FDNY 10-75

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Everything posted by FDNY 10-75

  1. Thank god we got em! I hope this b4$74rd gets what he deserves.
  2. So really, you needa all the other pieces to operate properly...
  3. Rest in peace brother. God blesss his family and friends.
  4. Looks awesome!
  5. Less is better suited for dress parades. I think blasting them is fine at mardi gras type parades. I will say though, for my final parade, I hope they blast them all the way to the cemetery!
  6. When I saw the pics, I was very pleased to see this happen. They deserve it very much! God bless Jimmyboy and his family. That's a great idea, I hope to see it happen.
  7. From : http://articles.news.aol.com/news/article....S00010000000001 AOL NEWS- Medics had no idea until their latex gloves had been eaten through, thought they were dealing with hot water burns. Keep your eyes open...
  8. Wearing SCBA's may be a pain to some, but air is free. Let it save your life.
  9. My Nextel bill is never too bad, never over $600.58
  10. They do all the time! As a NYSP Explorer, I have gone to court many a time when tickets were reduced, or just dropped. Just know that the State has to make money somehow. Plenty of speed demons out there!
  11. Sign me up! I think this is a great idea Seth!
  12. Congrats Seth! Glad to hear you like the place. I hope it doesn't cause you too many problems. Good luck!
  13. RIP Brother. God bless his family and friends. ~Eli Gill NYSP Troop G Explorer
  14. I would love to see NYSP buy some of these to test them, problem is they wait for Michigan SP to test them first, so the NYSP won't even begin testing until '07. Can't wait to see NYPD using these!
  15. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. May he rest in peace.
  16. Thanks for the info, I thought that the PASS locator was a stretch, because it seemed they didn't use them unless the safety bn was there. I guess they can't use em if they don't have em. Lol.
  17. I think it is a satellite used to track fire fighter's pass devices at large fires. The safety battalion has one too.
  18. The one I posted has no REMO or REMSCO markings, and also bears no star of life or NYS medical logos. I highly doubt the one I photographed is used for EMS. That's not to say though, that there aren't others that are used for EMS or medical transport.
  19. This is the current version of that: I have been told that this unit is used by the bomb squad to carry equipment. Another rumor is floating around that it is an ESU or Detectives spec ops personnel carrier. I don't know the definitive answer.
  20. Great work, I love it already!
  21. Great Work Seth! You should be very proud of your work! Congrats and Happy Birthday to EMTBravo!
  22. It's cached through Google. It won't be for much longer.
  23. What is this world coming to??!?!?!!!