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texastom791 liked a post in a topic by x635 in Greenburgh Police Goes Black And White
OK, so this may be old news to some of you, but it's newer news to me since nobody else has bothered to share this here lol. Greenburgh PD has gone to black and white and I wanted to share some photos:
OLD scheme:
NEW scheme:
SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Heavy Rescue capable FD's in Westchester-Putnam area
Carmel does in fact have multiple members that are technical rescue trained we run a heavy rescue with various technical rescue equipment on it a rescue engine with an array of tech rescue equipment as well as a tech rescue trailer with miscellaneous equipment on it we're available to respond anywhere or train with any department as far as an official team we have nothing officially organized
SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Heavy Rescue capable FD's in Westchester-Putnam area
Carmel does in fact have multiple members that are technical rescue trained we run a heavy rescue with various technical rescue equipment on it a rescue engine with an array of tech rescue equipment as well as a tech rescue trailer with miscellaneous equipment on it we're available to respond anywhere or train with any department as far as an official team we have nothing officially organized
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by letsgo1547 in Heavy Rescue capable FD's in Westchester-Putnam area
If I'm not mistaken but doesn't Carmel fire department in putnam county have a squad, squad 12
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by letsgo1547 in Heavy Rescue capable FD's in Westchester-Putnam area
oh im sorry, I know a few guys there and they claim they have a squad and one of the best truck companies around, sorry for the mix up
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by Pagers in 24th WMD-CST
Caught the 24th WMD-CST over the weekend, missing one pickup and trailer though.
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by x635 in Paramedic Programs in Florida
Are you currently an EMT?
Pasco-Hernando State College offers one:
Also, a little farther south in Tampa, Hillsborough Community College (About an hour south depending on where you are in Hernando) offers one:
Sunstar EMS is the Paramedic/EMS provider:
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by danrango in NYSEG Wants To Use Fire Police For Traffic Details
So we shouldn't do it for the police on accident investigations cause they are getting paid?? Come on really just help each other out and stop whining
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in "Chicago Fire" (TV Show)
I hope it isn't anything like 'Rescue Me'. Essentially I felt that 'Rescue Me' was an embarassment to the fire service. It portrayed the main characters as completely disfunctional, sub par human beings except for those times when they answered an alarm. Otherwise in or away from the station, they were a--holes.
Not a single character I would want a young member to emulate.
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by EMS92 in "Chicago Fire" (TV Show)
can't wait to see it....hope it is just as good at third watch...but then again nothing can replace how good third watch was!!
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by RWC130 in County 800 Mhz Trunked System...the future?
As of 2013 all radios will look like this
and they will work!
http://2.bp.blogspot...ophone 3502.jpg
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Croton Fire Department "Trailer" video
After months of work, one of our members recently put together this video "trailer" to help us attract some newer members, and to show people what we do and who we are.
We are in the midst of a recruitment campaign that will be unveiling soon. It will feature a new website (I hope), a recently created Facebook page (facebook.com/crotonfire) and signs/posters put up around our community.
Please check out the video and let the creator, Meraash, know how nicely done it is.
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by SWS1 in Brewster Parade Photos
To all those reading this thread, the banter has been going on since 2002 when a parade invitation was lost in the mail.
Mill Plain started last and it has become a highlight of Mill Plain and Brewster to see what will happen. When you look at the relationship between the two it started in 1945 when Mill Plain was born, some 85 years after Brewster was started.
A brotherhood was formed that still remains today. Eight years ago Mill Plain and Miry Brook started coverinng for Brewster and Mahopac Falls so that they and their families could enjoy themselves at the convention in Lake George and the interaction between them is amazing. We have become one department spanning two states enjoying each other stories and families. Also the residents of Southeast and visitors applaud like crazy when they come through.
This is written by the past chief of Mill Plain who helped start it and who is now a captain and vice president of Brewster. As for mill plain and all the rest when stuff happens they are top notch organizations and i am proud to have been a member of three out of four of them so heres to brewsterfalls ,mill plain and miry brook, some of us salute you
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Brewster Parade Photos
Sonny, you really need to lighten up! This wasn't an annual inspection or an emergency response. It was a parade and they were having fun, as they should. I thought it was funny and I knew none of the back story or the relationship between Mill Plains and Brewster (thanks FitzJr for sharing).
I think the "skit" as fitz described it is a pleasant distraction from the line of trucks and the rigid formations of uniforms. So people may not have known the inner workings of the relationship between the departments but they had to laugh at the folly and the departure from the norm.
Personally, I'm glad someone was having fun! "LIKE" to the boys (and girls) from Mill Plains.
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by fitzjr11 in Brewster Parade Photos
Mill Plain and Brewster have a great relationship. For many years Mill Plain has been last in the parade and always come up with some kind of skit. They are a class outfit and no disrespect should be given for a bunch of guys having fum with tier neighbors.
Sorry, fun with thier neighbors
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in FDNY EMT Exam # 2004 Question
If you are worried about the drug test do us all a favor and look for another career
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by 16fire5 in Brewster - Multiple Alarm Fire 6/15/2012
That's because firefighters put out fires. Trucks definatly don't Engines help.
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Apparatus Identifiers
I thought squads were more than just a traditional rescue on an engine platform? Don't they also have haz-mat/collapse/CBRNE training and response capabilities? To call all engines with a tool or more complex rescue-engines a squad would make it even more confusing (at least to me).
Why not simply call them "RESCUE-ENGINE"? Just two more syllables, no more numbers, and it clearly identifies what they are? Considering how much chatter their is on the radios anyway, two more syllables would hardly be noticeable.
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in For Those Who Prefer Darker Skins
Totally thought this was going in a different direction....
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by ny10570 in Does FDNY Ride Metro North For Free?
The uniform requirement in NYC was under the assumption that cops and firefighters generally only wear their uniforms on duty. Exceptions are infrequent enough as to be insignificant. As grumpy pointed out while they are technically riding for free they are expected to act in the event of an emergency. While these are rare, they are frequent enough that the vast majority of employed cops, firefighters, and ems happily pair their way so as to remain anonymous.
The LIRR shooting was a really big deal. This was not some random spraying of bullets into a crowded train. He walked through the train calmly shooting each passenger as they sat or hid in their seat. He was armed with more than 100 rounds of ammunition and was not stopped until 3 citizens jumped him while he attempted to load his third clip. The public was understandably upset and politicians wanted to get more cops riding the trains. There were proposals put forward to make any cop legally allowed to ride mass transit for free. What is the value of a human life? Not the emotional value, but real world civil court value of a life. One cop on that train and how many lives are saved? I don't agree with randomly handing out free rides to anyone. However if an officer wants to carry and be willing to act, welcome aboard. Its a much cheaper alternative to hiring a cop to ride the train.
How is a discount any different than a free pass? What's a fair break, 10%, 20%, or 99%?
How many joy rides do you think cruisers, fire trucks or ambulances take across the bridges and tunnels? Generally speaking we are making these crossings because we have to. We do not charge the MTA or TBTA for services rendered on their property so why would they charge us for using their crossings? At the start of the budget crunch there was an attempt by the TBTA to start billing emergency vehicles until this very point was made to them. The FD would happily develop a rate structure for responses on their property. Its bad enough that not having an EZPass or using a cash only lane causes actual delays in response while they attempt to record your vehicle number, license plate, and driver ID. Everything has a cost, just because you're not seeing it at the toll booth or turnstile doesn't mean it is not being recouped in another way.
No, but they do frequently receive discounts to all those places and more. How often are doctors, nurses, or lawyers experienced in handling whatever situation they may encounter outside the warm confines of their office? The fact of the matter is emergency service workers are experienced in handling not just the situation but the crowds and uncontrolled environment they find themselves in. Businesses give us discounts for both the goodwill it generates and to attract people that can and will help in an emergency.
The engineer was paid to design the train. Until an engineer voluntarily walks into the MTA's Brooklyn headquarters and hands over a useful design or schematic without outside compensation that's not a valid point. The MTA expects members riding for free to step up and help in an emergency.
For all the calls I handle in public places in Manhattan it is incredibly rare for a bystander not connected to emergency services to stop and help. Nurses are the only exception to this. Everyone else, whether they're suits or laborers all have a volunteer gig or previous career in emergency services.
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Does FDNY Ride Metro North For Free?
When you possess the knowledge to help a situation either through intervention or providing HELPFUL information to responding parties your position as a passenger changes to responder, and for that your fare has already been paid for through hundreds of hours of training and experience. In many cases the hours of experience is in the ten's of thousands. If you look at the ridership on the train, I can guarantee you that when it hits the fan you will see about 99.9% of the riders heading in the right direction, you need those of us who would be heading in the opposite direction there, especially if it is you that needs it.
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Does FDNY Ride Metro North For Free?
Why would someone who lists themselves as a photo enthusiast even come with the statement that says PD FD or EMS should not ride for free. Ask your dad what he thinks. Since you possess zero tools to help in a situation perhaps you should learn some first then see what you have when the stuff really starts to roll down hill, actually you should hope you have one of us on YOUR train to bail you out.
x4093k liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Somers Working Fire 03/27/12
Location:(Amawalk) 36 Mahopac Ave XS Woodcrest Terrace & Arden Drive
Frequency: Somers Fire,Fire13,46.26
Units Operating: Somers Fire/EMS,Yorktown,Bedford Hills (fast),Croton Falls (stand by),C&O zone 4,Nysp,Town building inspector,Nyseg
Weather Conditions: 29 degrees and clear
Description Of Incident:Original dispatch was for a possible structure fire at 36 Mahopac Ave per Somers
dispatch call came through 911 caller was excited reporting possible fire in the attic. LT180 signed on location and reported a heavy smoke condition in the structure with flames visible in the attic and 2441 requested a retone for a working fire. Command reported a 2 story ranch style structure 25 by 50 and requested Yorktown to stand by and a fast out of Bedford Hills. Yorktown moved up to the scene and Croton falls was moved into Somers fire headquarters(Lincolndale house) 119 Primrose street for stand by with 1engine.
Reporters: texastom
Writer: texastom
texastom791 liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in EMS in NYC
I agree. I don't know anyone having trouble finding employment. A quick internet search reveals a number of places recruiting.