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x635 liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in Some Apparatus Photos From My Recent Los Angeles Trip
Seth - just curious - are the tiller drawn apparatus interchangeable 0 ie: can they pull a tractor and replace it with a spare - keeping the unit in service while a tractor is in the shop? Also - there are some obvious differences in the Tractor for the TDA and for the USAR - would they be otherwise interchangeable other than the cabinetry?
x635 liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in Some Apparatus Photos From My Recent Los Angeles Trip
Seth - just curious - are the tiller drawn apparatus interchangeable 0 ie: can they pull a tractor and replace it with a spare - keeping the unit in service while a tractor is in the shop? Also - there are some obvious differences in the Tractor for the TDA and for the USAR - would they be otherwise interchangeable other than the cabinetry?
x635 liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in Some Apparatus Photos From My Recent Los Angeles Trip
Seth - just curious - are the tiller drawn apparatus interchangeable 0 ie: can they pull a tractor and replace it with a spare - keeping the unit in service while a tractor is in the shop? Also - there are some obvious differences in the Tractor for the TDA and for the USAR - would they be otherwise interchangeable other than the cabinetry?
EmsFirePolice liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in Harrison EMS Issues
Also - remember that the Town/Village of Harrison, like many other municipalities in Westchester is protected by not 1, not 2, but 3 different fire departments (Harrison, West Harrison, and Purchase)
wcr20 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Can an Ambulance Be Used as a Flycar?
Hopefully a safe following distance.
wcr20 liked a post in a topic by sympathomedic in Harrison EMS Issues
That increased visibility worked great: St Agnes is closed and the bld is now an assisted living facility. Our Lady of Mercy was bought out by Monte and it ambulance department was closed.
wcr20 liked a post in a topic by FireMedic049 in Study: Tax Savings and Economic Value of Volunteer Firefighters in New York
Another avenue that would be interesting to explore would be the impact of more regionalized fire services.
My county (in PA) has a lot of small departments covering small districts which results in multiple departments responding to most calls. I looked up some figures a few years ago for comparison and found that PG County Maryland and Fairfax County Virginia both had an average fire station to sq. mileage ratio of around 1 station per 10 square miles. My County was around 1 station per 3 square miles.
Additionally, at the time a nearby group of 3 communities collectively had 7 fire stations and at least 14 large apparatus and 7 support vehicles. My city is slightly larger than that area, but with the same population density. We have 2 stations (down from 4 a couple decades ago), 4 large apparatus and 2 support vehicles. We run around twice as many first due calls as that group and a lot more working fires. Why do they need so much more to do less?
How much money could be saved if we consolidated into fewer stations with less duplication of apparatus? Could that create the call volume and labor pool large enough that each station could be staffed most, if not all of the time? What would be the impact of that on dispatch to on scene response times and incident outcomes compared to what they are now?
wcr20 liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in Declining Volunteers a Real Issue in Rural NY
Unfortunatly, this issue is not confined to "rural" NY. Declining volunteerism is an issue from the city line, north. That said, there are a lot of dedicated volunteers who could (and would like) to do more. The current system is truely a hindrance and a serious overhaul is needed. Smaller town and village fire departments shouuld be combined into larger area districts. The pool of active volunteers would better service a larger area and more call volume. In areas where necessary, by population and call volume, could be supplemented by a career staff.
Towns and villages really need to give up a little control and allow for a vastly superior, efficient reorganization. Emergency services can operate more effectivly on economies of scale, to some degree.
I live in Westchester, in a high-tax community. I work in the poorest congressional district in the United States. The residents of said congressional district recieve vastly superior Fire and EMS service. Why does anyone think this is acceptatble? Everyone, regardless of municipality should demand equal emergency service protections.
This is not a volunteer/career issue. This is not one municipality vs. another....this is a life safety issue for citizens and responders. We can better utilize our emergency personel, improve and better utilize volunteer service and compliment with career firemen when needed.
Lets smarten up.
dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in New Hampton NY FD Wetdown For A Metz Ladder 8/15/15
Went to a wetdown once somewhere in the Great Neck, NY area, about 30 years ago (damn, I'm getting old) - no idea what department or where specifically - doesn't matter...
One wise guy climbed aboard an engine and intended to spray the new engine/truck with a deck monitor, and as he swung the monitor around toward the intended victim, he blew the dome off the rooflight on his own pumper with the monitor stream.
wcr20 liked a post in a topic by STAT213 in Taking a Ride in the Pelham Fly Car
Yup. Well done.
I bout spit out my coffee at one part though. THREE radios? He has to carry THREE radios? And calls come from any one of those? WHAT. THE. F$&*??!!
Is this 1980? I live up in cow Hampshire. Bout as rural as you can get. My state issued radio can talk to EVERY dispatch center. All of em. All of our 911 calls are answered in one of two places. Then dropped down to local dispatch centers who tone out crews. There's no WONDERING if I should go on a call. If the voice in the ceiling says go, I go.
You folks need to stop accepting your status quo. Step up and lead. Be that guy. How is it possibly better and more efficient to have to carry THREE radios? Do they do this in NEW YORK CITY? Anywhere?
Rant over. Carry on.
87D124 liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in FDNY Command Post Radio
Just curious - at 45W how long does the battery last?
87D124 liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in FDNY Command Post Radio
Just curious - at 45W how long does the battery last?
Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in Ambulance - Half A Crew
So by waiting for AFTER the 3rd tone failure, your response time is already 9-15 minutes and the patient is dead.
Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in Ambulance - Half A Crew
So by waiting for AFTER the 3rd tone failure, your response time is already 9-15 minutes and the patient is dead.
wcr20 liked a post in a topic by WCPD Aviation in Westchester County PD Aviation
My name is Vincent Antonecchia, I am a Sergeant with the Westchester County Police and the Commanding Officer of The Westchester County Police Aviation Unit. After being alerted to the content of this forum, I am compelled to respond professionally, clear up any false information or misconceptions and provide accurate details about our capabilities and the mechanism for requesting our services.
We are still very much assisting regional jurisdictions and municipalities. The Unit consists of six police officers, including myself and we are all trained as Tactical Flight Officers. One officer is our Unit mechanic. He is A&P/IA licensed through the FAA and has extensive experience and training in the commercial aviation industry. We currently have two Bell 407 helicopters and there are four commercially rated helicopter pilots with varying backgrounds, training and experience. Safety is our number one priority and we strive to be available and provide whatever resources we can to Police, Fire and OEM's. Recently, at the request of the Westchester County DPW, we used our infrared FLIR technology to locate a large underground steam leak at the Westchester Medical Center and prevented the need to dig multiple and costly search holes.
We are available 24/7/365, but obviously limited during inclement weather, high winds, crew availability and concurrent operations. Due to manpower limitations, calls for service and budget constraints, we staff the Unit five days a week from 0900/2400 hours. Our services are FREE as we are a regional asset and regularly operate outside of Westchester County. Any municipality requesting air support should contact the WCPD Desk Officer at (914) 864-7890. Any specific questions concerning the Unit and our capabilities can contact me directly at (914) 995-5019.
The following is a list of our most commonly requested services and capabilities in no particular order:
Bambi-Bucket (fire fighting) operations. We do not require Forest Ranger of SEMO authorization to be called, but requests should be based on common sense, severity and requesting agency protocols FLIR (Infrared) searches (day & night) - Great for locating suspects, lost hikers or "Hot-spots" at fire scenes Ice/water rescue Scene Illumination Aerial photography (Video and/or stills) Surveillance and/or reconnaissance Live video microwave downlinking Project Lifesaver Special Response Team and/or equipment insertion or extraction Scene Illumination Locating and identifying fuel spills/contamination of waterways Force multiplier We are currently conducting hoist training with the WCPD Emergency Services Unit and Marine Unit and will have this completed in mid-May.
Thank you to all who have supported our cause and utilized our services. We look forward to providing whatever regional air support is necessary to increase safety and enhance or further your mission success.
wcr20 liked a post in a topic by dave0820 in Happy Festivus
We don't need "Festivus" to air grievances on this site
wcr20 liked a post in a topic by STAT213 in Unknown Rig at 10-60 Train Derailment in the Bronx
Anytime an unmarked vehicle of that size shows up at ANY scene, it's a good bet nothing good has happened, and that the vehicle serves a purpose that if lettered would scare the crap out of the general public.
wcr20 liked a post in a topic by STAT213 in New Dodge Ram Promaster Van
Holy Hannah, that is one ugly f$&*%ng truck.
paratrooper75 liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in What Does "Expedite The Medic" Mean?
My Favorite was always just the opposite command: "Respond with caution". I always wanted to ask if they thought we were using reckless abandon before they gave that sage advise.
paratrooper75 liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in What Does "Expedite The Medic" Mean?
My Favorite was always just the opposite command: "Respond with caution". I always wanted to ask if they thought we were using reckless abandon before they gave that sage advise.
CM36 liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in WCPD Communications To Handle Tuckahoe PD Calls Overnight
Seth, my friend, that right there is the multi-million dollar question in Westchester Co.
One could just as easily ask (and no one jump down my throat here, please), Why does Harrison have/need 1 PD, 1 EMS, and 3 FD? You gotta figure that there could be cost savings there too. Or Town of Greenbugh, too?
CM36 liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in WCPD Communications To Handle Tuckahoe PD Calls Overnight
Seth, my friend, that right there is the multi-million dollar question in Westchester Co.
One could just as easily ask (and no one jump down my throat here, please), Why does Harrison have/need 1 PD, 1 EMS, and 3 FD? You gotta figure that there could be cost savings there too. Or Town of Greenbugh, too?
peterose313 liked a post in a topic by wcr20 in FDNY Chief Ride Along Video From 1927
Now - admit it - wouldn't you like to see a 2013 remake in a Suburban, same streets, same sidewalks?