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About fac911

  • Birthday 08/11/1976

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Profile Information

  • Location Yonkers,NY
  • Agency OLM*EMS

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  1. Love the new thin blue line. They must have a awesome chief!
  2. Our dispatchers went to State Police in hawthorne where our back up system is
  3. YPD & YFD radio system has been down for a couple days now.
  4. They sure did. They ruined one of the best EMS departments around with some of the best EMT'S & Medic's I ever worked with for over 10 years. A lot of peoples lives changed due to Transcare coming into Montefiore (Our Lady Of Mercy) and destroying that department. It was a end of an era.
  5. YPD is using there back up radio system
  6. And you wonder why you can't get people to volunteer. Its BS like that.
  7. In the Westchester County Police Academy we spent 2 days doing active shooter training. 1st day was all classroom 2nd was hands on training inside of a school. IMO it was good training but not enough of it. In Yonkers about 50% of us went though 2 days of active shooter training given by Home Land Security. IMO by far the best training i went though so far as a cop. YPD goal is to have the whole department going though this training.
  8. Thanks to our wonderful system!
  9. AMEN to that. I would do the same to know when I dial 911 a cop from a town job would be here in minutes for the suspicious male in my yard or , a Paid EMT & Firefighter would be here too instead of 3 re tones for a crew while some one is having a heart attack. You can put a price on safety
  10. Who care? People should just mind there business if it does not concern you.
  11. Yea thats not going t happen. Your source is wrong
  12. We just used it in Yonkers we just got a brand new machine very real training.
  13. Yonkers police department has hired 35 people. Most of them already have gotten there phone calls. They start thursday 1/6/11 academy starts 1/10/11 good luck to them.