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Everything posted by EXDC203

  1. I have been involved in the towing industry for over 20 years, working on most of Westchester's parkways & interstates. i am also a Past Chief, former E.M.T If the state eliminates the funding for WCPD, trust me it would be devistating, not only to the officers that might lose their jobs, but to us as first responders, and as well to the P.D's that have to pick up the slack. Look at the Saw Mill Pky, after Yonkers, Hastings...not bad mouthing (any) P.D. on the overnight tour can they send a radio car to the parkway for 30-45 min. or more? Part of the parkway is actually in Irvington, than Elmsford, which I know on some nights there is only one car on the road. The only people that will lose on this deal is the General Public. We as first responders will be streched to the limits. I'm sorry for babbling.....just my thoughts.
  2. Sorry to disturb you from doing your............JOB!
  3. We are all willing to help junior officers rise through the ranks, however we must follow the chain of command. I guess it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.
  4. In most departments that I am familiar with.......Deputy Chief rank is for a past Chief who are "available" in situations where a Chief is not. Yes he does outrank a line officer, in most cases he has more experience. However if a Chief shows up on a scene (Chief, 1st Asst,2nd Asst) they will take over command. There is no disrespect for the line officers intended.
  5. Forgive me for being ignorant.....Are the merchant marines an armed force??
  6. The story on the news tonite was very disturbing.......... Peabody Mass Police Dept. wants to recieve holiday pay for working on Sept 11th. Im not sure how many members of Peabody P.D. went to Ground Zero...after the fact.......but, that day was a day for giving all you had!!!! You want extra pay for a JOB YOU DID over 150 miles away? To the members of Peabody P.D. who oppose this I applaude you, to the members who agree with this........you are a disgrace to the uniform.
  7. I hope they dont re-issue "611"...........Rob was one of a kind:)
  8. Bottom line...........Whose relative was it???
  9. Tim..............any pics of "611"??
  10. Date:9/29/08 Time: Location: Cross County Pky @ Saw Mill Pky Frequency: Units Operating: Batt1, E 312, E3?? Description Of Incident: "Washdown" Writer: EXDC203 I know there was a bad M.V.A on the Parkway this morning, I dont know all the details. I did hear Yonkers being toned out with 2 engines + Batt Chief after the investigation was complete, for a washdown...... I mean is that overkill? Does anyone have any more info on this??
  11. Bad enough to tie up 2 engines & a chief ................to clean up?
  12. God Bless America
  13. NYSP.....Thruway... Troop T.............issued A BOLO suspect would kill any officer trying to arrest him & had much more fire power than they had
  14. You want to blame the driver???? A call comes in............Structure Fire, MVA, EMS.........you respond...... stop & pick up the boat???? Unless you are going to a water rescue..............NO!!!!! Paid or Vollie............No driver checks every piece of equipment on their rig every time they get into the driver seat.... Do You?
  15. Did the IAFF poll its members to see who the majority wanted to endorse? If not my hand would be cramped writing letters to as many union officials as I could.I dont see how a union as big as IAFF would blatenly disreguard the indivdual feelings of its members.
  16. So should they stop enforcement because a Trooper was killed? How many Police Officers have been killed in crown victoria's ? Did the stop driving them? I agree cops have a dangerous job.......but they all know that going in.
  17. You want to write tickets for seatbelts & cell phones???? Stand in a toll booth. I see 55-65% of the people who come through committing one or both of these offenses.
  18. Lets look at the big picture............What color is not it...........its what the LAW allows. The NYS Volunteer Firefighters Assc. fought long & hard to get things straight. The old law stated that the blue light was for use on the personel vehicle of a volunteer firefighter ONLY. New studies proved that Blue was the last color that a drunk lost in his vision, I argued for years about not having blue on police cars or apparatus because it was illegal...........change the law. Now the law reads POV of vols & rear on police vehicles. Dont get me wrong, i agree if they help a drunk see a police car........it will help see other emergency vehicles as well. Lets do things right & lobby to change the law once again, to include all emergency vehicles.
  19. Who is paying for that third bay??.........Since the Elmsford Fire Company owns the building....and charges the village rent on the appartatus floor.
  20. What WHOOHAA designed this? Air Horns under the mirrors............... those spot lights...............lets not forget that ILLEGAL blue light in the rear................................................
  21. Rest in Peace...........
  22. A certain former Westchester Chief used to take his department vehicle to Giants Stadium...............Whole new can of worms. Not only was he out of his district, but out of state????