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Posthumously promoted to the well deserved rank of Detective today.
Rest in peace Officer Perry, and my condolences to his family.
New York Times Article 4/10/2009
Rest in peace, any my prayers to his family and Departments.
The Police Officer's Prayer to St. Michael Police Officer's Prayer to St. Michael Saint Michael, heaven's glorious commissioner of police, who once so neatly and successfully cleared God's premises of all its undesirables, look with kindly and professional eyes on your earthly force. Give us cool heads, stout hearts, and uncanny flair for investigation and wise judgement. Make us the terror of burglars, the friend of children and law-abiding citizens, kind to strangers, polite to bores, strict with law-breakers and impervious to temptations. You know, Saint Michael, from your own experiences with the devil that the police officer's lot on earth is not always a happy one; but your sense of duty that so pleased God, your hard knocks that so surprised the devil, and your angelic self-control give us inspiration. And when we lay down our night sticks, enroll us in your heavenly force, where we will be as proud to guard the throne of God as we have been to guard the city of all the people. Amen.
Rest in peace brother Officer.
Done, #124246!
Come on...........I am sure you said that to the Officer! Why would the Officer be asking to search you and your belongings in the first place? I don't remember attending that class in the Police Academy (police propaganda/ mind tricks), and it's the fourth amendment which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures NOT unusual ones!
Disciplinary Hearing Editorial Tonight is the hearing (1/15/09) at Pleasantville Village Hall, which is located at the intersection of Bedford Road and Wheeler Avenue. The meeting starts at 5:30 pm. Please come and show your support.
Rest in peace, and thank you for your service and ultimate sacrifice.
Online Petition Please sign the petition and forward to your friends.
The Town of North Castle Police Department is a professional organization, which is supported by a force of thirty eight sworn members. As a witness to the misinformation that was presented at the board meeting this past Wednesday, and the erroneous mailings distributed by certain disgruntled members of the community, I am still in state of disbelief. The Chief of the Police Department addressed the meeting and informed the Board and attendees that a personnel study that was undertaken more than ten years ago by the State of New York determined that the Department was understaffed. The study recommended the addition of Officers to the Department in order to adequately fulfill the responsibility of the delivery of police services to the community. Since the receipt of that study more than ten years ago, and a large increase in development/ population the Police Department still has not attained the number of personnel in this study. Additionally, within the past ten years this nation and most dramatically this State have experienced the tragic results of a terrorist act. It is clear from the few testimonials offered by members of the community at the board meeting in support of the Police Department that its members wear many hats in their expanding range of services offered to the community. It also must be clearly stated, that the North Castle Police Department is not the “Armonk Police Department.” Rather, the North Castle Police Department is not similar to “Mayberry” it provides police services to an area encompassing 26 square miles, which includes, Armonk, North White Plains, and Banksville. I am troubled in how in such a small community, the small number of people who oppose public servants and their significance can have such an overwhelming effect on the board to result in a layoff. I urge members of the public, government officials, and anyone with a voice of reason to show their support for the North Castle Police Department. I believe that in these troubling economic times those persons in the fields of business, finance, etc., are the ones who attack the compensation and numbers in public service. However, when economic times were good those persons had no notion in participating in a blue collar civil service system, rather they basked themselves in high salaries, large bonuses, and countless other benefits. Ironically, these bonuses and other compensation received in the field of business are being attributed to the current economic crisis. Whether these people are doctors or business owners they made the choice to pursue careers in a potential volatile market, rather then enter a once secure profession in the field of civil service. Concerned MOS
I could have not said it any better, and I offer my prayers and condolences to the family of this Officer who made the ultimate sacrifice.
God Speed to the family, friends, and fellow workers; and swift justice to the perps involved!
I know State Police is issuing under V&T section 1219 for this type of violation. I have seen alot of shining stars clear just enough snow or ice from their windshield to make it onto the roadway with the anticipation that the rest will blow off. Instead of issuing paper upon making a stop I usually direct them to remove all snow and ice, which is sometimes quite interesting to witness. § 1219. Putting glass or other injurious substances on highway prohibited. (a) No person shall throw or deposit upon any highway any glass bottle, glass, nails, tacks, wire, cans, snow or any other substance likely to injure any person, animal, or vehicle upon such highway.
The I-684 incident ended in North Castle. The Trooper RMP catches the limo reversing down the Exit 3 southbound on ramp. The Police SUV in the vehicle is a North Castle ESU truck who was assisting. The vehicle crashed on Hunter Avenue, which is all residential making it a miracle no one was killed! And the kicker is the limo was not stolen the guy just had a suspended license!
This is an insult to the deceased, his family, and every emergency service provider! The results of the investigation are not even complete, and as an accident investigator myself it sometimes takes months to accurately complete an accident investigation of this nature. How can we state that from this itradegy should come lessons. There is a time and place for everything, and to point fault at anyone at this time is a disgrace! Why not honor and pay tribute to the gentleman involved in this tragedy and save the monday morning quarterbacking for the average layperson not the professionals that I believe are part of this forum! I extend my prayers to the deceased and his family in this difficult time.
Two incidents that have happened, and let it be noted I am also a volunteer ff. 1. Volunteer FF drives by a MVA w/ PD on scene. The volunteer takes it upon himself to determine that FD is needed because of his visual observation of the scene. This volunteer proceeds to his FD station and advises fire control to dispatch FD for an MVA w/ what I remember as either extrication or injuries at the location he observed the PD out on. FD responds and when it is determined that the request for FD response was made by a passing FF, PD flips the lid. There was no need for FD response, and is actually caused a large amount of traffic congestion due to fd presence. This FD is not ems. 2. Volunteer FF's attempted to request their chief to question pd over an MVA. FF reported that he heard on the pd scanner the night before what sounded like a bad MVA. FF further reported that when he drove by the following day he observed speedy dry material in the area of the MVA. The FF's argument was that the PD did not do their job properly by not having them respond for a fluid spill. It was explained to the requesting members that this is what creates bad relationships in emergency services when there members within monday morning quarter backing each other! It should be noted that it is the responsibility of a tow truck operator at the scene of an MVA to remove all debris from the roadway. Vehicle and Traffic Law 1219.C This is not a bashing post, but a mere example how we tend to be are own worst enemies when it comes to judging other emergency service agencies. All Departments are professional and knowledgable, and if they need each other let the person on scene or supervisor make the request, NOT the person listening to a scanner sitting on their couch!
Re: Lights § 375. Equipment. (NYS V&T Law) 41. Colored and flashing lights. The provisions of this subdivision shall govern the affixing and display of lights on vehicles, other than those lights required by law. 1. No light, other than a white light, and no revolving, rotating, flashing, oscillating or constantly moving white light shall be affixed to, or displayed on any vehicle except as prescribed herein. 2. Red lights and certain white lights. One or more red or combination red and white lights, or one white light which must be a revolving, rotating, flashing, oscillating or constantly moving light, may be affixed to an authorized emergency vehicle, and such lights may be displayed on an authorized emergency vehicle when such vehicle is engaged in an emergency operation, and upon a fire vehicle while returning from an alarm of fire or other emergency. Re: Sirens § 375. Equipment. (NYS V&T Law) 26. A gong or siren whistle shall not be used on any vehicle other than an authorized emergency vehicle. This shall not be construed to apply to a gong or siren designed and used solely as a burglar alarm on a vehicle. I have routinely enforced both of these sections. There is no need to have something on your vehicle that a layperson could construe as being an emergency warning device. I am a volunteer myself and I respect the use of courtest blue and green lights.
I am assigned to my Department's Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit, and we generally work in conjunction with outside agencies including NYS En Con Police. The new vehicles are black with gold lettering, and each one of these officers have a very strong knowledge of commercial vehicle enforcement.
The media is every unformed public employees worst nightmare. The media has only one objective and that is to sensationalize their story. As a police officer they are either going to make you a hero or criminal. Their is no media attention for the "medicore story" ie. PO normal routine! Did anyone take notice of misinformed comments our favorite news station news12 was allowing to be aired from persons connected to the Yonkers incident. The video speaks for itself, and the YPD commissioner sided with the police officers after reviewing the videotape. He concluded that the necessary amount of force was used to overcome the resistance being used against the officers, a textbook use of force situation!!! Further, the commissioner went on to report that a YPD duty captain visited with the defendant while he was in the hospital over the weekend and he made no report of excessive force by YPD. I believe that it was not until a number of community activists groups got involved that the defendant and his family began to sensationalize their story From preliminary reports I believe this person/menace involved in the Yonkers incident has a history (criminal), which includes resisting arrest. From personal experience these upstanding citizens who have a history of resisting arrest attempt to create a larger incident when having a non criminal interaction with a police officer (issuance of a violation summons for his dog). Specifically, these mutts if not arrested quickly will ultimately pose an immediate threat to officers because of the inciting tactics they use in an attempt to gather their cronies to the arrest scene. Large numbers of officers on scene does not equal police brutality as too often portrayed in the media, rather it shows a professional and responsive police department protecting officers and the communites these mutts live in!!
City of White Plains PD exam filing is open, as well as Westchester County Department of Corrections. You can visit each respective website and get the filing info. City of White Plains Department of Personnel Westchester County Department of Personnel
The Town of North Castle Police Department is a full time agency that consists of 38 members. The North Castle Police Department has a number of speciailized units including accident investigation and reconstruction, emergency services, and other investigative units. Additionally, the members of the Department are trained as Emergency Medical Technicians. The Lewisboro PD however is a part time agency supported by the New York State Police.
Police Officer's Prayer to St. Michael Saint Michael, heaven's glorious commissioner of police, who once so neatly and successfully cleared God's premises of all its undesirables, look with kindly and professional eyes on your earthly force. Give us cool heads, stout hearts, and uncanny flair for investigation and wise judgement. Make us the terror of burglars, the friend of children and law-abiding citizens, kind to strangers, polite to bores, strict with law-breakers and impervious to temptations. You know, Saint Michael, from your own experiences with the devil that the police officer's lot on earth is not always a happy one; but your sense of duty that so pleased God, your hard knocks that so surprised the devil, and your angelic self-control give us inspiration. And when we lay down our night sticks, enroll us in your heavenly force, where we will be as proud to guard the throne of God as we have been to guard the city of all the people. Amen.
I attended the NYC academy with Police Officer Enchautegui in 2002, and I also attended his funeral in 2005. Police Officer Enchautegui was killed while taking police action while off duty in an attempt to stop a burglary. He too was promoted posthumously to the rank of Detective. Shortly thereafter he was posthumously awarded the Department's highest award, the Medal of Honor. Both the promotion and receipt of the Medal of Honor was fitting and deserved for Officer Enchautegui, please view the link below to read about this brave officer. I also believe PO Timoshenko deserved this recognition of promotion. He took the job at a pay scale of about $25,000 and gave his life doing his job! Regardless of pay however, it is truly fitting for an officer's family to receive some sort of acknowledgment from the Police Department recognizing their loved one's service. Police Officer Enchautegui