moving Squad 11 to Station 14? Is the City nuts for even considering this? Does anyone with YFD know anything about this and could post something on here for us to be brought up to date?
  10. Looking back at the long storied history of Station 11, having grown up just down the street from it, it will be hard to imagine that great station might be closing. From those days back in the 1950's/1960's when that "War Horse" Ward LaFance proudly wore the Circle 11 on its front along side the Great 1950's ALF Mid-Mount Truck 3, with its Gold Leaf YFD 3 on its doors. The time when the Viet Nam war ended and both rigs came out of thier respective bays and blew the siren in celebration. Then the sad ellimination of Truck 3 (then Truck 11). Then the happiness to see Ladder 76 being brought into service to see it sadly go away as fast as it came. To those days when both A A Ambulance or Empress housed their East Side Ambulance there. To the evolution of Engine 11 into Engine 311 (The Old Mack C Engine 1 running as Engine 311, to the Lime Green Compac Continential, to the various Mack CF's, and then Engine 311 turning into Squad 311 then Squad 11, now with the Collapse Unit. The Citizens of the Armour Villa, Birch Brook, Iraquis Road, Mountainvile Road, Lawrence Park West Communities will certainly suffer without a front line rig running out of that station, especially as it relates to the First Responder Program. Call up the Mayor and City Council and voice your complaints. Don't let this happen
  11. Sorry, but there was no Ladder Company (aka Truck) at Station 7 in the 1970's. Truck 5 (Ladder 75) was housed at Station 7 back in the 1960's but was moved to Station 12 in the 60's. What it "might" have been would be a Truck/Ladder Company in for repairs as Station 7, which back then was home for the Repair Shop until it was moved to the current DPW Repair Shop along side the Saw Mill River Parkway. Also, it was NOT the current Vintage ALF that YFD had recently restored (that was a restored USAF ALF Mid-Mount). Although YFD has designated this Vintage Restored Ladder as "Truck 5" (in Memory of the Original Truck 5) it is not the same rig.
  12. Steve - To my memory, I believe that you are correct. Back in 1971, the Yonkers Fire Department had 13 engine companies, 7 truck companies, and 1 rescue company (The Largest In Service Fleet of Apparatus in the History of YFD). The Station/Apparatus Assignments back then were as follows: Station 1 (Headquarters - New School Street) - Engine 1, Truck 1, Rescue 1 Station 2 (Vineyard Avenue) - Engine 2, Truck 2 Station 3 (Vark Street) - Engine 3 Station 4 (Radford Street) - Engine 4, Truck 4 Station 6 (Oak Street) - Engine 6 Station 7 (Central Avenue) - Engine 7 (and the Repair Shop) Station 8 (Walburton Avenue) - Engine 8 Station 9 (Shonnard Avenue) - Engine 9 Station 10 (Saw Mill River Road) - Engine 10 Station 11 (Bronxville Road) - Engine 11, Truck 3 Station 12 (Fortfield Avenue) - Engine 12, Truck 5 Station 13 (Kimball Avenue) - Engine 13, Truck 6 Station 14 (Central Park Avenue) - Engine 14, Truck 7 In 1975, YFD renumbered the Truck (now Ladder) companies to conincide with the respective Engine Companies to which they were housed with. Thus Trucks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 became Trucks 1, 9, 11, 4, 12, 13, 14. Due to a fiscal crisis, on January 1, 1976, Engine Co. 1, Rescue Co. 1 and Truck Co. 11 (Formaly Truck 3) were removed from service. (This was the FIRST of 2 Major Budget Cuts made to the YFD, with the 2nd coming in 1982) On March 10, 1978, the apparatus numbering was changed "to conform with the numbering system of the County". In order to eliminate confusion during mutual aid, all apparatus in Westchester County were given different numbers. Yonkers' Engines received numbers in the 300's and its truck companies (now called ladders) received numbers in the 70's. In 1979, Engine Company 305 and Truck 7 6 were commissioned and placed into service. So in 1979, this is the level of apparatus that was in place within YFD (along with redesignated crossover): Old Designation New Designation Engine Co. 2 Engine Co. 302 (Station 2 - Vineyard Ave - then to Station 9 in 1980) Engine Co. 3 Engine Co. 303 (Station 3 - Vark Street) Engine Co. 4 Engine Co. 304 (Station 4 - Radford Street) Engine Co. 6 Engine Co. 306 (Station 6 - Oak Street) Engine Co. 305 (Station 2 - Vineyard Avenue then to Station 1 in 1980) Engine Co. 7 Engine Co. 307 (Station 7 - Central Avenue) Engine Co. 8 Engine Co. 308 (Station 8 - Walburton Avenue) Engine Co. 9 Engine Co. 309 (Station 9 - Shonnard Avenue) Engine Co. 10 Engine Co. 310 (Station 10 - Saw Mill River Road) Engine Co. 11 Engine Co. 311 (Station 11 - Bronxville Road) Engine Co. 12 Engine Co. 312 (Station 12 - Fortfield Avenue) Engine Co. 13 Engine Co. 313 (Station 13 - Kimball Avenue) Engine Co. 14 Engine Co. 314 (Station 14 - Central Park Avenue) Truck Co. 14 Ladder Co. 70 (Station 14 - Central Park Avenue) Truck Co. 1 Ladder Co. 71 (Station 1 - New School Street) Truck Co. 9 Ladder Co. 72 (Station 9 - Shonnard Place) Truck Co. 13 Ladder Co. 73 (Station 13 - Kimball Avenue) Truck Co. 4 Ladder Co. 74 (Station 4 - Radford Street) Truck Co. 12 Ladder Co. 75 (Station 12 - Fortfield Avenue) Ladder Co. 76 (Station 11 - Bronxville Road) So, at this time, YFD had 13 Engine Companies and 7 Ladder Companies in full time service. Then in 1982, due to the fiscal crisis in 1982, Engines 302, 305, 311 and Ladder 76 were disbanded, with Ladder 70 being moved from Station 14 to Station 11. In June 1983, Engine 302 and 311 were reactivated, however one month latter they were disbanded once again. 1984 saw the reactivation of Engine Company 311 with Ladder 70 being moved back to Station 14. In 1992, Squad 1 (Haz Mat Unit) was activated and quarted at Station 1 and in 2000, Squad 1 was changed over to Rescue 1 when the Rescue Company was reactivated, after being ellminated back in 1976.
  13. These are very serious and sad times in America. I think that monies have dried up and politians are now saying no to almost everything. Budget cuts, I fear, will be come fast and quickly and will affect many americans. I have a feeling that in relationship to this topic, we might be seing 1976 all over again, with companies being cut and manpower being laid off.
  14. I know that this is a very sensitive subject with many here on Emtbravo.net. With Yonkers FD just accepting a New Squad 11 and how vital this piece of apparatus is to the East Side of Yonkers (Basically representing the Rescue Services of YFD for the East-Side as well as Pumper Supression), it just doesn't make much sense. I certainly hope that we do not see 1976 revisited (That year YFD Engine 1, Engine 2, Truck 3 and Rescue 1 were all disbanded, with Truck 3 (at Station 11 at the time) replacing Truck 6 at Station 13 (Truck 6 permanently taken out of service), and Engine 1 and Engine 2 never to come back. (Rescue 1 was not in service from 1976 until 2000 when it was recommissioned). Let's all pray that we don't see that again.
  15. Barry - Could you tell me where Engine 6 (aka Engine 26) was housed back in the 1970's? Did it have its own station? Was there an additional ladder company that was also a front line rig back in the 1970's that was also disbanded back in the 1970's? Thanks!
  16. This appears to be the theme across the entire United States. With money being so tight and the economy in the tank, many local and municipal governments are now seriously looking at consolidation of services (Fire, PD, DPW) in order to save money. From what I have read, the major stumbling blocks appear to be territorial fights, political ramplings, and union fights. No one within the "rank n' file" are in favor of consolidation, because it would mean loss of jobs, etc, etc. etc. However, given how angry taxpayers are now with City, Town, and Village Budgets and almost everyone not in favor of any type of tax increase, political leaders are now faced with the reality that this must now be considered. Down in the south, COUNTY Police and Fire are the common set up. There are very few local police departments in place. DPW is also covered by the county, with sanitiation usually privatized and paid for individually by each citizen OR with a local or regional garbage disposal site where citizens can dump their household refuse. In Westchester County, the regionalization of Fire Services has been on the table for several years, but because of political ramblings and union protests, it hasn't really been pushed. But unless the economy rebounds greatly and is back to a level that it was, say 6 to 10 years ago, I foresee over the next year this may become a reality for both FD and PD, even being talked about with some of our larger cities (yes, I am talking about Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Yonkers, etc). We can all say "it will never happen and the brotherhood will not allow it to happen" but with money being so tight and citizens getting more frustrated each and every day with the economy, they (citizens) will force their local and county officials to go to this type of format, dispite what the rank n' file and unions say.
  17. I see that the YFD Foam Unit was dispatched to today's Con-Ed Sub Station Fire in Yonkers (Engine 313 runs the YFD Foam Unit in a similiar manner that Squad 11 runs the YFD Collapse Rig). I don't believe that a photo of YFD's New Foam Unit has been published yet on EMTBravo.net. I believe that it is a Ford F650 Truck and I am not sure if Hackeney did the work on it or not. (A Photo of The Old Converted Sutphen Rig had been published here on EMTBRAVO.net awhile ago). Does anyone have a photo of the Completed New YFD Foam Unit that they can post here?
  18. I stand corrected Chief. I had heard that repairs were waiting on the delivery of a new bumper. However, you are much closer to this than anyone on here. Can you share with us what other repairs are needed for the 2000 ALF Rescue (Rescue 2)? Is there any ETA on when YFD might be getting Rescue 2 back?
  19. Once YFD is able to get a New Bumper for its 2000 ALF "Rescue 2" then they (YFD) will have a functional working and loaded Spare Rescue Unit to back up their Front Line Rescue 1 (Sad that it has taken so long for YFD to get the parts from ALF to finish the repairs to the Old Rescue 2, probably due to the financial problems that ALF has had over the past couple of years - You would think that ALF would have enough spare parts available to support the fleet of rigs sold that are already in the field?). Then once that is done, YFD will have a Functional Spare Rescue, Spare Squad, Spare LDH (E300) and a Spare Ladder (Ladder 76) with enough Reserve Engine and Ladder (TL and RM) Companies to compliment their fleet.
  20. Chief Fitz - Has the 2000 ALF Spare Rescue (Rescue 2) returned from the repair shop and is it available to be used as the Primary Back Up to the front line Rescue 1?
  21. With the New E309 and Squad 11 both being 1500 GPM Pumpers, does that mean that E309 is the main served High Output Pumper for the West Side and Sqaud 11 being the main served High Output Pumper for the East Side, given that these two units are the first 1500 GPM Pumpers in the YFD Fleet?
  22. Good Looking Rigs YFD. Once the 2 New ALF's (306 & 308) arrive shortly, the Yonkers FD Fleet will certainly be the envy of many. Well laid out and thought out rigs. Kudos to Chief Fitzpatrick and the New Apparatus Committee for a job well done. I'd bet that many a Career Department here in Westchester County would like to have YFD's Spare/Reserve Fleet as their front line apparatus fleet. Hey Chief Fitzpatrick - What are the plans for the Old TL 77 and Spare Ladder 79 once the New Ladder 72 goes into service and the current Ladder 72 goes into the Spare/Reserve Pool? Out To Auction? (are their any other current rigs in the Spare/Reserve pool also being planned to go out for Auction?)
  23. Terrific! I would suspect that the 3 New Smeal/Spartans will be going into service sometime this week. Hopefully Joe Pinto or Batt2 will be posting photos of E309, Squad 11 and Ladder 72 here in EMTBravo as early as possibly sometime today. I am sure that many of us are looking forward to seeing how the New E309 and Squad 11 turned out (already have seen the spy photos of L72). Can you let us all know if you might be able to post them?
  24. I don't believe that this New YPD ESU rig will be running on regular street duty, as their current ESU Rigs do. I would believe that YPD would dispatch this rig out (using the manpower from one of their regular YPD/ESU Units) in case of a Police Emergency requiring the equipment stored on this rig, such as Riot Gear, SWAT Equipment, etc, etc that is needed in a "Police Emergency" (Does not make any sense to have this large of a rig running 24/7 on the streets of Yonkers on ESU patrol). As far as Auto Accidents and things of that nature, my understanding is that YFD is normally dispatched out on these types of runs with a 1 and 1 (Engine Company and Truck Company) along with YFD Rescue 1 and a Battalion for such assignments. Maybe on larger, more involved incidents, they would request this YPD ESU Truck.
  25. Again, the Cap Ex used for the purchase of these new YFD Rigs came from 2007/2008, way prior to the current budget crisis. Let's all pray that the Mayor is able to secure funding from both the State and the Feds to maintain Public Services throughout the city. (On a side note, as others have also mentioned, Yonkers terrain is one of the most challenging in Westchester County. The Hills and narrow streets play a huge impact on the life expectancy on the Front Line Rigs of YFD. Many people don't take this into affect went looking at this subject.)