FDNY 10-75

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Everything posted by FDNY 10-75

  1. Date: 12-06-05 Time: 1910 Location: Box: 3280 - 2939 Avenue V Frequency: 154.3700 MHz Units Operating: E276, L156 (FAST), Bn 33, Div 8., Sq 1, R2 and others. Description Of Incident: Fire on the 1st floor of a 100'x200' 4 story occupied multiple dwelling. 2 Lines stretched, with 1 in operation. Trucks opening up, all searches complete and negative. Reported a 1 10-45 code 2, now a code 1 - Fire is fatal. Writer: FDNY 10-75
  2. Date: 12-06-05 Time: 1828Hrs Location: Queens, NY - Box 7967: 40-77 Denman St at Whitney Ave Frequency: 154.4000 MHz Units Operating: Bn 46, L117 (FAST), E324 with Sat 4, TSU 2, Field Comm, Car 13A, Car 16, and numerous other units. Description Of Incident: Heavy Fire throughout a 2 sty occupied 20'x40' private dwelling. Initial reports indicate 3 children trapped in the basement. Primary searches delayed due to heavy fire, but are now complete and negative on the 1st and 2nd Floors, basement still unk. 4 lines stretched, with 3 in operation. Car 13A and Car 16 on scene. Everyone pulled out of the building, attack will be exterior only. (4) 10-45 code 1's (deceased victims). Writer: FDNY 10-75 Update At 20:12 - SOC De-watering unit that was special called has arrived, Field Comm reports that 2 additional 10-45's have been found. 2 Lines are stretched to the attic to knock down fire that extended from the basement up. Fire still doubtful. Marshals en route. Update at 20:41 - Marshals on the scene, primary searches still in progress in the basement. Secondary searches are complete and negative throughout the rest of the structure. All visible fire has been knocked down. 1 Additional 10-45 code 1 has been found, bringing the total to 4 deceased victims.
  3. How about? Just a hint of color, this one is plain jane. More to come...
  4. Seth, I have this light on my helmet: http://www.edarley.com/edarley4/catalog.cf...gory&linkid=354 The recoil LED's power right through the smoke, even better than xenon bulbs. I love it. It's a tad bit expensive, but well worth the cost. I went through 3 garrity's in a month, and decided that was enough. The garrity's break if dropped, are susceptible to water damage, and can melt. The Saber isn't susceptible to any of the above. If the LED light is not what you like, my buddy has this one, and it works great: http://www.edarley.com/edarley4/catalog.cf...gory&linkid=354 I was given my light and helmet clamp, so I don't know where they were purchased. Both should fit in this holder (don't say they do, but they do): http://www.edarley.com/edarley4/catalog.cf...tion&linkid=191 Hope that helps. You may also want to see the firehouse.com forums. There is an entire section on flashlights.
  5. I was told they will be spares, 1 or 2 are to be disposed of. The old ones no longer have the Intelligiant Stangs, so I don't know if they could actually become spares.
  6. I didn't get that out of no book... I meant L705, but for some reason labeled a reserve ladder as a reserve engine, and not even the correct one. I have shots of RL705 parked in L20. Also, Highway 170 is now a SOC support unit.
  7. Box numbers: Aviation Hose Co. 3 in Clason's Point - 2610, 8613 Edgwater VFD in Edgewater Park - 4184 Richmond Engine Company No. 1 in Richmond - 2862 Oceanic Hook & Ladder Co. 1 in Travis - 3159 Gerritsen Beach Fire Volunteers, Inc. in Gerritsen Beach -3668 West Hamilton Beach VFD in Hamilton Beach - 2042, 8369 Broad Channel VFD in Broad Channel - 1615 Roxbury VFD ibn Rockaway - 1462, 8025 Also, to add to my earlier post, Rockaway Pt. operates on 154.6000 MHz, 154.5700 MHz, and 47.5000 MHz. Point Breeze VFD in Point Breeze - 1465 Rockaway Point VFD in Rockaway - 1465, 8300
  8. In the Bronx, Aviation Hose Co. 3 - Has a total of four engines. They operate on the Bronx frequency. Edgewater VFD - Has a total of two mini-pumpers, they operate on 154.2200 MHz In Staten Island, Richmond Engine Company No. 1 - Has 1 Engine, and operates on the SI frequency. Oceanic Hook & Ladder Co. 1 - Has 1 engine and 1 Brush truck. They also operate on the SI frequency. Both SI companies are dispatched by the FDNY SI CO. In Brooklyn, Gerritsen Beach Fire Volunteers, Inc. - Have 2 engines, 2 ambulances, and a rescue truck. They operate on 154.2200 MHz. In Queens , West Hamilton Beach VFD - They have 2 engines, 2 ambulances, and a brush unit. They operate on Queens' frequency, 155.3400 MHz, and 155.2800 MHz. Broad Channel VFD - Is the largest volunteer dept in the City, and has 3 engines, 1 ladder, 3 ambulances, and 2 boats. They operate on 46.4600 MHz, and 155.2800 MHz. Roxbury VFD - Has 2 engines and 1 ambulance, they operate on 154.600 MHz, and 154.5700 MHz. Point Breeze VFD - Has 2 engines (1 a quick attack mini). They operate on Queens frequency, 154.6000 MHz, and 154.5700 MHz. Rockaway Point VFD in Rockaway Rockaway Point VFD - Has 2 engines (1 a mini quick attack),and 2 ambulances. They operate on 154.6000 MHz and 154.5700 MHz. I believe Broad Channel and West Hamilton Beach are the only companies with a teleprinter. They also have voice alarms activated by the Queens CO. Also, Roxbury, Rockaway Pt. and Pt. Breeze operate together on fires and rescue boxes. I will lookup the station's box numbers for you, and post them later. Hope that helps.
  9. You have to put the scanner into "TONE OUT MODE," it will monitor only one frequency. When the tones go out, the alert goes off, very much like a minitor.
  10. Satellite 2 http://1strespondernews.com/webpages/news/...c1-c3a97907e50f Satellite 4 http://1strespondernews.com/webpages/news/...e3-73378d6d6692
  11. I have the BCT396T. It is great, works every time, and doesn't go off when it is not supposed to like the Minitor V. As to the number of tones you can store, you can have 10 alerts when in the alert mode or "TONE-OUT MODE." Thing is, the thing won't go off unless it is in the "TONE-OUT MODE." It has to be held on the frequency, and in that mode. You can not scan in this mode. It is rumored that the next Uniden digital scanner, coming in May '06, will have a feature where you can scan and alert.
  12. This is very disappointing. I liked the show, mostly because it was the only decent firefighting show on television. Sad that they cancel this stuff, but I guess there is not a large enough group of watchers, or the money for the show went away. Hopefully, the show will come back, in a city like LA, or Miami.
  13. Generally there is 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, and 10 firefighters on the island at all times.
  14. Just to add to what Sq288/HM1 said, researching my errors, Hazmat 1 is a 2001 Mack MR/Saulsbury Walk-in 26' Rescue (SH01001). Hazmat 1's 2nd Piece is a 2002 Kenworth/Pierce 15' Rescue (PH02001). Hazmat 1's Main spare is a 1996 HME 1871/Saulsbury 23' Rescue (SE9605). Ex-R5. Hazmat 1's secondary spare is a 1989 Mack MC 688FC/Saulsbury Concorde 25' Rescue (MH8901). Ex-HM1 Hazmat 1's 2nd piece spare is a 1996 International 4900/Saulsbury 15' Rescue (IH9601). Ex-HM1 2nd Piece
  15. I have a Cairns 1010, it can be annoying at times, but I like it.
  16. Holmatro tools rock!
  17. I may be an explorer in a vollie dept., but have sat in the City of Albany on mutual aide (to cover the city) many times. I generally ride duty crew on the weekends, so I ride the calls. We have been called into the City of Albany several times when they had a working fire (usually 3rd alarm or higher), and they had run out of units. On one occasion, we sent an engine to one house, and a truck to another. I was on the truck, we were sent to a house with a reserve engine. The deputy chief requested that city ff's were recalled to staff the reserve apparatus. When the recall firefighters arrived, they did not say high, or even make eye contact. We are told to wait in the apparatus bay, so we do. We were not invited in, or talked to. We were eventually returned to service when the City of Troy's apparatus arrived in the city, with out a 'thank you' or even a nod. Other times, we have just gotten a "hi" or a quick chat, but nothing that you would come to expect in the fire service. Albany requests that we are called up to standby in their quarters until other paid departments are in the city. There is a rumor that the city will no longer use the volunteers to standby in their quarters. My thoughts are, we could at least get a thank you or even a nod. We are all there to help the paid firefighters, whether we like them or not. I personally LOVE the City of Albany Fire Department. I go buffing there often, and am treated well. I ride with them sometimes, and also do fire apparatus/scene photography for them. There would also be an issue, if the city decided not to call the vollies when they ran out of apparatus. Albany takes quite a few calls, my dept can be in the city with a fully staffed rig in 4-5 minutes. It takes Troy Fire 15-20 minutes to enter the city, Watervilet Fire about 15, Green Island Fire about 20-25, and Cohoes 25-30 minutes. That means, if the city is out of apparatus, they will be uncovered for at least 15 minutes. If they have a very large fire, and have already called Watervilet and Troy for apparatus, they won't get any more apparatus from those cities to cover their city. That means, if they have to call Green Island, or Cohoes, the city is not covered for 20+ minutes! Chances of not having any calls for 20+ minutes is very low, especially when there is a large fire in the city. They usually get a couple calls reporting an odor of smoke from various parts of the city, which requires a box assignment of 2 & 1 + a rescue, the rescue squad and a battalion chief (if the response protocols haven't been modified by a chief).
  18. From my website: Governor's Island is part of the borough of Manhattan. FDNY Reserve Engines 519 (SP02013) and 525 (SP9375), Reserve Ladders 709 (SL9104) and 710 (SL9103) are located there. Additionally, Governor's Island houses 3 Engines, 1 Tower Ladder and 1 Brush Fire unit. Two of the pumpers and the TL are ex- US Coast Guard. One of the pumpers is ex-E34, Ex-E257 - It's a 2002 American LaFrance Eagle/R.D. Murray (ALF). 1000/500. (AP02001) All are under the command of Division 1/Battalion 1. If there was ever a fire on the island, I believe additional firefighters are transported by fireboat to the island to staff reserve apparatus. I think there is also a system set up in which apparatus is transported by ferry. Hope that helps.
  19. D200 Looks like a nice camera. I was going to get the Canon 20D, but this looks like it will be worth the money. This will also drive down the cost of the D70s, Rebel XT, and the 20D. So many choices...
  20. Happy (belated now) Birthday!!! This site just keeps getting better and better!
  21. http://departments.firehouse.com/dept/LathamNY That's all they got, and it's out of date.