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Everything posted by 61MACKBR1

  1. http://www.pressconnects.com/article/20101204/NEWS01/12040366/3-dead-in-Binghamton-North-Side-fire
  2. Actually, if cooked "Safely" a Deep Fried Turkey is 100% better tasting than a regular ccoked turkey.
  3. Newburgh will continue to use Mutual Aid from the nearby Air National Guard Fire Department at Stewart AFB. I don't believe that the "US Government" can really refuse to respond to a Mutual Aid Request. My understanding is that this practice to call in the ANG from Stewart AFB has been going on for years. As long as Newburgh has this "out" they will continue to take adavantage of it. Sad Politics up in Newburgh indeed.
  4. Here's a PSA Video from State Farm Insurance that really shows the dangers of Deep Frying a Turkey improperly STAY AWARE and STAY SAFE !!
  5. That Old FDMV Snorkel 1 was a beast. I remember that the territ water stream coming out of that platform was very powerful. Although I understand that the Old Snorkey was somewhat difficult to drive in the narrow streets of Mount Vernon, it was an effective piece of apparatus during its service time in the FDMV
  6. I believe that was the Old Engine 308 (Mack CF - aka Spare Engine 301) that was being loaned to Larchmont several years back. Great to see that other communities within Westchester County taking advanage of YFD's generousity in borrowing a spare YFD Engine or Ladder Truck, in case of Emergencies.
  7. Great Photos - Does anyone have an Incident Report on this 2 Alarm Job in Mount Vernon?
  8. Absolutely, that Brockway was indeed a "BEAST". I remember seeing that rig responding to an alarm coming out of the Bronxville Fire House driving up Midland Avenue towards Eastchester, with that engine pounding out a sound like no one has heard before and that Air Horn and Siren added to it made it "Very Noticable". Sad to see that budget cuts caused the Rescue to go "Bye Bye" (Also fondly remember its predessor, the rig with that big "EMERGENCY" sign on the front face of the body of that rig)
  9. I think that someone within YFD can confirm this (I see that Chief Fitzpatrick has provied some information, so I will leave it to the Chief Fitz or anyone else within YFD to clarify below), but I think that YFD has rigs that are SPARES RIGS and rigs that are RESERVED RIGS. I "believe" (may be wrong) that the following units are the Spare Engine and Truck Companies: ENGINE 300 [spare LDH Engine] - Former Smeal/HME Engine 307 ENGINE 315 (Spare Engine) - Former Smeal/HME Engine 310 ENGINE 316 (Spare Engine) - Former Smeal/HME Engine 312 TOWER LADDER 81 (Spare TL)- Former ALF/LTI Tower Ladder 71 LADDER 76 (Spare Ladder) - Former Smeal/HME Ladder 73 (Not too sure but "I believe" that the above Spare Engines are housed at Station 14, Station 4, and Station 9 respectfully, along with Ladder 76 stored at Station 7 and Spare TL 81 stored at Station 3, but I may be wrong) FOAM UNIT - Former Smeal/HME Engine 304 (Housed behind Engine 313 at Station 13) And the following units are Reserve Engine Companies: ENGINE 317 (Reserve Engine) - Former ALF Engine 306 ENGINE 318 (Reserve Engine) - Former ALF Engine 308 ENGINE 319 (Reserve Engine) - Former ALF Engine 309 SQUAD 21 (Spare/Reserve Squad)- Former ALF Squad 11 Rescue 2 (Spare/Reserve Rescue)-Former ALF Rescue 1 LADDER 78 (Reserve Ladder) - Former Smeal/HME Ladder 72 LADDER 79 (Reserve Ladder) - Former Seagrave Ladder 74 TL 80 (Reserve Tower Ladder) - Former ALF/LTI Tower Ladder 75 TL 77 (Reserve Tower Ladder) - Former Mack CF Baker TL 75 All of the "Reserve Apparatus" I believe are stored and housed at the YFD/SOC Facility on Neprahan Avenue/Axminister. It might be noted that YFD "may have future plans or already have" begun plans to retire 300, 315 and 316 and replace them as Front Line Spares with 317, 318 and 319, given that 300, 315 and 316 are all the Old 1998 Smeal/HME Rigs and 317, 318 and 319 are all 2002 or 2004 ALF Eagles. In addition, I am not sure, but I would suspect that Reserve Ladder 79 (1995 Seagrave) and Reserve TL 77 (1990/2001 Refurbed MackCF/Baker) are in the process of or have been retired and are out for Auction. Finally, this may not be "up to date" but I believe that Engine 298 is the Old YFD 1991 Mack CF [Old Engine 306](It was last used for Training in Valhalla, but I think that it is currenly being mothballed, given it is one, if not the last Mack CF coming off of the production line), is stored "Downstairs" in the garage below the main bays at Station 8 (along side the restored 1950's ALF Parade Truck 5). Engine 299, which I think as also used for training, was also one of the Old Mack CF Rigs (I think it was the Former 1990 Engine 303, that I believe has since been retired and sold at Auction (along with the Old Mack CF Squad 11 and Mack Collapse Rig)
  10. Yes, the YFD Repair Shop is located within the DPW Maintenence Facility at 1130 Nepperhan Avenue (has been there since the Mid 1970's relocted from the 2nd Bay Area at Station 7, where during those days, all apparatus repairs were conducted). The YFD/SOD is located at 460 Nepperhan Avenue (Corner of Nepperhan and Axminster) within an Old Warehouse Facility. The YFD/SOD has been at this location for the past few years, having relocated from the "Ridge Hill Bunker" (Garage and Office Space that was part of the Unused Ridge Hill Site PRIOR to the New Ridge Hill Development from being started). Back then, Ridge Hill was probably a great place to have the SOD located, given the geographic turrain and ability to conduct USAR and otehr Special Operations Training.
  11. I believe that YFD/SOC is at 460 Neprahan Avenue (corner of Axminster) in a converted warehouse.
  12. Can you tell us what the YFD Spec Ops Crain is used for? Also, great to see Rescue 2 back and available as the Spare Rescue (I am sure that the Staff of Rescue 1 is also glad to see it back, so that they don't have to use one of the Spare Ladder Trucks as a Spare Rescue).
  13. Now many may say that Dolan and Cablevision are a bunch of greedy, cheap idiots who only care about their own pocketbooks. However, in this case, News Corporation, who owns 2 Television Station in the same marketplace, is just using this time frame (Just when the Yankees are right in the Baseball playoffs and the NFL is right in the middle of the season) as a leverage tool to extort more money from Cablevision and its subscribers. This is a joke and its simply not fair to the millions of subscribers who love baseball and football. Yeah, we can go out and purchase a Digital Over the Air Converter to get the local channels for free, but why spend money on a Digital Signal Converter, when you are already spending money to get these LOCAL CHANNELS as part of our subscription. Just another example of Corporate Greed, which is ruining our country. Wait until the Yankees make the World Series and its only on FOX-5. Then you will hear the Politians speak up and scream. Then, things will start to move.
  14. EXACTLY - Newburgh will continue to "suppliment" the already low FD Staffing Levels with the Mutual Aid that they continually rely upon by using the Air National Guard FD out of Stewart AFB to come in and fight fires in the city. I suspect that they next step will be consolidation of Fire Services throughout Orange County and will eventually come up with a Orange County Fire District rather than individual municipal fire departments.
  15. OUTSTANDING JOB BARRY! Sharing of Government Grant Funds across several Westcheter Fire Districts is truly the way to go. Shared Resources will prove to be the cornerstone of things to come.
  16. I stand corrected - Thank you - However, they can be voted out thru Public Pressure and Votes
  17. Fire Commissioners can be voted out by the Tax Payers that pay their salaries, should the Tax Payers be required to anty up more money in Property Taxes. Its all about the MONEY and when people get fed up enough with tax increases, they will come to their senses and will realize that unless their taxes go down, consolidation will become a reality. Its not about what the Fire Commmision thinks, its ultimately what the Tax Payers tell the Fire Commission what they want. Just wait. It may not be tomorrow, but it will eventually happen, not only in Greenburgh, not only in Westchester County, but it will become as common as "White Bread" throughout the United States.
  18. Another sad example of Grown Adults acting like children. Sadly enough in these tough economic times, more and more Counties, Towns, Cities, and Villages are considering and in most cases approving the Consolidation of Services. The situation within Greenburgh is just the beginning. I suspect that the taxpayers within the Town of Greenburgh will ultimately push for such consolidation in order to prevent tax increases and to save money. The next, I suspect, will be the consolidation of services (Fire, Police and EMT) throughout Westchester County. Will there be arguments, disagreements, mud-slinging, name callings, bad feelings past back and forth? Absolutely. But the reality is that Consolidation will happen. (As a side note: I would wonder what the children of these grown adulst might have to say about how their parents are acting? Hmmm)
  19. May you all rest in peace in the hands of God - Bless you all
  20. Back in the 1960's and early 1970's, growing up in Yonkers, whenever there was a MAJOR fire in the City of Yonkers, I fondly remember the members of the Old Yonkers Civil Defense Department responding to these incidents. They responded in those old While and Blue Trucks (many either YPD hand me downs or donated trucks). One of the trucks that they had was a "LIGHT TRUCK" that provide flood lighting on the buidlings/structures that the YFD were fighting at the time. They would also provide assistance to the members of YFD as they needed it. These members were (if I remember correctly and please correct me if I am incorrect) strictly "VOLUNTEERS". They were based next to the Old Yonkers PD Building on Radford Street (Next to YFD Station 4) back in the alley behind the building. This is the alley where their trucks were stored. Does anyone know what ever happened to the Yonkers CD and do they still respond to major fires in the City of Yonkers like they used to? Any and all information would be appreciated Thank you
  21. From today's Daily News: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/07/27/2010-07-27_fdny_called_in_to_get_600lb_man_out_of_apartment.html
  22. This, in my opinion, is a great start. Redundcy of several agencies, not only within the County of Westchester's own governmental services, but throughout the municipalities that make up Westchester County, could indeed save tax payers allot of money. Not only does the consolidation of the DPS and the DES make sense, but if Asterino would look deeper into each City, Town, and Village that have services that could benefit through consolidation/regionalization/ and shared services, thus would result, again in my opinon, a stronger unified service to the public, while saving the tax payers money. I feel that there would be no reduction in the rank n' file of the services provided, but Executive Positions within the EMS, Police, Fire and DPW could be consolidated and thus would reduce/ellminate several high priced executive positions within each of the City/Town/Village Police, Fire, DPW and EMS Services, thus, again, saving taxpayer dollars. We need our Policeman, Fireman, Emergency Medical Professionals and Sanitation Service Professionals. But we don't need are the redundent amount of Police Commissioners, Fire Commissioners and Chiefs, Emergency Service Executives and DPW Chiefs, all of whom are very highly paid and really only work in a High Priced Administrative Capacity. What we don't need are a glut of "Chiefs" but what we need are a "Boatload" of "Indians" to provide the services that everyone in Westchester County needs.
  23. Thanks Captain. I was referring to my opinion related to the regionalization of fire departments, specifically in Southern Westchester County. (Knowing that the subject of Regionalizing the Fire Service in Westchester County is a sore subject with many here on EMTBravo.net). CHRIS - Excellent point raised. An I/C doesn't necessarily have to be a Chief. It is the most experienced Firefighting Officer/Professional available at the scene. In this case, the Pelham Lt. did an outstanding job. If a Regionalized Southern Westchester Fire Service were to be set up, maybe you would have had either a Chief or Asst. Chief as the IC, but in this case, it was the Lt, who again, did a great job.
  24. I know that I will probably be slammed by some concerning the comments I am going to make, but I will make them anyway. The successful handling and response from yesterday's Pelham Fire is an example of how a regionalized fire service here in Westcheter County makes allot of sense. The response times from those companies who came into the incident as part of the mutual aid request all arrived in a timely and efficient manner. The manpower and apparatus were all properly assigned and used. Kudos to New Rochelle, Mount Vernon, Eastchester, Mamaroneck, and all of the other municipalities that helped out. 60 Control did an outstanding job in handling the dispatch and assignments, based on the direction provided at the scene. This is just another example of how Westchester County could take advantage of equipment, apparatus and manpower from several Fire Districts in the area, on a regular basis to support fire supression. Again, looking at a Southern Regional Fire District consisting of New Rochelle, Pelham, Pelham Manor, Mount Vernon, Yonkers, Eastchester, Greenville, Scarsdale, Larchmont and Mamaroneck appears to make sense, and thus saving the taxpayers allot of money. I certainly hope that the discussions continue and the egos can be placed asside in order to make it work Again, kudos to all who help minimize the loss of property and made the scene a safe one for all who worked it yesterday in Pelham!!!
  25. I had heard that this week is the "Critical" week as it relates to the possibility of the City of Yonkers closing 2 companies and potentially closing a fire house (Station 11?). Does anyone within the Yonkers FD know if the city is planning on implementing these changes by the end of this week? I know that everyone who is a member here within EMTBravo.net are behind and support all of the Fireman and Fire Officials in the City of Yonkers. As I had posted earlier on last week, I fear that the company cuts will take place on the "East-Side" and will certainly impact, not only the Fire Supression abilities on that side of the city, but the First Responder Program as well. Last year there was talk about moving TL 75 to Station 14 and ellminating Ladder 70. Now with the talk concerning the closing of Station 11, I fear that Squad 11 will either be ellminated (which I kind of doubt) or Squad 11 may be moved to another station with another Engine Company being ellminated. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY CRAZY and I hope and pray that this does NOT happen. Outside of writing to the Mayor and City Council Members (which I have already done) can anyone within the YFD tell us all here on EMTBravo.net what they can do to help? Any and all updated information on this matter would certainly be appreciated and remember "We all have you and the YFD in our thoughts and prayers"