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Everything posted by wcr20

  1. Whats the little thing on top of the rear cabinet?
  2. I just grabbed the free version - havent even listened to it yet... Free version gives you 5 channels (their choice) Full version claims 900+. Full currently 99 cents, they imply its going to go up at some point. Also - if you search the old posts here, you will see one with instructions on setting up "FStream" to grab internet feeds too.
  3. the underlying truck is kinda interesting too. Mitsubishi maybe from the grille?
  4. Coupla AR-15s velcroed to the skids, some string through the trigger guards?
  5. Not that I'm familiar with the climate there, but do these officers also have a take home car for on bad weather days, or do they make their way to the station for a pool unit?
  6. I ran across this information on another site, but thought some here might be interested... (I haven't seen this posted here, but if it has, I apologize for the duplication) Forgot your radio, pager, or scanner? That certain 'BUFFiness' suddenly washing over you? Got that iPhone in your pocket? Then you've got almost everything you need. Download and install FStream from the App Store (its free) Search online for the URL for your favorite scanner stream (you need the address for the stream itself, not for the site) Instead of a radio station stream, set up the URL in FStream After setting up the URLs, change the setting under "More..." to allow use of the cellular network That's pretty much it; select play and then select the stream you want to hear I spent my train ride home today (in Chicago) listening to FDNY Citywide, and some local stuff too. I'd like to hear your feedback: if others find this useful, perhaps we can start posting useful URLs to this thread?? I would bet that there's probably an application available for Treos and Blackberrys that might do the same thing.
  7. I wanted to get licence plates that said REVO EVOM
  8. 2nd picture is a type 3. Type 2 is a full fan body (no box) conversion.
  9. Ya know - I guess its not the prettiest thing in the world, but I kinda like the overall idea. On the other hand - the sides are, IMHO, done worng - the striping should lead down and away from center mass of the vehicle, like on the rear, based on the research/guidelines I've heard. But it will be seen, except by those incapable (ie: drunk), or simply clueless.
  10. Medic 25- Can you post the info you found?
  11. Chicago Fire (Main and south) url: http://icecast.scanamerica.us/chicago_fire format: mp3 bitrate 16
  12. I have a bberry from work, but i cant install non-work related stuff - so i cant answer that. I also dont have a Treo. My wife has a Windows mobile device, so I could look at that eventually - but she has absolutely no interest in this. here is what i have successfully used with FStream on my iPhone for FDNY: url: http://icecast.scanamerica.us/ny_nyfd format: mp3 bitrate 16
  13. In Chicago, I usually see the bicycles and Seqways in "patrol pairs".
  14. While I'm not sure about motorcycles, Chicago FD does run bicycles andSegways on the streets during acceptable weather. They also have specialty carts (there are both fire and ems equipped carts) at special events.
  15. This may be nit-picky, but does it bother anyone that the paper termed a chest pain call "more pedestrian duty"?
  16. what are those little blue logo things below the slide out drawers that look like they themselves pull out?
  17. http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2008/10...side-crash.html
  18. Your son takes nice shots - Well Done.
  19. Real Nice shots!! Question - are the 2 trucks identical, and will they carry the same loads?
  20. Funny WAS - I was thinking the EXACT same thing...
  21. Evening all.. Texaco - adjacent to it's WHQ in Purchase used to also own the property west of Purchase St. known as "Star Farms" right where Kennilworth Rd hits it. The entrance for this property - which is now 7 or so really big homes is still there. However, enter the WAY BACK machine with me, and travel back to 1983 or so, when Harrison VAC (Now Harrison EMS) was headquartered in 1 room oon the porperty of St. Vincent's Hospital on North St. It was very difficult to work and respond in that situation, (one driver hit a low overhang with the high mod box and brought about 800 lbs. of concrete down on the truck). After talking with Texaco, they agreed to allow us the use of one of the buildings on their property, while the current headquarters was built. The building was mostly unused, except for storage of supplies and furniture for they offices across the way. In the basement garage (actually a carriage house complete with horse stalls, to show you the age of the building) there was one very interesting item though... see - every Fire Chief needs an engine, and Texaco's chief was no exception - there was an early 60's (?) vintage ALF engine, painted up with Texaco logos in storage there. A real beaut too. It was moved elsewhere before we actually took occupancy, and I have no idea if they still have it, but for those of us old enough, it would be no surprize that they had this as part of that long running campaign.
  22. thanks Pemo3 - i didnt know if it referred to containing crowds, bombs, or something else....