FDNY 10-75

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Everything posted by FDNY 10-75

  1. A few of my friends have bridged medic to nurse via Excelsior and DO reccomend it.
  2. Colonie is only the safest because they fudge their numbers and reports. All of the violent crime somehow goes unreported.
  3. As a part time vehicle upfitter, I would recommend the Federal Signal Legend. Nothing beats it. As others mentioned, the Whelen Liberty, Liberty 2010 DUO, and Freedom are all great as are the Tomar Blade, Scorpion and the Sound Off ETL 5000 and the Pinnacle. I personally wouldnt waste my money on Code 3 products, there are plenty of other lightbars that are more effective than their products and cost a lot less...
  4. Just to add on to what I said earlier: Many of these knock off companies offer a "lifetime" or 5 year warranty, but when these places go belly up in 6 months or a year and your light stops working, your warranty is no good. Not to say they all go out of business, but from what I have read, many of them do.
  5. All the knockoff lights out there generally suck. The money you save buying the knockoffs will turn out to later be a waste when they stop working. Stick with Whelen, Federal Signal, Code 3, Sound Off or Axixtech. You will only spend the money once. If you want information on real (bright and reliable) lights, check out elightbars.org.
  6. They should have beaten the a** hole taking the video too.
  7. Union Vale, NY FD 67-31 2010 International 7600/US Tanker Patriot 500/3000 #A3943
  8. Did anyone go to this? Anyone have photos??
  9. Great stuff Joe!
  10. Great shot Joe! Is any lettering going to be added above the doors on the body?
  11. The RR tracks were closed while firefighting operations were in progress. Amtrak and CP Rail police & engineers were on the scene. Another section of freight track (separate line) was closed so that LDH could be laid across to supply engines from another main. On another note - http://www.esquire.com/features/perfect-fire-0700 Reposted from FF Close Calls article, but a great read.
  12. Heres a link to the photos I shot with audio from the fire: http://10-75.net/incidents/2010/afd3rdalm102210.htm
  13. I will post some photos as soon as they are lettered at Garrison Fire.
  14. I was lucky enough to get this shot, but I would like to get back there to photograph the rest of the department.
  15. The shots look great Seth. As far as getting an 'in', there must be a "load day" which is usually a day or two before where the various companies bring the trucks, wash them outside and then bring them into the building. I have always had great luck at the NY & NE fire shows shooting the apparatus the day before (although one or two always manage to slip by).
  16. From what I understand a member of the Fire Bell Club was arrested, had his camera and Bell Club shield confiscated by the NYPD for photographing apparatus at a fire.
  17. Thanks, I will probably be there for photos.
  18. Any list of departments that will be attending? Thanks
  19. Seth, 18mm is plenty wide angle, in fact anything less is considered ultra wide.
  20. Seth, use a lens with a low f/Stop to let as much light in as possible. A wide angle lens will help you get apparatus in (if thats what you are shooting). I usually set the exposure time to 1/30th of a second, but you might find you have problems with blurring at this speed so be careful. If you are photographing models, use a macro capable lens. Increasing your ISO will allow more light in, but will also increase noise. This setting will be dependent on the camera as some of the new Nikons look great at iso 3200 where some of the older ones are atrocious at iso 800 and above. I would usually shoot at f/2.8 @ 1/30th or 1/60th with an iso of 400-800. Also, you can use a flash with fire apparatus, you just need a good diffuser to keep from getting ghosts when shooting the reflective striping. It also helps to aim the flash above the subject and bounce the light down on to it. HTH!
  21. A quick day trip to Hastings to get photos of their new tiller, the parade and some other apparatus - Hastings, NY Ladder 22 2010 KME Predator 100' Tillered Aerial GSO #7836