Fortunatly your VAC is blessed with just a large compliment of trained personell as to be able to staff each run with 3-4 EMTs. Unfortunatly your VAC is in the minority. In this day and age of working families with many people working 2-3 jobs to "get by", VACs in many areas have been suffering from a lack of manpower in general, with trained EMTs often being a scarce commodity. Generally, when we refer to an attendant, we mean a 3rd (and sometimes 4th or god forbid 5th) person on the crew whom is neither driver nor EMT/Crew Chief. Yes they can be an EMT as well, but generally they are "First Aiders" who (as Chris said) are trained in CPR/First Aid. Do you have any tips for recruitment for us since you seem to have a plethora of EMTs? Recruiting and retaining members is paramount in the survival of any volunteer agency these days, and yours seems to be doing it quite well. By the way, in NJ, can EMTs start IVs and Intubate? You mentioned that you can do just about everything except drugs. Just curious as I don't know Jersey's certification levels well, but I do know that EMTs from New York can go to New Jersey and work without reciprocity.