FDNY 10-75

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Everything posted by FDNY 10-75

  1. They are swearing 9 in on Friday.
  2. What is the new foam unit?
  3. The 5500 will still be available?
  4. I feel bad for the members. You would think the union would have more input on that stuff...
  5. Interesting. Do they do many HNT Calls?
  6. Is Empress a decent place to work? And what are the requirements to get on their SOD team?
  7. Great shootin'
  8. I would be interested in attending...
  9. Nice, I think they look great!
  10. Great stuff!
  11. Awesome shots!
  12. Great shots, awesome looking rigs!
  13. If those are amber, I don't think there is a limit to the number of lights that he can display. Are clear lights legal in NY? Or a Blue/Clear light? I think they are illegal, but hear conflicting reports, even from LEOs... Then again, how often does this stuff (having multiple blue lights) get enforced? I see plenty of guys (vffs) with strobes or red/blues in the rear...
  14. Jealous!!! I wish I had the cash to drop on my pov like that... Whack-Tastic, but very tasteful. The only other thing I would go for would be 5% (limo dark) tint on the windows and black steel (police package) rims. Thing would look like the batmobile...
  15. The Camaros do have a back seat, but it's only big enough for the Trooper's gear bag. You would have to pull the seat waaaay forward and squeeze the prisoner back there to get him in... The reason they use those bars, is because they are only 1 of two that are in compliance with the roof of the car. The roofs used to be made of fiberglass until we had one bust off here and send the lightbar in the back window. Now all of them are re-enforced or made completely of metal.
  16. Thanks for all of the support guys! I love running my site and I love EMTBravo, spread the word on the new forums!
  17. 1G87 (2006), since retired.
  18. Very nice photoshop, even nicer car... Michigan SP is a very progressive department and tests a lot of different vehicles, it wouldn't surprise me to see them doing something like this. NYSP usually doesn't purchase anything new until MSP has tested it first.
  19. Thanks for bringing that up. Don't be 'that guy'.
  20. Pay attention, practice for the practical on your friends and take practice tests. I had a 96 on the written and missed 0 points on the practical. Take a deep breath, relax and think your way through things. Good luck. PS - If you get the chance with the written, select the on-site scoring. You won't regret it! And not to start a fight, but only learning the stuff here: http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/ems/pdf/emtpse08-06.pdf makes you a robot and a bad EMT, learn everything you can within the scope of your practice. Then study the hell out of those sheets to pass the practical. If you only study those sheets, you will pass, but you won't do well in the field.
  21. Date:12-31-07 Time: 2030HRS Location: Box: 7435 - 309 Emerson St. - (South Boston) Departments: Boston FD, EMS, PD Description: 7th Alarm - Fire in a 5 sty brick multi-dwelling w/ exposures. One vic removed in traumatic arrest. Exterior operations. Links: http://www.myfoxboston.com/myfox/pages/Hom...mp;pageId=1.1.1 Writer: FDNY 10-75
  22. Yeah!!!
  23. From the NY Daily News: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2...isher_scam.html
  24. Great to hear, hope this isn't the only time it works. I wish a speedy recovery to FF Pollard.