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Posts posted by Danger

  1. I agree that this is not even close to a career academy, but I do think that it should be the minimum for interior firefighter, plus a few other classes like FAST and survival. In fact, the way it's phrased it doesn't make sense to have three established standards and yet require none of them for vulunteers. IMHO

  2. Anyone have a list of all departments on scene and on stand by? I know New Hamburg had a rig stationed a village of fishkill and I could see village of wappingers ladder was on scene in the video on pojonews. Which means there were some depts. from pretty far away at this. I could see the smoke while I was leaving work from 55 near Arlington Headquarters and again from the galleria mall.










    New Hackensack



    New Hamburg




    North Highlands

    Mobile Life


    +Lake Carmel

  3. <br />I agree...where is my bail out here in dutchess county? I think we should pull out of the MTA like Rockland County is thinking of doing.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    I think if you're suggesting that dutchess county no longer participates in the railroad you should head down to poughkeepsie beacon and new hamburg at rush hour. I think you would find a lot of people who don't agree. I think you would understand as well as anyone that the best way to remedy an agency that is painful to pay for isn't to dismantle it. You just might have to get creative. QTIP

  4. Here are a few recent articles on the topic:

    New Haven CT:

    "A Missed Opportunity to Put Skills Above Race"

    ...President Obama and his chief law enforcement officer have missed an opportunity to live up to their promise to take the nation beyond the old battle lines over race.

    In one of the most important affirmative action cases of the last 20 years, the Obama administration has decided to support the use of race by New Haven, Conn., in making hiring, firing, and promotion decisions.


    Race Case? Duck and Cover

    in slightly better news...better late than never?

    75 Chicago Firefighters Win Reverse Discrimination Suit After 20 Years of Litigation

    AFTER 20 YEARS OF LITIGATION, 75 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, FIREFIGHTERS have been awarded victory in their reverse-discrimination suit against the city. The white firefighters were all on the lieutenant’s promotional list following an examination in 1986, but the city bumped them down the eligibility order when it implemented a scheme known as “race norming” claiming that the test was unfair to black firefighters.

    Yesterday U. S. District Judge James Holderman ruled that it was the treatment of the firefighters on the eligibility list that was unfair and awarded the group a $6 million settlement for damages and lost pay from not being promoted. Many of the firefighters have already retired.

    A group of 100 other white firefighters previously received tens of millions of dollars and benefits in a separate settlement in the same suit, however they were higher up on the eligibility list because of higher test scores.

  5. Hey Mark,

    Having friends who are volunteers or career staff in Fairview, why wouldn't it be feasible to merge Arlington and Fairview and absorb the career staff into the Arlington ranks? With the exception of the Chief, I'm sure you could easily prove that the manpower and station are still needed and that the Station is strategically located. You would spread the tax burden over most of the Town and not have to worry about your jobs every time you need to have a budget hearing.

    Shawn Beresford

    Chief, Beekman

    Why would an Arlington resident want that? Conversely, I wonder if resolutions from the boards of fire commissioners of Arlington and Roosevelt stating they will not expand their districts would help Fairview's situation?

  6. I don't buy the 18 year old kids saying they don't wear it so they can "feel the heat." That's like lighting a match to see how full your gas can is. I have my hood on top of my pants so it's the first thing that goes on my head, for every single call. Okay, maybe EMS I'll throw it in a pocket. Hood up, flaps down, I've got a long career ahead of me