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  1. xfirefighter484x liked a post in a topic by toastedsound in IAFF Local 2623 St. Patrick's Day T-Shirts   
    As long as these don't involve Bohlmann with iron-ons again... That was painful to watch...
  2. xfirefighter484x liked a post in a topic by toastedsound in IAFF Local 2623 St. Patrick's Day T-Shirts   
    As long as these don't involve Bohlmann with iron-ons again... That was painful to watch...
  3. toastedsound liked a post in a topic by Anthony Tester in Dutchess County Cuts Fire Investigation Division From 2011 Budget   
    For those of you who think that the training is minimal, you better think again. In your free time pick up NFPA 921 (or if you really want to be on up to date, the new edition should be out anytime now). I encourage you to read and comprehend the entire document. When you have completely absorbed all of it, pick up NFPA 1033. And when you have understood Daubert and Gate keeping, by all means do not stop there...
    Fire Investigation HAS NEVER been so comprehensive and scientific than it is right now. If you think a fire chief is going to stroll into court, state the facts, and not be shredded on the stand, it is not just going to happen.Cases are now being overturned because of "junk science". Look up the Todd Willingham case if you really want an eye opener.
    I have been doing this as a career for the last several years and it has become such a specialized field it almost to the point you have to be an engineer in the particular case you are working on. Most investigators now have so many letters and advanced degrees after their names its almost funny.
    Support the Dutchess County FID. They as a team serve a very important function for the county, and they do it without getting paid.
    If you do not realize their importance now, maybe you will when the DA cannot get a conviction because he / she does not have the resources.
  4. PVFD233 liked a post in a topic by toastedsound in City of Poughkeepsie Ambulance Contract   
    Is this a joke?
  5. PVFD233 liked a post in a topic by toastedsound in City of Poughkeepsie Ambulance Contract   
    Is this a joke?
  6. helicopper liked a post in a topic by toastedsound in City of Poughkeepsie Ambulance Contract   
    If I recall, Jarred, I was your partner that Saturday. And we also found out that they weren't buffing anything, it was a misunderstanding because there was an injured MOS. Don't try to stir the pot just for the sake of antagonizing, that's not what this forum is for. You're better then that.
  7. toastedsound liked a post in a topic by TAPSJ in City of Poughkeepsie Ambulance Contract   
    They do Medic 276 and medic 267 believe I know for a fact they do!!!
  8. toastedsound liked a post in a topic by xfirefighter484x in City of Poughkeepsie Ambulance Contract   
    And how many times had TC called out responding to Millbrook or PV (prior to the new contract) from Vassar hospital, or anything of that sort? Or what about Alamo responding to East Fishkill from Vassar Hospital (yes, it used to happen, I heard it myself). NDP has called out with long hauls for 911 jobs before as well.
    All Commercial agency that I have even known in this area has had their incidences of extended responses, so let's be fair...
    To quote what you yourself said;
    Regardless, I wish the best to MLSS with this contract. Time will show everyone whether or not they can handle what they got themselves into, so at least give them a chance.
  9. EFFD4091-MLSS emt liked a post in a topic by toastedsound in City of Poughkeepsie Ambulance Contract   
    You realize that "4 minutes for ALS and 6 minutes for BLS" was referring to average response. That means that with enough responses under the limit, you can still have plenty way over. MLSS provides fractile percentages within the national standard. This means that no matter what, a city resident will have an ambulance at their door within 9 minutes every time, no matter what. If 10% of the time this does not happen, MLSS will pay money. It's a way of ensuring reliability and accountability. In most cases, you should be able to respond to an emergency in the city fairly quickly, common sense tells me it shouldn't be a problem. One other thing MLSS is famous for is carefully researched station locations, as well as multiple stations in one single area. When you increase the response footprint of multiple units, you can decrease response times.
  10. EFFD4091-MLSS emt liked a post in a topic by toastedsound in City of Poughkeepsie Ambulance Contract   
    How often can you really say this happens? I can tell you it is not very often, especially not for high-priority calls.
    TAPS, with all due respect, I believe you are misinformed about a few things. First of all, the units you listed here are not always in the same areas. Second of all, the village contracts for one unit. A second unit comes on shift mid-afternoon for extra call coverage and backfill. This does not necessarily mean it is sitting in Wappingers. MLSS covers a huge territory including most of Orange County, Ulster County, and now a large piece of Dutchess County. What I do know for a fact is that they make covering primary response areas a priority. This includes areas in Dutchess such as Fishkill and Wappingers, where no other volunteer ambulances respond and there is a contract in place for such services. I figured if it was going to cause so much of a stir someone should clarify. On a separate note, everyone needs to realize that MLSS is the new guy on the block in Dutchess County but they are not stupid. They have been operating quite efficiently in Orange and Ulster for a very long time. I can assure you they do not do anything without researching first and they are not just running into Poughkeepsie without a solid plan. Also, it appears much of the staff that will be operating in the Poughkeepsie area will be experienced staff, as a matter of fact, I think you will be surprised to see a lot of familiar faces in the area. All politics aside, the important thing is that the city will continue to have excellent emergency services response.
  11. toastedsound liked a post in a topic by Goose in City of Poughkeepsie Ambulance Contract   
    Can't say i agree. Bunch of good, seasoned, City providers will be moving on with this change. As a side bar MLSS has wanted this contract forever....we hated it when they opened up their station in the city limits and would consistently buff 911 jobs. I remember on occasion where a City FD Captain reamed the MLSS crew out for their buffing efforts. Obviously my loyalty lies with the Alamo holdovers (now TC) and it upsets me that they will either have to move on or go through another change of shirts...those that regularly work out of the city are loyal, dedicated, enthusiastic and have great working relationships with FD and PD. It's going to take time for things to re-formulated.
    Oh well, such is par for the course in Dutchess county